l have a blue ruler and a black era ser汉语是什么?

作者&投稿:翟怕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Two problems in hearing

One. Pace is too fast for hearing

《中学英语课程标准》states: speechs paced 100 word per minute that are close to student's living, material with minimum new words, will be comprehensible.

However answering to questions that are only few seconds in between needs some answering technique.

Step to take:

1.Require students to preview question and answer before answering, to make them more comfortable

Listen with questioning attitude, so they question with geniun concern(有的放矢不好翻)

2要善于作简要笔记,要眼、耳、心并用。 动笔记录时还应注意运用符号,以简易为主,看懂就行。
2.Be good at taking short notes, using eyes, ears, heart at same time. When taking notes keep a mind on punctuation, simplicity oriented, it's alright if it's comprehensible.

3.Be good at capturing keywords.

We must understand all context at first moment in hearing, that is often very difficult.

But we must be adept in capturing keywords, be brave to guess the meaning.

Two. Mental obstacles

Mental tension mainly appear in exams.

Steps to take

Regarding to students nervouse situation, first tell them that you must comprehend all in the first go, but recognising every word is not feasible, therefor you must facing hearing tests bravely, don't place expectation high, getting a rough idea on meaning is good enough.

Secendly, choosing a material for the hearing training must be appropriate difficulty, let majority of the student understand, let them taste the joy of success, from that, it will develope confidence, hidden potential can only be released by confidence.

should upholding hearing test is a must, but length should not be to long every time, should be controlled within 30 minutes.

The famouse mathematician MR.WEST said:"Foreign language is learnt, not taught" and it is so for English hearing ability too.

The rise of hearing ability, is not matter of one minute work, but acummulated through day and nights, a complex process. Only to rise language ability in a whole, and via intelligent method, under the right coordination of the teacher, and through long term unremitting trainings, can produce satisfying result.


语法:这句话是英语中典型的主谓宾结构的简单句。什么是简单句?就是由一个主语和一个谓语动词所组成的句子。简单句共有五种类型,从谓语动词的语法功能方面判断,谓语动词由不及物动词 充当的构成① 主谓结构简单句。由及物动词充当的构成②主谓结构的简单句;③ 主谓+双宾语结构的简单句;④ 主谓宾+宾补结构的简单句。动词由系动词be,become,keep,remain,get等等充当的则构成⑤主系表结构的简单句。there be 句型是一种特殊的主系表结构的简单句。


类型① I have to go now. 我现在必须走了。

类型② I love ice cream very much. 我酷爱冰激凌。

类型③ My father bought me a bike as my birthday present. 爸爸购买了一辆自行车作为我的生日礼物。

类型④ I find it difficul to understand. 我觉得这很难理解。

类型⑤ The weather is getting colder and colder. 天气越来越冷了。

徐汇区18368087668: 英语l have a ruler怎么读 -
孛荆安尔: I have a ruler 双语例句 1. I have a book, a pencil, a rubber and a ruler. 我有一本书、一支笔、一块橡皮擦和一把尺子. 2. The law is any, initially chose the study law, has not really wantedto result in too many, only thought later will be able to strive ...

徐汇区18368087668: I have a blue car对blue提问 -
孛荆安尔: 答案:【What color does your car? 】你的卡车是什么颜色的?【数学辅导团荣幸为你解答】【为了你宝贵的学习时间,我们将以最简略的方式为你解答】【不懂追问,帮到你的话望及时选为满意答案,谢谢O(∩_∩)O~】

徐汇区18368087668: l have a blue ruler对a blue ruler提问 快快快 -
孛荆安尔: What do you have?祝学习进步O(∩_∩)O 若有疑问,请指出,希望能和你一起探讨~ 如果认为我的回答好的话,请及时采纳,谢谢!

徐汇区18368087668: 英语I have a backpack in bule和 I have a backpack is bule区别 -
孛荆安尔: 后面一句是有语法错误的,应该改为:I have a backpack which is blue in blue表示是……的颜色----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!认可我的回答就记得采纳哟么么哒 o(∩_∩)o

徐汇区18368087668: 我的钢笔是蓝色.英语怎么写 -
孛荆安尔: My pen is blue .我的钢笔是蓝色的 或者I have a blue pen.我有一支蓝色的钢笔 blue在这里做形容词为蓝色的,blue pen蓝色的钢笔 词组还有:blue sky蓝色的天空 希望采纳,谢谢

徐汇区18368087668: I have a blue flower翻译 -
孛荆安尔: 我又一支(朵)蓝色的花

徐汇区18368087668: I have a blue pen in my pencil case的翻译 是我有一个蓝色的钢笔在我铅笔盒里 还是在文具盒里 -
孛荆安尔: 在我的铅笔盒里有一支蓝色的钢笔

徐汇区18368087668: l have a blue pants改错 -
孛荆安尔: 去掉a

徐汇区18368087668: l have a car.lt's blue.【两句合一句】 peter flys a kite in the park.【改为进行时态】 -
孛荆安尔: I have a blue car.Peter is flying a kite in the park Who is asleep?请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )(*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!

徐汇区18368087668: i have a blue toy ship什么意思 -
孛荆安尔: i have a blue toy ship 我有一个蓝色的玩具船 双语对照 例句:1.Hi. My name is jack, I am tall and I have blue eyes. 嗨,我的名字是杰克,我很高,而且有一双蓝色的眼睛.2.Colors than have blue are cool colors because we associate blue will cool water and ice. 有蓝色的颜色被认为是凉爽的颜色,因为我们常把蓝色与冷水和冰相联系

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