
作者&投稿:窄顺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 Yesterday,Lilei went home by bus,he was wait with an old man.
2 Lilei had a seat,he quickly sat down.
3 He saw and old man stand beside him.
4 Lilei stood up,gave the seat to the old man happily.

1 Lucy wanted to hold a birthday party at home yesterday.
2 All her friends came to her home and celeberite with Lucy's family.
3 Lucy's mother gave her a big birthday cake.
4 All her friends and her family say happy birthday to her and they also enjoyed themselves during the party.

作为一个自由主义作家和知识分子,王小波在不同时代(特别是90年代与新世纪)的社会思潮、文坛状态、传播媒介的大文化语境中都处于一种“边缘化”的处境。As a liberal writer and intellectual, wang was in the situation of "marginalization" among the splendid cultural contexts,at different times (especially in the 90s and the new century) ,of the social trend of thought , the state of literature and the dissemination medium .
王小波小说作品的主题选择以及先锋叙事等另类写作方式,使其与主流文坛的话语方式存在着本质的区别,The abnormal Writing styles such as the theme selection and vanguard Narrative of Wang`s fictions, make the essential distinction among the mainstream discourse pattern of the literary world .
And the main causes of the formation of "marginalization" is tied to his western family education background and reading habit.
The phenomena of the popularity of Wang after his death urges us to go further thinking about the existent value and meaning as a marginal writer in the present literature and cultural context .

I`v tried my best!




5649335:无聊时就想想我 35925:想散心时就爱我 1799:一起走走 5366:我想聊聊 246:饿了 918:加油吧 8013:伴你一生 04551:你是我唯一 51396:我要睡觉了 0487:你是白痴 995:救救我 5203344587:我爱你,生生世世不变心 88:再见 748:去死吧 537:我生气了 3030335:想你想你想我 520...



播,鄱,翻,蕃,幡,潘,嬏,翻,璠,橎,轓,蟠,膰,燔,襎,磻,皤,蹯,鱕,勫,飜,鷭,墦,磻,僠,鐇,审,旙,譒,噃,嶓 播 播种 翻 翻山越岭 锻、缎、煅、椴 锻炼 绸缎 给些分吧,希望能帮助到你

消极态度面对人生的词语:心灰意冷 自暴自弃 死气沉沉 心不在焉 无精打采 胸无大志 无所事事 愁眉苦脸 去留无意 积极对待生活的词语:的词语 聚精会神 前途无量 生机勃勃 再接再厉 欣欣向荣 专心致志 一心一意 发奋图强 坚持不懈 奋发向上 享受生活 顺其自然 顺天承命 谋事在人 成事在天...

《祖国啊 我亲爱的祖国》我是你河边上破旧的老水车 数百年来纺着疲惫的歌 我是你额上熏黑的矿灯 照你在历史的隧洞里蜗行摸索 我是干瘪的稻穗;是失修的路基 是淤滩上的驳船 把纤绳深深 勒进你的肩膊 —— 祖国啊!我是贫困 我是悲哀 我是你祖祖辈辈 痛苦的希望啊 是“飞天”袖间 千百年来未...

“恕”,用今天的话来讲,就是宽容。 宰相肚里能撑船 三国时期的蜀国,在诸葛亮去世后任用蒋琬主持朝政。他的属下有个叫杨戏的,性格孤僻,讷于言语。蒋琬与他说话,他也是只应不答。有人看不惯,在蒋琬面前嘀咕说:“杨戏这人对您如此怠慢,太不象话了!”蒋琬坦然一笑,说:“人嘛,都有各自的脾气秉性。让杨戏...

(北风)对冬天。(落叶)对竹子,(骄阳)对荷花,(和风)对(细雨) (白露)对秋霜

语文高手的来!! 1.有令的字加组词()【】()【】()【】2.有奂的子加组词【3个】()【】()【】()【】3.找出【郎】的形近字,并组词4.找出【娟】的形近字并组词。5.写出AABC的词语【8个】6.写... 1.有令的字加组词( )【 】( )【 】( )【 】2.有奂的子加组词【3个】()【】()【】()...

选5、专一 “一如既往”说明认定这个(事务;说法)所以就“专一”(肯定,认定)

隆昌县19390319365: 英语问题,高手速度来,在线等1.接到鲜花的姑娘将预兆快要结婚了 The girl who catches the flowers will be next to - ___ - ______2.在公共场合大声说话是不... -
拱罗益肝:[答案] 1、get marry 2、it is impolite 3、must keep to the right 4、can't must finish 5、do some cleaning 6、anything to drink 7、can't take pictures 8、can ride a bike

隆昌县19390319365: 英语高手来~~(在线等,速度) -
拱罗益肝: 1 Yesterday,Lilei went home by bus,he was wait with an old man.2 Lilei had a seat,he quickly sat down.3 He saw and old man stand beside him.4 Lilei stood up,gave the seat to the old man happily.1 Lucy wanted to hold a birthday party at home ...

隆昌县19390319365: 英语高手进,速度在线等答案,可以送份分. -
拱罗益肝: Dear friend: Hello, thank you for your appreciating my project and trusting me. I still have many coach bags. Now I send the pictures to you and tell me the one you like. (我改了你的意思,我现在发图片给你,然后你告诉我你喜欢哪个.毕竟这样比...

隆昌县19390319365: 英语高手 我坐等 速度来啊1 In order to obtain the needed information, the inquirer should write simply, clearly and concisely____he wants to know. A what Bthat... -
拱罗益肝:[答案] 1、what 从句中缺宾语he want to know what. 2、know to后面表目的,直接加原型

隆昌县19390319365: 英语情景交际 英语高手速度来!!在线等 及时采纳 -
拱罗益肝: A Excuse me B Sure A Do I have to take bus A Thanks B You are welcome

隆昌县19390319365: 英语翻译的高手来,速度,在线等~~~~~~~ -
拱罗益肝: 1.I have jotted down just happened. 2.I really want to change the present circumstances, but I do not know how to do.

隆昌县19390319365: 高分英语达人来,在线等
拱罗益肝: A: Need friends? B: Yes, hard to find! A: Go to QQ! B: Tell me more! A: Boys and girls, young and old, from local and other cities, from China and other countries. B: It is time consuming? A: Under your control. B: Do I loss my privacy? A: Under your ...

隆昌县19390319365: 英语高手进,某个产品,很有市场前景,用英语这么说?在线等,速度!谢谢大家! -
拱罗益肝: This product has great market potential - 市场潜力 This product has great market prospect - 市场前景 认为用市场潜力比较适合.

隆昌县19390319365: 英语高手来!谢谢..速度急用 -
拱罗益肝: 1.(1)No,I haven't. (2)Sorry,I have no money.2. (1)No,I,didn't. (2)I only stayed at home.3. (1)No,I didn't (2)Nothing I bought.4. (1)No,there wasn't any bodies. (2)No one was there.以上答案仅供参考,谢谢.

隆昌县19390319365: 英语问题、本人在线等、速度高手回答 -
拱罗益肝: Is that girl your cousin,too?No,she isn't.She is my sister.

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