
作者&投稿:党虾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 【答案】【小题1】north


1. father 爸爸 2. mother 妈妈 3. uncle 叔叔 4. daughter 女儿 5. son 儿子 参考资料:英语牛人团

一根据短文内容及首字母提示写出所缺单词,注意其形式my home
一根据短文内容及首字母提示写出所缺单词,注意其形式my home:1、【答案】clearly 【解析】第一段第一行It's__ that the most popular drink in the world is water.(很明显世界上最著名的饮品是水),it's clearly that...:很显然...,结合句意,很明显全世界都在引用的是水,故答案是...

小题1:another小题2:everyone小题3:First小题4:Without小题5:medicine小题6:trouble小题7:would小题8:needs小题9:highest小题10:own 小题11:better 试题分析:短文大意:年轻人是国家未来的主人翁。作为一个青年是一件事,作为一个很好的青年是另一件事。大家都努力做好,但并不是每个人对它...

小题1:without小题2:left 小题3:However小题4:feet小题5:lost 小题6:passing 小题7:other 小题8:clothes \/ coat 小题9:given 小题10:quietly 小题1:考查介词。根据下方提到When she looked for them, one was not to be found, and a boy hid the o___ and ran away with it,...

短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示补全单词。Reading is a very...
reading阅读,动名词做定语,可知答案填reading小题2:考查介词。句意:现在让我告诉你关于我的阅读习惯。about关于,tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事,固定短语,可知答案填about 小题3:考查形容词。句意:我花多数业余时间在阅读上。spare空闲的,形容词,spare time业余时间,固定短语,可知答案填...

1. knife 2. died 3. and 4. reading5. then 6. second 7. anything 8. exactly\/easily 小题1: 联系下文Maybe the murder used that knife.可知尸体旁边有一把小刀,结合首字母可知填单数名词knife,刀.小题2: 结合语境可知此处指的是这个男人是两个小时前死的.结合语境...

短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺...
小题1:think小题2:largest小题3:weigh小题4:dancing小题5:singers 小题6:spring小题7:live小题8:important小题9:to小题10:much 试题分析:本文叙述了以第一人称的形式描写了丹顶鹤的生活,还有它们现在频临危险,提醒人们要保护动物,注意人类自身的破坏大自然的行为。小题1:句意:你也许认为帽...

英语 根据首字母提示完成短文
meeting, hold a meeting 是"开会"的意思。可以直接判断出来。expect, 根据文章的意思,如果在四点钟开会,作为你来讲,你肯定会有你自己的时间安排,你也会希望别人在你所要求的时间到会。arrive, 以字母a 开头表示"到达"含义的词就是arrive 了。language, 目前在世界广泛应用的就是英语这门语言了...


同学,为你解答:1 teacher 2 teaches 3 works 4 Friday 5 spends 6 children 7 student 8 sunny 9 have 10 all 如果认可和满意我的回复,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~、手机提问的朋友在客户端上评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~...

肇源县17061832446: 请根据短文内容及首字母提示填空,使短文意思完整、通顺.      Once there was a very little beautiful, smart girl in my class. I believed she was perfect. ... -
笃畅孚悦:[答案] 1. invited 2. everyone 3. later 4. gift 5. when6. voice 7. hurt 8. bad 9. standing 10. though

肇源县17061832446: 根据首字母提示填空,完成短文. -
笃畅孚悦: Here is a (park). We can see (three) students in it.There are two (girls) and one boy.They sit under a big (tree). In the tree, there is a little bird.There is a small (house) near the tree. It is a playhouse. The students often (play) there.

肇源县17061832446:   短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整. Sitting in her neighbour's yard in Hartford Connecticut nine - year - old Alice ... -
笃畅孚悦:[答案] 1. could 2. since 3. attend 4. teachers 5. playing6. realised 7. other 8. returned 9. first 10. including

肇源县17061832446: 根据首字母提示补全短文八年级My name is Daniel.I am in Grade 8.This is my secong year at the secongary school.When We f( )Grade 9,we have to t( ) an ... -
笃畅孚悦:[答案] My name is Daniel.I am in Grade 8.This is my secong year at the secongary school.When We 【finish】Grade 9,we have to 【take】 an exam to continue our studies.We go to school five days a 【week 】 and...

肇源县17061832446: 英语完形填空.根据句意及首字母提示完成短文.   It is well  known  that  man  is  much  clever  than  any  animal.But  which  is  the c___... -
笃畅孚悦:[答案] cleverest ; tell; talk; wants; child; sentence; uses; different; way; question

肇源县17061832446: 短文填空:根据文章大意和首字母提示,填写单词,使短文通顺、完整.每空限填一词,If you want to be happy every day,you must communicate with others.... -
笃畅孚悦:[答案] communicate ways everyone remenber First clear think rules

肇源县17061832446: 根据首字母提示填全短文 -
笃畅孚悦: farmer lived planted rice ducks farm went

肇源县17061832446: 八、综合填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整.Think about two people you know.How would you... -
笃畅孚悦:[答案] Same welcome shy few however never best doing ones forget

肇源县17061832446: 短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,完成文中所缺单词Last year Tom left school.He came to Taipei to find a j-----.He went to one company after a-------.But ... -
笃畅孚悦:[答案] 1.job 工作 2.another 另外一个(公司) 3.(难道是楼主打字有问题?) 4.full 满是 5.last 最后 6.send 送 7.more 更 8.where 哪里 9.work 工作

肇源县17061832446: 根据首字母提示填空 -
笃畅孚悦: smallfriday 注意改成大写shorteight 5加三是八pair 一双袜子wearing 正穿着

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