哪位好心人能帮我写两篇英语小作文呀?急呀! 一篇是我的一天(周一到周五 上学 初一)另一篇周日也是一天

作者&投稿:中叔伯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮我写篇英语作文 《 我的一天》各位好心人帮帮忙谢谢! 急急急急急急急急急急!!!!!~

My Day

Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, I’m very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have computer class and art classes. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00.
I’m happy today!


In the morning.I get up at 6:00. I brush my teeth and wash my face at 6:10. Then I eat breakfast.I go to school at 6:20,I take the number 34 bus to our school. The bus usually take me to school at 6:30.In the evening, I eat dinner at 7:00 and do my homework.I go to bed at 9:00.


I have a good friend, mike. He often gets up at 6:30, he brushes his teeth at 6:45, he eats breakfast at 6:50. And he goes to school at 7:00.In the evening, she does his homework. He goes to bed at 9:30.


my first day in junior high school
Today is a wonderful day , because today is my first day of junior high. Now,i will tell you about my fist day in junior high.
Let me see i get up at six thirty and ate breakfast,then go out,the first class begins at 8 o 'cloc it's chinese .morning have 5 classes,twelve lunch,2classes in the afternoon, we have many subjects for example english music mathematics sports...these subjects in English is my favorite!I like listen and speak it's make me feel happy.and classmates are well,teacher is so good!
When i get home i talk with my mum,my mun is so happy.
Finally i take a shower and fall asleep with taht how about yestady.
( A very happy day
Today is Monday.It is the second day of the new week.When I get school,I see my classmates and my teacher again.I feel very happy .because I miss them very much .Now I can play with my classmates and learn from my teacher again.
It is a very happy day to me.)


my holiday
when i wake up i am not immediately open my eyes. i'm very excited.today is sunday and mum promise me today we will go shopping ,you know every girl like pretty i want to buy a few nice clothes.then i get up ,and washing myself ,have a breakfirst ,then go out with my mum.
We walk a morning, feel tired,we ate some delicious food in the restaurant
.when we finished eat, we started again,,,until 7o 'clock in the evening, my mum drive me to dancing lessons,the lesson start at 8o 'clock until half past eleven.
That's my holiday.

My Day
My Day

Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, I’m very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have computer class and art classes. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00.


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...为题写一章500字左右的作文。哪位好心人帮帮忙 谢谢

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新民市18826624773: 哪位好心人能帮我写两篇英语小作文呀?一篇是我的一天(周一到周五 上学 初一)另一篇周日也是一天 -
滑岸希静:[答案] my first day in junior high school Today is a wonderful day ,because today is my first day of junior high.Now,i will tell you about ... 5 classes,twelve lunch,2classes in the afternoon,we have many subjects for example english music mathematics sports...these ...

新民市18826624773: 咱急求2篇英语小文章!有哪位好心人帮帮忙?不要太长!谢谢! -
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滑岸希静: 你好 我帮你回答的是第二个题目 前面问候的你应该会吧 重点内容我给你写的怎么教别人学习好英文 这个很重要 我把翻译、也给你带上 希望对你有帮助 题目怎样学习英语 ...

新民市18826624773: 哪位好心人帮我写一篇英语作文?50个单词以上就可以了.题目:A Movie Review -
滑岸希静: In the holidays, I have seen 2012 film. The film tells the world about to die thing. I saw very touching. There are many moving parts of the film, it is described to us what the world is about to die the terrible catastrophe warmth between people. It tells us ...

新民市18826624773: 那个好心人帮我写2篇英语作文吧 一:写一份毕业证书 证明李佳同学(女,23岁,重庆人)完成北京大学数学系教学计划中的全部学业 成绩合格 准予在2009... -
滑岸希静:[答案] Graduation certificate. Li Jia (femail,23 Chongqing) have finished all school work of Beijing University Depatment of mathematics, and pass all tests.Granted in the graduate in July 2009.Dear Dad I...

新民市18826624773: 谁能帮我写2篇英语作文,,没篇最少120字.
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滑岸希静: Write date: on December 20, 2009Be the complainant: "more and better" store managerComplaint events: Christmas arrived, 5 A418 dormitory building the classmate ordered 100 Christmas apple wants to sell in the campus shop. Reservation ...

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