(1)A.quarter B.half C.past ,这几个单词哪一个不同类? 为什么?

作者&投稿:友蚂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语单词half , past , quarter 怎么造句?分开的,简单要翻译!~

It's half past six.
It's ten past eleven.
It's a quarter to ten.

例子: It's quarter after 9。(九点十五分的意思)。

2、How will they travll next week?
3、Where is the bank?
4、How does he come here?
He comes here in the car.

past与其他两个不同类,quarter-1/4 half-1/2
How are they going to travel next week
where is the bank
How does he come here?
He comes here by car

C 因为 a是四分之一的意思 b是一半的意思 c是介词,动词
How are they traveiling?
where's the bank?
how does he come here?

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中宁县18951648708: a quarter to two的翻译是什么??????????????????????????????????? -
督皇双汰: 1- 如果表示时间: 1点45分 (quarter:一刻钟) 2- 如果表示数字: 0.25-2 (quarter:四分之一) 2- 如果表示季节: 1-2季 (quarter:季度)quarter 意思有:四分之一,方向, 地区, 方面, 季, 季度, 一刻钟a quarter to two,一般这个多表示时间:1点45分 (直译:还有一刻钟到2点)

中宁县18951648708: 找出发音不同滴 (1)A:bad B:many c:can D:glad发音的是a (找出发音不同滴(1)A:bad B:many c:can D:glad发音的是a(2)A:party B:quarter C:park D:large... -
督皇双汰:[答案] B 发ei 其余发æ B 发ɔ: 其余发a: B 发i: 其余发æ B 发eə 其余发ɪə A 发i 其余发aɪ

中宁县18951648708: a quarter of an hour是什么意思 -
督皇双汰: a quarter of an hour 一刻钟1. 一刻钟 例句:1. A quarter of an hour had not elapsed when this is what was taking place at twenty differentspots in paris at once. 不到一刻钟,在巴黎二十个不同的地方就几乎同时发生了这些事:2. I waited for you for about a quarter of an hour. 我等了你差不多一刻钟

中宁县18951648708: A number of students in this class - --- - to Beijing once or twice A. were B. have been -
督皇双汰: A 没有这种用法,be动词放在前面的话,一般都是表被动,而现在是学生已经去过北京1次或2次了,所以应该用现在完成时,表示发生在过去,已经完成,对现在造成影响. 不懂继续,望采纳

中宁县18951648708: a quarter是什么意思 -
督皇双汰: a quarter_百度翻译 a quarter [英]ei ˈkwɔ:tə [美]e ˈkwɔrtɚ 四分之一;刻 [例句]I have spent almost a quarter century photographing philosophers.我为哲学家拍照已经有几乎四分之一个世纪之久.请采纳 如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮 ~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可.~你的采纳是我前进的动力 ~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

中宁县18951648708: 英语a quarter什么意思? -
督皇双汰: 四分之一 .

中宁县18951648708: 可以说a quarter an hour吗 -
督皇双汰: 不可以,必须有介词of a quarter of an hour 一刻钟

中宁县18951648708: I go home at a quarter to two.是小学五年级课本里的一句话.thank you. -
督皇双汰:[答案] 我1:45回家. a quarter 就是一刻钟 a quarter to two 离2点还有一刻钟,那就是1:45了

中宁县18951648708: a quarter of是什么意思 -
督皇双汰: a quarter of 英[ə ˈkwɔ:tə ɔv] 美[e ˈkwɔrtɚ ʌv] [词典] 四分之一的; [例句]He has the backing of almost a quarter of the electorate.他得到了几乎1/4选民的支持.进行更多翻译

中宁县18951648708: a quarter of 表示四分之三还是四分之一? The British Empire used to take in a quarter of the world. -
督皇双汰: 四分之一;大不列颠帝国曾经占据了世界的四分之一.

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