求一篇关于生活的英文短诗 四句即可

作者&投稿:海义 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.
  Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride,
  From every mountainside, let freedom ring!
  And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.
  And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.
  Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.
  Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of
  Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.
  Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.
  But not only that:
  Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.
  Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.
  Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.
  From every mountainside, let freedom ring.

Love as if you've never been disappointed by love Work as if you don't need any money Dance as if nobody is watching you Sing as if nobody is listening to you

The furthest distance in the world
is not between life and death
but when I stand in front of you
yet you don’t know that I love you

The furthest distance in the world
is not when I stand in font of you
yet you can’t see my love
but when undoubtedly knowing the love from both
yet cannot
be togehter

The furthest distance in the world
is not being apart while being in love
but when plainly can not resist the yearning
yet pretending
you have never been in my heart

The furthest distance in the world
is not
but using one’s indifferent heart
to dig an uncrossable river
for the one who loves you

The furthest distance in the world
is not being apart while being in love
but when plainly can not resist the yearning
yet pretending
you have never been in my heart
I'm happy very day.

关于生活的英文小诗 要求: 1,单词不太难懂 2,只要和生活有关的 3,不...
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嘿嘿,有点多了,其中可能有一些小错误,我的英语也不是太好,请见谅!Life is like a book without words, he is colorful and mysterious, each book for you to read.我的生活很绚丽,课下和伙伴们一起玩耍,放假时还能看看电视、玩玩电脑,整天像一个快乐的小神仙,真是“少年不识愁滋味”啊...

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