
作者&投稿:语蚁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
几个英文句子的翻译,拜托各位了 谢谢··~

1:I first heard this tale in India ,where it is told as if true---though any naturalist would know it could not be. later someone told me that the story appeared in a magazine shortly before the first word war .That magazine Story, and the person who wrote it, I have never been able to track down .
2:when Jefferson died on july4,1826,the 50th anniversary of American independence, he left his countrymen a rich legacy of ideas and examples(.) American education owes a great debt to Thomas Jefferson ,who believed that only a nation of educated people could remain free.
3: I said shyly , what would my salary be? Twelve pounds a week plus lunch, Before I could protest ,he got to his feet. Now he said you did better meet my wife, she is the one who really runs this school.
4: In the 23 years of our friendship ,I never saw him show jealousy ,Material things meant nothing to him .I never knew him to carry money because he never had any use for it ,He believed in simplicity, so much so that he used only a safety razor and water to shave ,When I suggested that he try shaving cream ,he said ,“the razor and water do the job. ”


1. Metal can be used either as frameworks in large-sized structures or as decorations on/for decorating/to decorate the appearance of buildings.
2. In addition to allowing the light to enter buildings, a bright window can also isolate them from severe weather.






医生和病人的对话)Please take the medicine three times a day and you will soon be fine.1.我在第二十中学读书 I study in No.20 middle school.2.我的教室在五楼 My classroom is on the fifth floor.3.我的班级是初一(2)班 My class is Class 2, junior Grade 1.人工翻译 ...

1.That day you very much receive welcome!2.The custom has already eaten the Chinese dish? What likes eating?3.The team already very was long has not competed, really regretted, you did not have the opportunity.4.I also thought you already graduated!5.Later my each week all ...

麻烦大家帮我翻译几个句子 由中文转化成英文 谢谢
1 I remember the good weather day, sunny, is Friday. Feeling very excited, very pleased with the school, but also a lot of pressure. They need to study hard.2 school some time ago he did not seize the moment and fun, not spend time on learning, to the end of a very ...

帮我翻译几个句子 把中文变成英文
1. I'd like to present my congretulations to her because she has smoothly passed the examination. She have made great progress in study, of which I was proud.2.Thanks for her assistance in our English study.3.Room 302 4.The routine: take the bus No. 332 in front of the...

1 This news sounds encouraging,but wu are not encouraged.1.这本是一条鼓舞人心的消息,但是我们却并未感到振奋。2 All but one were here just now.2.除了一个人,刚刚所有人都在这。3 Mr Smith has changed a lot,and many of his friends say that he is not the same man as he ...

地道地翻译:1.我工作已经整整一年了。I have been working for one year.2.我是个化验员。I am a chemical analyst.3.因为我住在家里,每个月需要给父母400元当伙食费,剩下的钱由我支配。Since I live at home, I have to pay 400 RMB to my parents as meals cost, and I can make ...

1 这是一篇精美的小文章 This is a delicate essay.2 他来自银河系 He comes from the Galaxy.3 他是我的榜样 He is my role model.4 我很佩服他 I admire him very much.I have admiration for him.5 谢谢大家欣赏 这要看具体的啦 Thanks for listening,Thanks for watching,Thanks for ...

1. I and three classmates sharing a room 2. Small sport regularly, are now playing tennis.3. This semester, I chose nine course, I'm very busy 4. My cousin in north university law, he wants to be a legal teachers.5. Do you know what time the spring semester of general...

11.No native speaker exists who knows all of the words in the English language.没有任何一个以英语为母语的人能了解英文中的所有词语。12.besides,there are short-cuts.不过,这儿还有一条捷径。13.When you first come across them. let me put it this way.当你第一次拜访他们,请允许我...

I am the only one left in this house. (这个家只剩我一个人了)I cannot earn a living (我不能赚钱养活我自己)We want to distinguish things clearly (我们要认真地分辨清楚)

万州区15983335819: 帮我翻译几个英语句子 -
革蒋金必: 1.阳光对植物有益..sunshine is good for plants. 2.决定是在我们不再的时候做出的.decisions were made when we were absent 3. .这本书年轻读者容易懂.this book is easy for young readers to read 4. 不要嘲笑在考试中失败的同学 .. don't laugh at those classmates who failed in the exam.

万州区15983335819: 帮我翻译几个句子..翻译英文 1.很想找人靠一靠 2.我试图努力去做的更好 3.但却得不到他的注意 -
革蒋金必:[答案] 1.Very want to look for person to lean against them 很想找人靠一靠 2.I tried to try to do better 我试图努力去做的更好 3.But don't get his attention 但却得不到他的注意

万州区15983335819: 英语翻译帮我翻译几个句子!1.她总是让我笑,尽管我不知道那些事到底有什么好笑的.2.她的人缘很好,和谁都能玩到一块2.她的成绩不好,但是她非常的努... -
革蒋金必:[答案] 1.She always makes me laugh although I don't know what to laugh. 2.She is very popular so she could get alone with anyone. ... well but she really works hard. 4.She likes literary output. 5.I'm sure that she would get a excellent achievement in a few days.

万州区15983335819: 帮我用英语翻译几个句子啊 -
革蒋金必: 1 Compared with his temper before,he is more friendly now.2 The movie ia going to run next week is acted by Ge You.3 I prefer to have a try rather than to die for waiting.4 As there was no bread at home,so i went to the supermarket to buy some.5 ...

万州区15983335819: 帮我翻译几个英文句子!急 -
革蒋金必: 1:我认为他们不会推迟这次旅行的Idon'tthinktheywillputoffthistravel.2:请出示你的驾驶执照Pleaseshowmeyourpassport.3:对不起,让你们等了这么久I'msorrytohaveyouwaitforsolong4:他的行为好像小孩子一样Hisbehavioristhesametokids.5:学好一门语言是不容易的It'snoteasytomasteralanguage

万州区15983335819: 英语翻译帮我翻译几个句子好吗?1布朗夫人喜欢每天去公园散步 2我打算明天去购物 3他当教师已经六年了 4你昨天上课迟到了 5同学们正在操场上打篮球 ... -
革蒋金必:[答案] Mrs Brown likes walking in the park every day. I am going shopping tomorrow. He has been a teacher for six years. You are late for class yesterday. Classmates are playing basketball in the playground.

万州区15983335819: 帮我翻译几个英语句子,多谢 -
革蒋金必: 1、请准备好接受采访 Please get ready for the interview 2、你还记得上学的第一天么? Do you still remember the first day you went to school? 3、他和我谈话时似乎有点紧张 He seemed a little nervous when talking to me. 4、不要吓唬孩子们,他...

万州区15983335819: 帮我用英语翻译几个句子
革蒋金必: 1, the pursuit of sexy soul. 2, just a simple woman, want to be a happy little woman. 3, blossom season. 4, you hand of the heart gentle. 5, the innocence of sorrow.

万州区15983335819: 帮我翻译几个句子,翻译成英文 -
革蒋金必: 1.We're going to play the basketball.The basketball game is held on January 1st. 2.All the kids are very happy on Children's Day.

万州区15983335819: 帮我翻译几个句子(英文)
革蒋金必: 1, My mother went to the supermarket. when did she go? one hour before. 2. My father has stayed in the hospital for 2 days. 3, My penfriend went to America. 4, I have never been to America. Have you ever been to? yes, i have been there 2 years ago.

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