山东潍坊旅游景点介绍英文 关于潍坊的英文介绍

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潍坊有什么好玩的地方 潍坊旅游景点介绍



Shihu Garden is located in Hujia Archway Street, Weifang City, Shandong Province.
Manytourists will visit it. The tour guide will explain the Shihu Garden and introduce the
historical allusions of the Shihu Garden attractions to the tourists.
The following is a tour guide from Weifang Shihuyuan. I hope it can help everyone.
Chinese Qing Dynasty garden architecture. Also known as Dingjia Garden. Because of its
small footprint, Yu Ruo is as big as ten plate spinnings, hence its name.
Originally the former residence of the gentlemen of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the
eleventh year of the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty (1885), Weixian gentry Ding
Shanbao purchased as a private residence, repairing 3 old buildings in the north, named
Wuxiang Tower, excavating a pool, stacking rockery, and turning it into a garden.
In 1988, the State Council of the People's Republic of China announced that it was a
national key cultural relics protection unit. The existing park site is 70 meters deep from
north to south, 44 meters wide from east to west, and covers an area of 3,400 square
A row of "inverted seats" facing the street in the south. The front of the courtyard is
centered on a pool, and a quadruple courtyard is arranged around it.
There are 3 building axes in the east, middle, and west, with three or four entrances to
each courtyard.
Biyunzhai, the main building on the East Road, was originally the Ding's room; the main
building on the West Road was the Shufen Bookstore, Shenliu Reading Hall, Qiusheng
Hall, and Jingru Mountain House, which were Ding's private houses and guest rooms;
The middle road is the garden center. The Shihu grass painting is located in front of the
pool. The Sizhao Pavilion is located in the pool, and the Huoxiang Building and the North
Hall are at the end.
The east bank of the pool is stacked with half-walled rockery, and the top and foot of the
pool are equipped with pavilions such as Weixiu Pavilion, Luoxia Pavilion, Yilan Pavilion
and Wenru Boat.
The embankment of Taihu Lake is piled with natural banks, connecting Banbi Mountain
and the veranda in an arc shape.
A total of 24 pavilions, platforms, buildings, and pavilions were built along the three
roads, with 67 houses. Among them, Luoxiaxiang at the top of the mountain was added
after 1949.
In order to highlight the space effect in front of the Huoxiang Tower, the architectural
attractions such as Sizhao Pavilion, Wen Ru Zhou, Penglai San Xian Island, Wei Xiuting,
Yilan Pavilion, Xiaocang Langxiang, etc. are built on a small scale.
In terms of landscaping, the east of the pond is mainly based on the natural landscape of
the tomb, supplemented by the building; the west of the building is mainly based on the
real landscape of the building, supplemented by the imitation of natural revetments. ,
Jiangbei garden style private small garden.


Ten tablet held by officials during imperial audience gardens for China north part of garden structure. Builds in the Ming Dynasty, also names the Ding family garden, located at Shandong Weifang Hu Jia memorial arch street, area 2000 square meters. Because occupies a land area is small, explains, if big ten board tablet held by officials during imperial audience, therefore. in 1988 the People's Republic of China State Council announced for the nation key Cultural relic preservation organ. the ten tablet held by officials during imperial audience gardens are originally the bright Jiajing year the Ministry of Justice doctor of Chinese medicine Hu bonzo former dwelling, Qing Dynasty Chen Zhaoluan (clear Shunzhinianjian are appointed Zhangde governor of prefecture), Guo Xiongfei (the clear Daoguang Dynasty, no matter what Chihli cloth politics government official) once successively had lived in this, latter (in 1885) is bought in clear Guangxu 11 by Wei County richest family Ding Shanbao by the large sum of money does the private residence, the repair north three old buildings, the autograph inkstone fragrant building, excavates the basin, piles up one on top of another the rockery, the beginning becomes the personal garden. Ten tablet held by officials during imperial audience gardens are entire Ding Zhai construct the community a part, this building community besides “the Great Cultural Revolution” the back garden which destroys, extant floor space 10,400 square meters, historic building house 200, in the only ten tablet held by officials during imperial audience garden's size construction much amounts to 34. the ten tablet held by officials during imperial audience gardens were not only a famous historical garden, was also the cultural relic exhibition hall institute, once for the Weifang Museum original hall site locus, the colourful cultural relic by groups and in turn exhibited, was open to the audience, causes this famous garden to increase the rich cultural connotation.
Yang Bucun located in the northern part of Shandong Peninsula, the world Weifang kites are suburban, village 320, 1142, exemptions to 18.2 square kilometers, 1,764 acres of farmland, is flat, fertile soil, mild climate, the East Asia monsoon climate, suitable for a variety of Crop growth. Has a long history and splendid culture, and that the Maillard Guhuai famous; woodcut New Year pictures, Kite Awards, rapid economic development is the key development areas. Yang Jiabu the construction of the first folk art Grand View Garden, for the antique building, courtyard structure. Yang Jiabu board with pictures galleries, Yang Jiabu Kite Exhibition Hall, folk homes, Marriage Customs Museum. To be here personally扎system kites, overlay board pictures, can also be kite-flying, ride a cable car, and so on. Door-painting in the door god "God Tu Yu-base" in the people to have a very vivid legend: Business at the end of weekly, in the mountains of Health has Shuo Qi Tao, the United States and sweet meat, food of longevity may be, the two brothers lived under the peach , Called God Tu brother, my brother called Yu-base, people of integrity, of the very large, ferocious tiger forest for them to see peach, wild bison Lingshang have a king, Xinhen hand drugs, drink human blood, eating people and injure people. One day, wild king sent people to the mountains of New Moon from Xiantao, God Tu, Yu Lei Hong Zou, wild king Qiqiaoshengyan Qide, a dark night, wild king to lead his followers dressed as Egui forward to revenge, God Tu, Yu Peach of the base used to tie up Rengji the tiger, so the resulting Taomu evil spirits, evil spirits Qugui at the same time as a tool. There is also a "kitchen-" the legend is also very interesting, said to "focus King" was originally Langdang son of 000 positions, the nickname of La Yue, Original clove women diligence Xian-hui, beautiful kind-hearted, because of Layue Xixinyanjiu, clove woman to break the back door , The front door to mar


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揣禄生物:[答案] Weifang located in shandong peninsula,graceful natural landscapes,cloud gate mountain,the mountain,the mountain bloom.from predecessors,beautiful,fascinating.Weifang or historical and cultural cities,ouyang xiu,li qingzhao,etc,ZhengBanQiao fan ...

黟县13385142938: 简单的用英文介绍潍坊,大约100~200就够了,用在口语上,谢了.拒绝长篇的~ -
揣禄生物: 结合网上的资料和自己的一些理解和你的要求,弄了篇小短文出来.分了几个方面来描述的潍坊,里面有些专有的名词已经用汉语标注了,希望可以帮助到你. Weifang is a city in the center of Shandong province.It is a historical city with well ...

黟县13385142938: 关于潍坊的英文介绍 -
揣禄生物: Weifang located in shandong peninsula, graceful natural landscapes, cloud gate mountain, the mountain, the mountain bloom.from predecessors, beautiful, fascinating. Weifang or historical and cultural cities, ouyang xiu, li qingzhao, etc, ...

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揣禄生物: Travel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective.It makes you come into contact with different cultures,meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies.Travelling much,you will not only enrich your ...

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揣禄生物: Weifang is the transport hub of the Shandong Peninsula. Weifang Hong Kong there is a National Class One open ports, the sheep population in Hong Kong open ports of a second-class country. Weifang airport has opened in Beijing, Shanghai, ...

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揣禄生物:[答案] Weifang is a city in the center of Shandong province.It is a historical city with well known figures.Also,as an emerging ... 500 companies have established operations in Weifang. 潍坊是一个城市的中心,山东省.它是一个历史文化名城和著名人物.此外,...

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揣禄生物: Brief Introduction Source: english.weifang.gov.cn Located in the middle of Shandong Peninsula, Weifang is the heart of the urban agglomerations in Shandong Peninsula. Under its jurisdictio...

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