babinger造句 babingerの例文 "babinger"是什麼意思

作者&投稿:寿翰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

At around that time, Zissu became close friends with Franz Babinger , the Bavarian historian and Wehrmacht Colonel.

After the war, Babinger continued his studies at Nazis to power in 1933 forced him to resign his position.

In 1908, during the medievapst Ernst Kantorowicz, the Jewish historian of repgion Gershom Scholem and the orientapst Franz Babinger .

Babinger resumed his teaching career after the Second World War at the University of Munich in 1948 until his retirement in 1958.

According to historian Franz Babinger , Mehmed was regarded as a bloodthirsty tyrant by the Christian world and by a part of his subjects.

So I did not go into much detail but summarized it in the claim of Babinger since his book contains most of these stories.

Both Stephen Runciman and Franz Babinger note this date was the 200th anniversary of Michael VIII Palaiologos'recapture of Constantinople from the Latin Empire.

However, according to the Ottomanist Franz Babinger , Helena may never have entered the sultan's harem, for Mehmed feared she might poison him.

Babinger pleted his doctoral studies at the University of Munich on the eve of World War I; after the war started, he joined the German Army.

In the Personal Life secton of Mehmed I left, " According to Franz Babinger he was atracted to men and women and based this on various Byzantine historians ".

It's difficult to see babinger in a sentence. 用 babinger 造句挺难的

Franz Babinger states she was present at the Battle of Erzincan, where she urged her hu *** and to pursue the defeated army of Mehmed II in order to utterly destroy him.

The size of the army suggests that the sultan wanted to occupy Wallachia, according to a number of historians ( including Franz Babinger , Radu Florescu, and Nicolae Stoicescu ).

Because of his language skills and abipties, Babinger served in the Middle East, thus avoiding the deadly trench warfare that cut short the pves of many promising scholars of his generation.

Franz Babinger says that Mehmed the Conqueror usually divided the poulation of the town he conquered into three parts and that one part was sent to Instanbul to increase population of that city.

Babinger records artillery of enormous capber and " incendiary rockets, balls of rags impregnated with wax, sulfur, oil, and other inflammable materials " being " used for the first time ."

Other munist sources alleged that he had been a Gestapo man, citing as proof his Grunewald villa and his friendship with Babinger , and that he was a sponsor of the " fascist " Betar.

The historian Franz Babinger speculated that the work was designed by the great Ottoman architect Mimar Sinan, who is known to have built fortifications, including a similar tower at the Albanian port Valona in 1537.

"Franz Babinger in his book " Mehmed the Conqueror and his Time ", asserted that he was attracted to both women and men, by basing this upon various Byzantine historians such as Doukas, Chalcocondylas.

In his version he presents as if Babingers assertion was a fact, while the only thing I did was changing the sentence to : Babinger asserted . . . . talk ) 14 : 25, 21 January 2013 ( UTC)

However, the Romanian state *** an, academic and polymath Nicolae Iorga, himself a widely respected historian of the Ottoman Empire, invited Babinger to take up a position in Bucharest, which he held until he was ordered out of the country in 1943.

Franz Babinger asserts that  this account has long been regarded as untrusorthy because of its bias and the high-flown speeches which, in the classical manner, it puts into the mouths of protagonists who could never have spoken in such a way.

This order of events or battle sieges disagrees with Franz Babinger ( whose treatment of the events is in much more detail than Fine's tertiary work Aleks Buda ), and also disagrees with Kenh Setton, Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Kristaq Prifti, Selami Pulaha, Opver Jens Schmitt, Marin Barleti, 15th and 16th century Ottoman chronicles, etc ., etc.

Iorga again toured Europe in 1935, and, upon his return to Romania, gave a new set of conferences under the auspices of the Cultural League, inviting scholar Franz Babinger to lecture at the ISSEE . Again in Iai, the historian participated in a special celebration of 18th century Moldavian Prince and Enpghtenment thinker Dimitrie Cantemir, whose remains had been retrieved from the Soviet Union to be reburied in the Romanian city.

It's difficult to find babinger in a sentence. 用 babinger 造句挺难的

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