
作者&投稿:潜蓉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  大家一定早就知道hair是头发。我们要学的第一个习惯用语是: win by a hair。 Win意思是赢得。我们常说“细如发丝。”头发在日常所见各物中也许算是最细的了,所以你一定能想象如发丝那点宽度有多么细微。习惯用语win by a hair就出自这里。

  我们听个例子来体会win by a hair含义是什么。这段话在说争州长职位的竞选。其中的对手势均力敌,票数非常接近。

  例句-1:It was as close as an election could be. A million people voted and the candidate I voted for won by only 350 votes. She only won by a hair but that still makes her our new governor.


  领先票数三百五十和总票数一百多万相比是微乎其微的,所以他说,won by a hair,意思是以毫厘之差取得险胜。

  既然有人以毫厘之差取胜,就必然有人失之毫厘。这就是我们要学的第二个习惯用语:lose by a hair。我们来听个例子。说话人的女儿Nancy在全州中学田径锦标赛中参加四百米赛跑。我们来听听比赛的结果是什么。

  例句-2:Nancy ran faster than ever before but she lost by a hair. She and the other runner had the same time, but the judges thought the other girl was just a hair in front.


  Nancy仅仅比对手落后了一丝一毫,所以lose by a hair意思是以毫厘之差失败。有好几个习惯用语都表示类似的意思。例如: lose by a whisker。 Whisker是胡须,胡须和头发相比所差无几,可想而知lose by a whisker和lose by a hair意思一样。

  还有两个来自赛马的习惯用语也有同样的意义。它们是lose by a nose和photo finish。 Lose by a nose原指赛马到达终点线时仅以一鼻之差而失利。Photo finish原来是赛马前后不分上下,肉眼难以判断,所以裁判必须根据马匹跑完全程那一霎那间摄下的照片才能决定胜负。

  我们再学个带有hair这个词的习惯用语: hair-raising。 Hair-raising和中国俗语“寒毛直竖”很相像。据说巨大的恐惧能使人体的毛发或者猫身上的毛往上竖立起来。这也许就是这个习惯用语的出典。我们听个例子,但是先得学个生词: cub。 Cub是食肉动物的幼仔。在我们的例子里指小熊仔。

  例句-3:My daughter and her boyfriend had a hair-raising time hiking in the mountains -- they met a black bear with her cub. But they stopped, stayed quiet and finally the bears went away slowly without bothering them.




  例句-4:It was hair-raising! There was a terrible rushing sound, the windows blew in and I saw tree-limbs sailing by. I heard loud bangs and crashes -- I thought my house would blow away!




  上次我们学了几个由hair发展而来的习惯用语: win by a hair, lose by a hair, hair-raising。今天我们再要讲两个。第一个是:split hairs。 Split意思是剖分。头发原本就相当纤细,再去剖分,那就不知有多繁琐了。

  Split hairs作为习惯用语当然有它的比喻意义。我们听个例子来体会它的含义。这是个不耐烦的企业主管在开导正跟他谈一笔百万元大生意的另一方,劝他别再为细枝末节问题纠缠争辩,赶快在双方律师争论个没完的合同上签字吧。我们听听他是怎么说的:

  例句-1:Look, let's tell our lawyers to stop splitting hairs on things like whose name es first in our ads. I don't care! I'm ready to sign the contract right now if you feel the same.

  他说: 哎!我们去跟各自的律师说说吧,别再纠缠广告上把谁的名字排第一之类的细枝末节的问题了。我才不在乎呢!要是你同意我的看法的话,我现在就准备在合同上签字了。

  广告上名字排前排后跟这笔百万元的交易相比只是枝节问题,而双方的律师却在诸如此类的问题上争论不休,所以这里的splitting hairs含义就是缠住细枝末节问题不放。


  例句-2:Look, Granny would be upset to hear you arguing like this. Let’s not split hairs. We'll take turns putting our names on plates, books, pictures. That's the fair way.


  奶奶留下的是盘子之类的日用杂品或者书本照片等东西,听来并非贵重物件,而那些亲戚为了分这些东西而争吵,这近乎split hairs。所以这里的split hairs意思也是为区区小事斤斤计较。

  我们再学个由hair这个词发展而来的习惯用语: bad hair day。 Bad hair day从字面解释是发型糟糕的一天。我们知道特别潮溼,或者刮大风又非常干燥的气候会破坏女士们的发型美观,于是人们就把这样的日子称为bad hair day。这就是这个习惯用语的出典。

  Bad hair day近年来流传应用到和发型毫无关系的其它场合,并且也不限于说女性,也能说男性。我们要听的例子就是关于一位男士的。我们通过这个例子来体会bad hair day是什么意思吧。说话的人在一家企业工作。我们听他说说自己一个典型的bad hair day。

  例句-3:Did I have a bad hair day! First, my car wouldn't start so I was late for work. Next my puter crashed. Then I forgot a lunch date with an important client. So I went home with a terrible headache.


  听到他一天的倒霉事儿接二连三,你一定明白bad hair day是什么意思了,就是事事不顺遂的一天。

  Bad hair day可以说各种年龄身份的人,也包括年轻的学生。这就是接下来要听的例子。

  例句-4:I knew it would be a bad hair day when I learned I'd failed my English exam. In history class I found I'd left the paper at home that was due today. At lunch I spilled a cup of coffee all over myself with no time to go back and change.


  这段话里的bad hair day意思还是不顺利的倒霉日子。

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I am fifteen years old. I am of medium height. I have big and round eyes. And I have a big nose and a all mouth. I have long stright black hair. What about you?

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