
作者&投稿:单蓉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
被动语态练习题30道 (说汉语,让我写英语。再把英语答案写在后面)~

1.这个房子是去年建造的。2.所有的工作都应经做完了。3.这这本书是tom写的。4.我回到家时,发现门被打开了。5.那个孩子被照顾得很好。6.那座桥已经用了20年了。7.他被允许参加八个游戏。8.他被她的父母警告。9.很多人被邀请参加这个晚会。10.他被邀请唱一首歌。11.会议将在下周举办。12.作业必须在六点前完成。13.他的问题已经被我回答了。14.早餐应经被妈妈做了。15.作业已经被完成了。16.我的外套已经被洗了。17.一个大桥正在被工人们建造。18.那些书正在被孩子们读。19.英语课正在被我们上。20.那个老师正在被我们等。21.应该在春天种树。22.我的家乡要建造许多大楼。23.教室必须每天清扫24.这种书是为儿童写的。25.来信收到。26.你的收音机三天后可以修好。27.他昨天被打了。28.小汽车明天将要被修。29.自行车被弄坏了。30.这部电影已经被看过了。1.that house was built last year.2.all of the work has been finished.3.this book is written by tom.4.when i arrive home,i found the door had been opened.5.The child is taken good care.6.That bridge has been used for 20 years.7.He is allowed to join in 8 games.8.He has warned by his parents.9.many people has invited to join this party.10.he has invited to sing a song.11.the meeting will be holded next week.12.Homework must be finished before 6:00.13.his question has been answered by me.14.breakfast has been cooked by my mother.15.homework has been finished.16.my coat has been washed.17.A bridge is being built by workers.18.these book are being read by children.19.the english lesson is being had by us.20.that teacher is being waited for by us.21.the trees should be pianted in spring.22.many buildings will be built in my hometown.23.the classroom must be cleaned everyday.24.this kind of book is written for children.25.the letter has been received.26.you radio will ba rapaired in three days.27.he was hitten yesterday.28.the car will be repaired tomorrow.29.the bike has been broken.30.this film has been seen. 董熙莹

If you ______ smoke, please go outside.
A. can B. should C. must D. may
答案 C
解析:考查情态动词的用法。句意为“如果你非得要抽烟,请到外面去抽。”must (表示主张)一定要,坚持要。根据后一句please go outside的要求,选C。
——I don’t really like James. Why did you invite him?
——Don’t worry. He ______ come. He said he wasn’t certain what his plans were.
A. must not B. need not C. would not D. might not
答案 D
解析:考查情态动词的用法。句意为“——我真不喜欢James。你为何请了他?——别担心。他可能来不了。他说他的计划还没安排好。”题干中的he wasn’t certain说明他可能不来,可能来,因此使用不完全否定might not。选D。
Some young people these days just ______ go out of their homes to contact the real world.
A. mustn’t B. won’t C. mightn’t D. shouldn’t
答案 B
——Shall I inform him of the change of the schedule right now?
——I am afraid you ______, in case he comes late for the meeting .
A.will B.must C.may D.can
答案 B
解析:考查情态动词的用法。句意为“——需要我现在就通知他计划有变吗?——恐怕你得这样做,以防他开会迟到。”must (表示必要、命令或强制)必须,得。根据后半句,选B
5.(2011安徽卷, 26)
——What do you think of store shopping in the future?
——Personally, I think it will exist along with home shopping but _____.
A. will never replace B. would never replace
C. will never be replaced D. would never be replaced
答案 C

解析:考查情态动词的用法。句意为“——你对将来的商店购物怎么看?——我个人认为会与在家购物并存,但商店购物不会被取代。”根据I think it will exist along with homeshopping,排除虚拟的选项D,这是表示将来的时间,考虑到被动语态,选C。
——How’s your new babysitter?
——We ______ ask for a better one. All our kids love her so much.
A. should B.might C. mustn‘t D. couldn’t
答案 D
The police still haven’t found the lost child, but they’re doing all they ______.
A.can B.may C.must D.should
答案 A
——Why didn’t you come to Simon’s party last night?
—— I wanted to ,but my mom simply ______ not let me out so late at night.
A. could B. might C. would D. should
答案 C
——Will you read me a story ,Mummy?
——OK. You ______ have one if you go to bed as soon as possible.
A. might B. must C. could D. shall
答案 D
解析:考查情态动词的用法。句意为“——妈妈,可以读一个故事给我听吗?——好的,如果你马上上床睡觉的话。”shall 用于陈述句中的第二、第三人称时,表示说话人的意图、允诺、警告、命令、决心等,题中是母亲对儿子的承诺,故选D。
No one _______ be compared with Yao Ming in playing basketball.
A. can B. need C. must D. might
答案 A

If you ______ go, at least wait until the storm is over.
A. can B. may C. must D. will
答案 C
解析:考查情态动词的用法。句意为“如果你非得走话,至少也要等到这暴风雨过去后。”can可以,能够;may 可能,许可;must(表示主张)一定要,坚持要;will将要,愿意。根据后句的劝告,选C。
Jack described his father, who ______ a brave boy many years ago, as a strong–willed man
A. would be B. would have been C. must be D. must have been
用must have been表示对过去事情的肯定推测。
You ______ buy a gift, but you can if you want to.
A. must B. mustn't C. have to D. don't have to
解析:don’t have to 意为“没有必要”,符合语境,句意为:“你没有必要买礼物,但如果你
14. (10江西23)
I have told you the truth. ______ I keep repeating it?
A Must B Can C May D Will
解析: must 必须, 一定 can 可以, 能够 may 也许 will 意愿, 倾向性动作, 前半句说我
告诉你事实了, 这里用的是现在完成时, 表示过去的动作对现在造成了影响, 既然我已经
说了, 我还必须重复一遍吗?
15. (10山东25)I_______ have watched that movie —it’ll give me horrible dreams.
A. shouldn’t B. needn’t C. couldn’t D. mustn’t
做而做了某事”用shouldn’t have done, 所以A项正确。
16. (10天津9)
Mark ______ have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.
A. needn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. couldn’t
have done 结构,表示“本来不必要做某事的而实际上做了”。
17. (10四川3)
— ______ I take the book out? —I'm afraid not.
A. Will B. May C. Must D. Need
解析:表请求可用情态动词can, may, could, might ,表允许用can, may.
18. (10全国Ⅰ29)
Just be patient .You ______ expect the world to change so soon .
A. can’t B. needn’t C. may not D. whether
819 (10江苏25)
—I haven’t got the reference book yet, but I’ll have a test on the subject next month.
—Don’t worry. You______ have it by Friday.
A. could B. shall C. must D. may
20. (陕西 23)
May I take this book out of the reading room?
No, you ______. You read it in here.
A. mightn’t B. won’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t
2·1 (10全国Ⅱ17)
I’m afraid Mr. Harding _________see you now. He’s busy.
A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D .needn’t
22. (10湖北79)
It’s said that they have swum to the island from the continent, but they ________(不可能做到)because the ocean in between is too wide. (do)
答案:can’t/ couldn’t have done it
解析:当要对过去进行肯定的推测时,要用 “can’t/couldn’t+have+done”的结构
Doctors say that exercise is important for health, but it _______ be regular exercise.
A.can B.will C.must D.may
24 (10北京23)
---Good morning. I've got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel
--Ah, good morning. You ______ be Mrs. Peters.
A. might B. must C. would D. can
25 (10浙江17)
“You ______ have a wrong number,” she said. “There’s no one of that name here.”
A. need B. can
C. must D. would
• 26.2012 湖南 We’ve had a good start, but, next, more work needs________ to achieve the final success.
A. being done B. do C. to be done D. to do (C)
27 2012 江苏. Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, but _____ say where he was.
A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. wouldn’t D. mightn’t (C)

• 282012北京. We _______the difficulty together, but why didn’t you call me?
A. should face B. might face C. could have faced D. must have faced (C)

29.2012(新课标) I _____use a clock to wake me up because at six o'clock each morning the train comes by my house.
A. couldn't B. mustn't C. shouldn't D. needn't (D)

30.2012年(湖北卷).They ______have arrived at lunchtime, but their flight was delayed.
 A. will B. can C. must D. should (D)

31.2012 浙江省 Had they known what was coming next, they ______ second thoughts.
A. may have B. could have C. must have had D. might have had (D)

32.2012天津 It’s quite warm here; we______ turn the heating on yet.
A. couldn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D.wouldn’t (C)

33.2012辽宁 One of our rules is that every student ______ wear school uniform while at school.
A. might B. could C. shall D. will (C)

34.2012四川 I got close enough to hear them speaking Chinese, and I said ‘’Ni Hao”, just as I _____ do in China.
A. must B. might C. can D. should (B)

35.2012重庆 ---_____you interrupt now? Can’t you see I’m on the phone?,
--- Sorry Sir, but it’s urgent.
A. Can B. should C. Must D. Would (C)

36.2012 江西 We _____have bought so much food now that Suzie won’t be with us for dinner.
A. may not B. needn’t C. can’t D. mustn’t (B)

37.2012 陕西 I _____ thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home.
A. won’t B. can’t C. can D. will (B)

1._____ a new library _____ in our school last year?
A.Is; built B.Was; bulit C.Does; build D.Did; build
2.An accident ____ on this road last week.
A.has been happened B.was happened C.is happened D.happened
3.Cotton ____ in the southeast of China.
A.is grown B.are grown C.grows D.grow
4.So far,the moon ____ by man already.
A.is visited B.will be visited C.has been visited D.was visited
5.A talk on Chinese history _____ in th school hall next week.
A.is given B.has been given C.will be given D.gives
6.A lot of things ____ by people to save the little girl now.
A.are doing B.are being done C.has been done D.will be done
7.The doctor _____ for yet.
A.isn't sent B.hasn't been sent C.won't be sent D.wasn't sent
8.--When ___ this kind of computers______? --Last year.
A.did; use B.was; used C.is; used D.are; used

9.Who _____ this book _____?
A.did; written B.was; written by C.did; written D.was;written
10.Mary ____ show me her new dictionary.
A.has asked to B.was asked to C.is asked D.asks to
11.A story _____ by Granny yesterday.
A.was told us B.was told to us C.is told us D.told us
12.The monkey was seen _____ off the tree.
A.jump B.jumps C.jumped D.to jump
13.Older people ____ well.
A.looks after B.must be looked after C.must look after D.looked after
14.Our teacher ______ carefully.
A.should be listened to B.should be listen C.be listened D.is listened
15. In some part of the world, tea _______ with milk and sugar.
A. is serving B. is served C. serves D. served
16. It was reported that the murderer _______ arrested.
A. has been B. had been C. has D. had
17. Do you think that the bridge ______ in a year?
A. would be completed B. will be completed C. had been completed D. is being completed
18. Great changes _______ in China since the People’s Republic of China _______ in 1949.
A. have taken place; was founded B. has taken place; was founded
C. have been taken place; founded D. took place; founded
19.—Why does Ling Ling look so unhappy? —She has _______ by her classmates.
A. laughed B. laughed at C. been laughed D. been laughed at
20. Doctors _______ in every part of the world.
A. need B. are needing C. are needed D. will need
21. I promise that matter will _______.
A. be taken care B. be taken care of C. take care D. take care of
22. No permission has ________ for anybody to enter the building.
A. been given B. given C. to give D. be given
23. I _______ ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.
A. gave B. was given C. was giving D. had given
24. Can such a thing _____ happening again?
A. prevent from B. prevented from C. be prevented from D. to prevent from
25. A new house ________ at the corner of the road.
A. is building B. is being built C. been built D. be building
26. This bike ________ last year.
A. bought B. has been bought C. was bought D. had been bought
27. Did you see the house that _______ by fire last year?
A. was destroying B. destroyed C. would destroy D. was destroyed

28. It _______ whether she will get her work in the hospital.
A. hasn’t been decided B. isn’t deciding C. doesn’t decide D. hasn’t decided
29. The pen _______ me. It is hers.
A. isn’t belong to B. wasn’t belong to C. doesn’t belong to D. didn’t belong to
30. I can’t use my bike because it _______.
A. is repairing B. is being repaired C. will repair D. was repairing

1-5 BDACC 6-10 BBBBB 11-15 BDBAB 16-20 BBADC
21-25BABCB 26-30CDACB


1.Our house_____,

A.is getting paint B.is getting painted C.is got painted D.has got to paint

2.He arrived in Beijing,where he_____his friend.

A.was met by B.was met C.was meeting D.met by

3.The war_____in 1937

A.was broken out B.had been broken out C.has broken out D.broke out

4.The mistakes in the exercises will_____the teacher.

A.cross B.be crossing C.be crossed by D.cross by

5.My brother and I have __________her birthday party.

A.been invited B.been invited for C.invited to D.been invited to

6.It_______this way

A.is had to do B.is had to be done C.had to be done D.has to do

7.It__this way.

A used to do B.used to be done C.is used to do D.is used to doing


A.The child's name was called B.The child's name calls

C.The child calls D.The child is named

9.The sports meeting____ .

A.is put off B.is to put off C.is to be put off D.puts off

10.Mary realized she_________

A.was making fun of B.was made fun

C.was being made fun of D.was being made fun

11.______to say a thing in that way

A.It is considers wrong B.It is considered wrong

C.It is considered it's wrong D.It is consiedring wrong

12.He ordered that the books_______at once.

A.would be printed B.would print C.be printed D.print

13.The story______in China.

A.was taken place B.was happened C.took place D.has been taken place

14.The house_____my parents

A.is belong to B.belong to C.belongs to D.is belonged to

15.He_______by his teacher.

A.happened to see B.was happened to see

C.happened to be seen D.was happened to be seen

16.Great changes_____in our province.Many tall buildings.

A.have been taken place, have been set up

B.have taken place, have been set up

C.have been taken place, have been set up

D.were taken place, were set up

17.The hall's____but it's not yet____with lamps.

A.furnished, finished B.been finished, been furnished

C.being finished, being furnished D.set up, full

18.The new hall is the tallest building in this town._____from here?

A.Can it see B.Can it be seen C.Can it seen D.Can see

19.As soon as we got to the airport,we found that the plane_____.

A.had already taken off B.already took off

C.was already taking off D.was already taken off

20. Some of the hotels in my hometown_________.

A.have now been rebuilding B.are now rebuilding

C.are now being rebuilt D.are rebuilt now

Answers: 1-5 BADCD 6-10 CBDAC 11-15 BCCCC 16-20 BBBAC

1. If city noises ____ from increasing,people ____ shout to be heard even at dinner.

A.are not kept;will have to B.are not kept;have

C.do not keep;will have to D.do not keep;have to

2. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, are ____and

perfected now.

A.developed B.have developed

C.are being developed D.will have been developed

3. --- ____ the sports meet might be put off.

--- Yes,it all depends on the weather.

A.I've been told B.I've told C.I'm told D.I told

4. I need one more stamp before my collection ___.

A.has completed B.completes C.has been completed D.is completed

5. Rainforests ___ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

A.cut B.are cut C.are being cut D.had been cut

6. The new suspension bridge ___ by the end of last month.

A.has been designed B.had been designed

C.was designed D.would be designed

7. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ____.

A.breaks B.has broken C.was broken D.had been broken

8. Great changes ___ in the city, and a lot of factories ___.

A.have been taken place; have been set up

B.have taken place; have been set up

C.have taken place; have set up

D.were taken place; were set up

9. That suit __ over 60 dollars.

A.had costed B.costed C.is costed D.cost

10. --- Look! Everything here is under construction.

--- What's the pretty small house that __ for?

A.is being built B.has been built C.is built D.is building

11.--- Do you like the material?

--- Yes, it ___ very soft.

A.is feeling B.felt C.feels D.is felt

12. It is difficult for a foreigner ____ Chinese.

A.write B.to write C.to be written D.written

13. I have no more letters ____ ,thank you.

A.to type B.typing C.to be typed D.typed

14. Take care! Don't drop the ink on your shirt, for it __ easily.

A.won't wash out B.won't be washed out

C.isn't washed out D.isn't washing out

15. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to ___.

A.be put up B.give in C.be turned on D.go out

16. The computers on the table ___ Professor Smith.

A.belongs B.are belonged to C.belongs to D.belong to

17. --- What do you think of the book?

---Oh, excellent. It's worth ___ a second time.

A.to read B.to be read C.reading D.being read

18. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed ___.

A.catching B.to be caught C.being caught D.to catch

19. This page needed ___ again.

A.being checked B.checked C.to check D.to be checked

20. ___ many times, the boy still didn't know how to do the exercises

A.Having taught B.Having been taught C.taught D.Teaching

21 The People's Republic of China ___ on October 1, 1949.

A. found B. was founded C. is founded D. was found

2 2 English ____ in Canada.

A. speaks B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken

23 This English song___ by the girls after class.

A. often sings B. often sang

C. is often sang D. is often sung

24 This kind of car ___ in Japan.

A, makes B. made C. is making D. is made

2 5 New computers ___ all over the world.

A. is used B. are using C. are used D. have used

26 Our room must ___ clean.

A. keep B. be kept C. to be kept D. to keep

27 -I'd like to buy that coat.

-I'm sorry. ___.

A. it sold B. it's selling C. It's been sold D. it had been sold

28 The key ___ on the table when I leave.

A. was left B. will be left C. is left D. has been left

29 Doctors ___ in every part of the world.

A. need B. are needing C. are needed D. will need

30 His new book___ next month.

A. will be published B. is publishing

C. is being published D. has been published

1)It is said that a new robot ____by him in a few days.

A) designed

B) has been designed

C) will be designed

D) will have been designed

2)We are late. I expect the film ____by the time we get to the cinema.

A) will already have started

B) would already have started

C) shall have already started

D) has already been started

3) She will stop showing off if no notice____ of her.

A) is taken

B) takes

C) will be taken

D) has taken

4) Diamond ____in Brazil in 1971.

A) is found

B) has been found

C) was found

D) had been found

5)“Have you movedsintosthe new flat?”“Not yet. The room____.”

A) has been painted

B) is painted

C) paints

D) is being painted

6) My pictures ____until next Friday.

A) won't develop

B) aren't developed

C) don't develop

D) won' t be developed

7) Tim ____since he lost his job three weeks ago.

A) had been unemployed

B) was unemployed

C) has been unemployed

D) has unemployed

8) A great number of colleges and universities ____since 1949.

A) has been establish

B) have been established

C) have established

D) had been established

9) I'll have to push the car to the side of the road because we ____if we leave it here.

A) would be fined

B) will be fined

C) will being fined

D) will have been fined

10)“____two tickets for the new play at the Grand Theatre on Saturday. Shall we go and see it together?”

A) They have been given

B) I have been given

C) I am given

D) They have given to me

11) The subject of these lectures ____by the lecture committee.

A) is announced

B) have been announced

C) are announced

D) has been announced

12) I found an aspirin bottle ____dropped on the floor of David's room.

A) was

B) had

C) had been

D) is13)The goods ____when we arrived at the airport.

A) were just unloading

B) were just been unloading

C) had just unloaded

D) were just being unloaded

14) If one ____by pride, he will reject useful advice and friendly assistance.

A) overcomes

B) is overcome

C) has been overcome

D) overcome

15) Most environment problems exist because adequate measures for preventing them ____taken in the past.

A) was not

B) were not

C) were not being

D) had not been

16) You ought to have put the milk in the refrigerator, now ____sour.

A) I smell

B) it is smelt

C) it smells

D) it is smelling

17) After the race____, the celebration began.

A) had been won

B) is won

C) will be won

D)has been won

18) He was here for a little while, but I don't knowswhereshe ____now.

A) is

B) was

C) had been

D) has been

18) The young teacher has ____ competent.

A) been proved to be

B) proved to be

C) been proved

D) proved being

19) Pluto, the outermost planet of the solar system, ____photographically in March 1930.

A) discovered

B) was discovered

C) by discovery

D) when discovered

20) To get a better view of the stage, ____.

A)our seats had to be changed

B) our seats were changed

C) we had to change our seats

D) our seats were changed by us

22) After synthetic____, engineers had a better choice of material.

A) created

B) has created

C) has been created

D) had been created

23) I think much attention ____your pronunciation.

A) must be paid to

B) ought to be paid to

C) must pay to

D) should be paid to

24) Since 1970, millions of enthusiasts ____Vitamin C, which they believe can remedy the common cold.

A) have taken

B) have been taken

C) have been taking

D) have been taking

25) I don't remember ____the chance to try this method.

A)shavingsbeen given

B) to have been given


D) to have given

26) We could ask someone to do the work privately without it____.

A) know

B) be known

C) being known

D) to be known

27) The construction of the laboratory ____by the end of next month.

A) must be completed

B) must have been completed

C) will be completing

D) will have been completing

28) They would tell how the African ____on a ship to an American port.

A) was brought

B) could have been brought

C) had been brought

D) was to be brought

29) He does not possess a bicycle, this one he uses ____to Peter.

A) is belonged to

B) belonged

C) belongs

D) is belonging

30) Negotiation ____again with Moscow tomorrow, a great event will be discussed then.

A) is to be opened

B) is on the point of opening

C) is going to open

D) opens

1)C 2)A 3)A 4)C 5)D 6)D 7)C 8)B 9)B 10)B11)D 12)C 13)D 14)B 15)B 16)C 17)A 18)A 19)B20)B 21)C 22)D 23)A 24)C 25)A 26)C 27)A 28)C29)C 30)A

1._____ a new library _____ in our school last year?
A.Is; built B.Was; bulit C.Does; build D.Did; build
2.An accident ____ on this road last week.
A.has been happened B.was happened C.is happened D.happened
3.Cotton ____ in the southeast of China.
A.is grown B.are grown C.grows D.grow
4.So far,the moon ____ by man already.
A.is visited B.will be visited C.has been visited D.was visited
5.A talk on Chinese history _____ in th school hall next week.
A.is given B.has been given C.will be given D.gives
6.A lot of things ____ by people to save the little girl now.
A.are doing B.are being done C.has been done D.will be done
7.The doctor _____ for yet.
A.isn't sent B.hasn't been sent C.won't be sent D.wasn't sent
8.--When ___ this kind of computers______? --Last year.
A.did; use B.was; used C.is; used D.are; used

9.Who _____ this book _____?
A.did; written B.was; written by C.did; written D.was;written
10.Mary ____ show me her new dictionary.
A.has asked to B.was asked to C.is asked D.asks to
11.A story _____ by Granny yesterday.
A.was told us B.was told to us C.is told us D.told us
12.The monkey was seen _____ off the tree.
A.jump B.jumps C.jumped D.to jump
13.Older people ____ well.
A.looks after B.must be looked after C.must look after D.looked after
14.Our teacher ______ carefully.
A.should be listened to B.should be listen C.be listened D.is listened
15. In some part of the world, tea _______ with milk and sugar.
A. is serving B. is served C. serves D. served
16. It was reported that the murderer _______ arrested.
A. has been B. had been C. has D. had
17. Do you think that the bridge ______ in a year?
A. would be completed B. will be completed C. had been completed D. is being completed
18. Great changes _______ in China since the People’s Republic of China _______ in 1949.
A. have taken place; was founded B. has taken place; was founded
C. have been taken place; founded D. took place; founded
19.—Why does Ling Ling look so unhappy? —She has _______ by her classmates.
A. laughed B. laughed at C. been laughed D. been laughed at
20. Doctors _______ in every part of the world.
A. need B. are needing C. are needed D. will need
21. I promise that matter will _______.
A. be taken care B. be taken care of C. take care D. take care of
22. No permission has ________ for anybody to enter the building.
A. been given B. given C. to give D. be given
23. I _______ ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.
A. gave B. was given C. was giving D. had given
24. Can such a thing _____ happening again?
A. prevent from B. prevented from C. be prevented from D. to prevent from
25. A new house ________ at the corner of the road.
A. is building B. is being built C. been built D. be building
26. This bike ________ last year.
A. bought B. has been bought C. was bought D. had been bought
27. Did you see the house that _______ by fire last year?
A. was destroying B. destroyed C. would destroy D. was destroyed

28. It _______ whether she will get her work in the hospital.
A. hasn’t been decided B. isn’t deciding C. doesn’t decide D. hasn’t decided
29. The pen _______ me. It is hers.
A. isn’t belong to B. wasn’t belong to C. doesn’t belong to D. didn’t belong to
30. I can’t use my bike because it _______.
A. is repairing B. is being repaired C. will repair D. was repairing

1-5 BDACC 6-10 BBBBB 11-15 BDBAB 16-20 BBADC
21-25BABCB 26-30CDACB

A lot of questions were asked during the meeting yesterday.

汉译英 1这种裙子到处都看得到。This'style'of'dress___can___'___be___'___seen___everywhere.2窗子已经关了 The'windows___have___'___been___'___closed___.3我认为青少年应该多做运动。I‘think'teenagers___should___'___'___'___do'more'sports.4昨天有人听到你因为没考...

bitted bit 英[bɪt] 美[bɪt]n. 一点,一块; 少量,少许; 一会儿,一转眼; [计]比特(二进位制信息单位);adj. 很小的,微不足道的;adv. [口语]相当,有点儿,或多或少,多少[a bit to的省略] ;[例句]All it required was a bit of work 这事儿只需...

make progress是否有进行时和被动语态
make progress 有进行时和被动语态;如表示正在进步就可以用进行时;make为及物动词,所以有被动语态。例如:1.Our courtry is making progress.我们的国家正不断取得进步。2.As conceit makes one lag behind, so modesty helps one make progress.骄傲使人落后, 谦虚使人进步。3.You can ...

用被动语态把下列句子翻译成中文 1. 最近英语课上经常使用电脑。 2...
The computer has often been used in English class recently.Three new movies will be shown next month.这个句子有语病。什么 还是 怎么?How is the house built? 这个房子是怎么盖的?Has my letter been posted already?Lights must be turned off before leaving the classroom.These ...

hang有被动语态吗 hang有被动语态 被动语态是be hung hang 英[hæŋ] 美[hæŋ]vt. 悬挂; (被) 绞死; 贴,装饰; 使悬而未决;vi. 悬垂; 被吊死; 附属,依靠; 悬而未决;n. 悬挂的样子; (动作的) 暂停; 〈口〉大意,要点; 〈口〉做法,诀窍;[...


The City Mouse and the Country Mouse Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So ...

一条路正在被修建 汉译英 被动语态
你好,“一条路正在被修建”翻译成英语是:A road is being built.---供参考,希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

英译可以是:Britain released most of the prisoners of war.如果要改为被动,那该是:Most of the prisoners of war were released by Britain.

将乐县17579467881: 求有难度的被动语态题目<英语的>,要选择题,附答案,谢谢!
诸葛炭普芬: 被动语态考点 ◆典型陷阱题分析◆ 1. “Do you like the material?” “Yes, it _____ very soft.” A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt 「 陷阱」此题容易误选D,想当然地根据“这布料摸起来很柔软”这一句意,认为“布料”应是“被摸”,所以 ...

将乐县17579467881: 求初中英语被动语态练习题,必须有答案的, -
诸葛炭普芬:[答案] 21.I promise that matter will _______. A.be taken care B.be taken care of C.take care D.take care of 22.No permission has ... 29.The pen _______ me.It is hers. A.isn't belong to B.wasn't belong to C.doesn't belong to D.didn't belong to 30.I can'...

将乐县17579467881: 英语关于被动语态的4道选择题1.If the question_____correctly,another question - ____to you.A.is answered,will be given B.answeres,will give C.answeres,will ... -
诸葛炭普芬:[答案] 1:第一题A,根据句意可知如果问题是被答得正确,另一个问题将会给你答.排除B,C .两句都应用被动语态.因为问题不会自动给你,是说话者给的.所以第二次也应用被动语态.排除D 2:选C.首先排除B,C.因为这个句子已经有了一个动词cell.不能再用...

将乐县17579467881: 关于英语被动语态的选择题 Today the forests have almost gone.People must( ) down too many trees. -
诸葛炭普芬:[选项] A. stop from cutting B. stop to cut C. be stopped from cutting D. be stopped to cut 为什么选C呢,主语是people呀 就是选A为什么不行呢

将乐县17579467881: 关于被动语态的英语选择题~Supermarket____in my hometown last month.A.built B.has built C.was built D.is building是被动语态.但我认为如果没有C这个选... -
诸葛炭普芬:[答案] 额,语法的东西我也不太懂埃... 不过这个题... 选C的话才是个完整的句子,应该是个主系表结构的吧,就是说这个超市是上个月在我家乡建的. 如果选A,Supermarket built in my hometown 是个定语后置的结构,整个作为主语,后面直接跟last month是...

将乐县17579467881: 英语被动语态选择题belong to -
诸葛炭普芬: belongs to 注意belong to 不用被动语态 belonging to belonging to my grandfather 作后置定语修饰the house 希望对你有帮助

将乐县17579467881: 谁能给几道关于被动语态的英文题 最好 -
诸葛炭普芬: 被动语态练习 1. The flowers were so lovely that they ______ in no time. A. sold B. had been sold C. were sold D. would sell2. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where _____ yet. A. hasn't been decided B....

将乐县17579467881: 被动语态的几道英语题,请指导! -
诸葛炭普芬: 1:"you won't"为虚拟语态,所以用-ed形式;不定式后用原形 2:这是建立在婚礼的基础上,被邀请就发生在过去,没有被邀请,所以是was not invited 3:“这种药按道理应该睡觉前服用”,“按道理应该”,用should be+过去分词. 4:“发生了巨大的改变,这个城市几乎不能被辨认”巨大的改变发生而不是被发生,是主动,所以选A 5:“我不能写出瓶子上的说明因为它是被印上去的”说明在瓶子上印着,表示这种状态,所以用一般现在时被动,所以选A 由于能力有限,只能卖弄一下,希望你能够立解这些问题

将乐县17579467881: 关于被动语态的英语选择题~ -
诸葛炭普芬: 经验阿只能选C,因为超市是被人建起来的,自己是不可以的,所以必须用被动.上个月,就要用过去时,不能用完成时被动语态构成是be+动词过去分词被动语态也有事态的变化你要先翻译句子先确定事态是否用被动语态要看主语看它是动作的主动发出者还是被动的

将乐县17579467881: 八年级英语的被动语态专项练习一、用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空.(1*20=20分)(请注意时态和语态两个方面噢)1.It's said(据说) that the long ... -
诸葛炭普芬:[答案] 一、用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空.(1*20=20分)(请注意时态和语态两个方面噢)1.It's said(据说) that the long bridge_____is built_________(build)in two months. 2.Where to have the meeting __is discu...

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