
作者&投稿:乜吕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 为大家整理的《关于negative的英语句子大全》的文章,供大家学习参考。

As we know, massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man's existence.
来自:人和环境Man and His Environment

Heavy transportation pressure in large cities may bring much inconvenience to people and exert negative impacts on the environment.
来自:关于城市交通问题四级范文Urban Traffic

One of the most serious ones is that it may exert a negative impact on our sense of social responsibility.
来自:公共场合不道德的行为-Immoral Behavior in Public

Meantime we hope that satisfactory solutions to these negative problems will be found soon.
来自:有关私家车的问题Private Cars

In other words, what's the payoff for doing this seemingly negative thing?
来自:To break bad habits 如何改掉坏习惯

However, some people would submit abusive posters and spread rumors on their blogs, which has caused a series of negative consequences.
来自:博主应不应该承担他们的责任?Should the Bloggers Shoulder Their Responsibilities?

Therefore, the unhealthy social morality has negative impacts on college students.
来自:大学生究竟怎么了?What Happen to College Students?

Therefore, except for the schools, children have to spend more time on study, and their burden is so heavy that may bring negative influence on them.
来自:孩子们的沉重负担 Heavy Burden on Children

Every time you have a negative thought, counter with a thought of gratitude.
来自:怎样保持你良好的精神状态? How to Maintain Your Spiritual Well-being?

Many stress and negative emotions can be drained away by doing exercises.
来自:健康的生活习惯 Healthy Living Habits


当我们谈论"negative"和"passive"这两个词时,它们虽然都带有一定的消极含义,但它们所表达的概念却大相径庭。"Negative"主要侧重于指涉否定的来源和内容,例如"negative gravity"(反重力)和"negative effect"(负面效应),它强调的是事物的消极面和否定性影响。相比之下,"passive"这个词则更多地与...


7.在社交交流中,negative常用于表示拒绝或否定某人的请求、要求或建议。例如,当有人提出一个想法或计划时,我们可以给出negative response,表达自己的不同意或不支持。8.Negative还可以指某种特定的因素或条件对结果产生不良影响的情况。例如,在科学实验中,研究人员会考虑和控制一些negative factors,以...

虽然二者都有消极意义,但negative强调负面性的和否定的内容,如negative gravity反重力,negative effect负面效应等 而passive更多则强调被动意义,如passive action 被动行为,passive respond被动反应等。因此,二者不但有区别,而且区别很大,切不可混用 ...

"Nega"是一个负面的,非常消极的词汇,源自于英语单词"negative"。在许多情况下,它被用来描述某些不利或不好的事情。例如,当你说你有一个"Nega" 的情绪时,你的意思是你感到很沮丧或很悲伤。此外,在社交媒体上,"Nega"经常被用来表达不满或抱怨,表示...

negative things什么意思
Negative things指的是消极的事物、负面的情况或者不良的影响。这些事物可能是人的情绪、态度、行为,也可能是环境中的因素,它们会给人带来负面影响,阻碍个人或团队的发展。在我们的日常生活中,negative things无处不在。例如,消极的情绪,如沮丧、焦虑、愤怒等,都可能成为negative things。这些情绪不仅...


找几首类似于Negative Things,My Heartbeat 这一类的欧美优美旋律的歌...
burning、、tonight i will close to you、you don‘t miss your water

Negative把自己的音乐风格称为“emo-rock”,也就是指Emotional Rock'n'Roll,他们的音乐源于芬兰的传统音乐,在抒情歌曲的基础上加入强劲的吉他和弦,歌词大多是美好而积极的,表达了各种感情,而不仅仅是愤怒。他们的音乐是美丽的旋律和摇滚的结合。对 他们影响最大的还是Nirvana,Guns’n’Roses以及Aero...

牡丹江市13594895750: 否定的英语翻译 否定用英语怎么说 -
空舍回生: negative 英 [ˈnegətɪv] 美 [ˈnɛɡətɪv] adj. 消极的,否认的;[数]负的;[心]反抗性的;无预期结果的 n. 否定词语;否定的观点;消极性;[摄]底片 vt. 否定;拒绝 第三人称单数: negatives 复数: negatives 现在分词: negativing 过去式: negatived 过去分词: negatived

牡丹江市13594895750: 用英语描述人物外貌和性格特征的词组句子有哪些? -
空舍回生:[答案] 1 外貌Appearance He is handsome/ good-looking/ athletic/ muscular/ fat (Negative)/ overweight (Negative). He has fine/ strong/ sharp/ regular features. She's pretty/ beautiful/ good-looking/ attractive/ plain/ slim/ plump/ thin (Negative)/ skinny (Negative)...

牡丹江市13594895750: 负数用英文怎么说 -
空舍回生: negative one, negative one point five!

牡丹江市13594895750: 关于感恩的句子有哪些,并翻译成英文 -
空舍回生: 1、Acknowledge what you're grateful for. 学会对生活感恩.2、Be mindful of your surroundings. 将注意力集中在你的生活中正在发生的事上,别为过去忧伤,也别为将来担心.3、Counter every negative with apositive. 不顺的时候多想想生活...

牡丹江市13594895750: 求英语关于环境保护的句子 -
空舍回生: Wind blows up bags higher and higher in the sky. It is a scary thought that some day the earth will turn into a huge garbage land. Wastes, if not treated properly, will make our life a living nightmare The environmental issue is getting worse almost ...

牡丹江市13594895750: 英语翻译句子,求大神. one has to make ten compliments for every one negative remark -
空舍回生: one has to make ten compliments for every one negative remark and one must leave oneself plenty of time 一个必须为每一个负面评价做出十个赞美,一个人必须留给自己大量时间.

牡丹江市13594895750: 有关钱的英语短文 -
空舍回生: Money Equals Success? (金钱与成功相等吗?)The amount of money that you make can determine your living arrangements, how many vacations you take, levels of stress, and many other things. Does any of that equal success though? Not in ...

牡丹江市13594895750: 请问negative 在这句英语中什么意思 -
空舍回生: “糟糕”.全句译文:联合国的这份报告称,极端气候引发的灾难所导致的财政花销可能会很大.

牡丹江市13594895750: 消极的和积极的用英语怎么说? -
空舍回生: optimistic积极的 pessimistic消极的

牡丹江市13594895750: 宁可我负天下人,休想天下人负我!用英语的翻译
空舍回生: I would rather negative people of the world, I never expect people of the world bear

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