
作者&投稿:江钧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


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got 是 get 的 past tense 和 past participle; gotten 是 get 的 past participle。 不过当用 have got 去代表 have (例如 I've got a million dollars) 或去代表 must (例如 I've got to go) 的时侯,就不能用 gotten。 当用作 get 的 past participle 时,got 和 gotten 都可以用。例子:[his marks has got better] 和 [his marks has gotten better] 都得;[his behaviour has got worse] 和 [his behaviour has gotten worse] 都得。不过个人总觉得 [gotten] 似乎比较 [got] 语气畧有细微的重一些。 2009-07-13 06:11:31 补充: To 003: It may help to look up the dictionary
which defines gotten as "A past participle of get".
参考: thefreedictionary/got
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In reference to my mind
the word "gotten" doesn't appear. Only "got" appears as the past tense of get. 图片参考:l.yimg/f/iugc/rte/ *** iley_1
Gotten 是 past participle Got 可以是 Get 的 past tense,也可以是 Get 的 Past Participle. 现在懒人多用 Got 不用 Gotten 了。

而不规则动词的过去式的发音则略有不同,但是有些还是按照一定规律变化的。如以上的:make - made,get - got ,buy - bought ,come - came ,fly-flew ,bring-brought,teach-taught, think-thought, say-said,sit-sat. read-read, spend-spent,give-gave,tell-told,write-wrote,feel-felt,...


bekommen get, receive bekam got bekommen gotten bergen salvage barg salvaged geborgen salvaged bersten burst barst burst geborsten burst betrügen deceive betrog deceived betrogen deceived biegen bend bog bent gebogen bent bieten offer bot offered geboten offered binden tie band tied gebunden tied b...

The weather became very hot these few days.2这种水果,(尝起来)味道不错 This fruit tatses good.3房前的花闻起来很香 The flowers in the front of the house smell good.4冬季白天短,夜晚长 The winter has shorter days, and longer nights.5这个报告听起来很有意思 This report sounds...

B:Very good .How about you ?A: .But I am otten aware there is no enough money to do what I like .B:How could this happened ? Does your parents give you a little money ?A:On , according to conventional , they give me enough moeny .Maybe I can't arrange the fi...

Espiritu--Thomas Otten 这首特别处在于古典唱腔与现代配乐结合上面 Shearwater--Nobody 歌手的声音温柔,带点呢喃,却与Maximilian Hecker近乎深情呢喃的方式不同.也与Chris Garneau自言自语般的呢喃不同。他是一种对着阳光的呢喃,简单让人入迷。漂亮的独立声线。因为在公司,只给楼主推荐这几首,如果...

重金属音乐,有句歌词是you will never ever ever for you,刚开始是一...
Days are fototten_kasabian 专辑是这个 Velociraptor!PS ms这不是重金属吧。。。此外。。这个视频真是渣音质。。。歌倒是不错 Hey son I'm looking forwards You're aiming backwards Of this I'm sure Have you had enough Are you feeling rough Does your skull hurt Well if it's war ...

In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77\/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured ...

英语俗语 关于食物 多多益善!!!急用!!!
4、The yotten apple in jured its neighboors.一粒老鼠屎,弄坏一锅粥。意思是:一个人因为某些问题而拖累了整个团体。煮好的一锅粥,结果发现居然有了一颗老鼠屎,那这锅粥是绝对不能吃了的,和“害群之马”意思相近,所以人们常常会用这句话比喻某些调皮捣蛋鬼,破坏了整个整体。5、haste makes ...

I think I got courage to be honest Iwanna be with you You're the only one for me Standing on the rooftop of the building The morning fog is all around The golden light is gently coming down over the big city I'll never forget this I swear to this morning 'Cause I I ...

邓州市19238878691: got 和gotten用法有什么不同 -
方欧牛黄:[答案] 没区别.都是get的过去分词形态,只不过got还身兼get的过去式. I've gotten it = I've got it.

邓州市19238878691: i've gotten和i've got -
方欧牛黄: got是get英式英语的过去式或过去分词,gotten是美式英语的过去分词.在做过去分词时,两者意思完全相同.但在下列情况下只可以用got,不可以用gotten. 比如:I have got a racing car.(我有一辆赛车).因为“got”在此句中只是native speaker一个附加的习惯用词,不是过去分词,这里“ have got=have”,所以在这种情况下got在这里是可以省略的.

邓州市19238878691: 美国是不是把get翻译为获取的时候过去分词才用got?平时都是用gotten? -
方欧牛黄:[答案] 英国英语里没有gotten一词.但在北美比较常用.不过即使在北美也不算是标准用法.gotten和got在意义上有点区别.gotten暗示获取某物尚在过程当中,而got指已经拥有.比如he had gotten us tickets for the show,他已经在给...

邓州市19238878691: got和 gotton用法有啥区别 -
方欧牛黄: 英国英语里没有gotten一词.但在北美比较常用. 不过即使在北美也不算是标准用法. gotten和got在意义上有点区别.gotten暗示获取某物尚在过程当中,而got指已经拥有. 比如he had gotten us tickets for the show,他已经在给我们弄表演的票了. I haven't got any money,我一个子儿也没有

邓州市19238878691: get的过去式和过去分词是got或gotten,那got与gotten什么区别?讲具体点 -
方欧牛黄:[答案] 过去式got一般用于一般过去时,而过去分词gotten用于现在完成时(构成:have/has+过去分词)、过去完成时(构成:had+过去分词)或被动语态

邓州市19238878691: Get的过去分词时got 还是gotten 这两个词分别什么时候用 -
方欧牛黄: get的过去分词这两种形式都有用...一般got更常用....区别没什么区别..后者在英文著作,在诗 歌中 口语的为押韵脚倒是有见到

邓州市19238878691: 下面一句中haven't got是完成时吗?got和gotten是一回事? -
方欧牛黄: 不是完成时,只是说“我没有”的意思.不完全是一回事,got 和gotten都可以表示get的过去分词,但是got也可以表示过去式,gotten只能是过去分词

邓州市19238878691: 1、get的过去分词是got还是gotten?gotten用在什么时态中? -
方欧牛黄: 两个都可以.现在越来越多的人用got作为它的过去分词 例如:I got an unfavourable score.我得到一个不理想的成绩.Now I've got it.现在我明白了.-------------------------------------------------------- get 过去式:got 过去分词:gotten/got 现在分词:getting 第三人称单数:gets

邓州市19238878691: have got 和have gotten 的区别 -
方欧牛黄: got是英式英语的过去式或过去分词,gotten是美式英语的过去分词.在做过去分词时,两者意思完全相同.但在下列情况下只可以用got,不可以用gotten. 比如:I have got a racing car.(我有一辆赛车).因为“got”在此句中只是native speaker一个附加的习惯用词,不是过去分词,这里“ have got=have”,所以在这种情况下got在这里是可以省略的. 希望我的回答能够帮到你,望采纳!

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