
作者&投稿:象秋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ My New Classmate
The new term begins.We are students of Grade six.My classmates come back to school.Besides, we have a new class mates, Jiang Ting.She is a lovely girl. But she is shy to introduce herself in front of us.Before, she lived and studied in a small village.Now, she moved to our city with her parents, because her father works here now.She says that our campus is large and beautiful. She is so excited to study here.I hope she can have good days with us and make friends with us early.

英文作文 新同学初次见面 30字
新同学初次见面英文作文与翻译:In a twinkling of an eye, the new semester came。Several new students came to our class, of which sun Hanrui impressed me most。When I first met her, she wore a pair of black sneakers, giving people a casual feeling。Take a closer look at her ...

欢迎新同学作文700字,对于句子作文相信大家都不陌生,现在大部分的人在日常生活中都会使用这样的文本文案来记录自己的生活点滴,句子的作用是多方面的,以下欢迎新同学作文700字。 欢迎新同学作文700字1 无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。怎么写作文才能...



新学校 新班级别 新同学 500字作文
写新同学的作文 眼间,我已经上中学啦!面对着新的中学生活,新的老师,新的环境,一切都让我感到那么的亲切和美好。 当然,最使我感到亲切的还是我的新同学,为什么?因为是我和我的这些充满青春朝气的新同学们构成了一个团结、友爱、积极向上的集体!早在体育课时,彼此都是一张张陌生的面孔,甚至还不知道是不是一个...

1. 以我的新同学为主题写一篇作文 我的新同学 我的新同学 这学期开始,我就认识了许多新同学,玩得最好的就是他——袁梦涵。 他是个爱学习的学生,也爱帮助别人。所以,我非常愿意做他的朋友。 每次上课,他都会把手举得高高的,回答问题时,声音响亮,非常流利,听他回答问题简直是一种美的享受。而且回答的答案非...


关 键 词: 同学 小学六年级 600字 字 数: 600字作文 本文适合: 小学六年级 作文来源: https:\/\/zw.liuxue86.com 本作文是关于小学六年级600字的作文,题目为:《我的新同学》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。关键字:新同学 新同学作文 放暑假了,妈妈给我报了一个补习班,在补习班里我认...


1. 我的新同学为题写一篇作文600字以上 我的新同学 进入新的学校,新的环境,我认识了许多新同学。他们各自有各自的性格,但有一位同学让我印象深刻。 她长着一双炯炯有神的眼睛,一个高高的鼻子,一个樱桃小嘴,笑起来露出洁白如玉的牙齿,她就是我的新同学晓琳。 晓琳是我在军训期间认识的同学。我们在操场上训练...

回民区19537627445: 英语作文新同学 -
封季藿香: 新同学 My New Classmate The new term begins. We are students of Grade six. My classmates come back to school. Besides, we have a new class mates, Jiang Ting. She is a lovely girl. But she is shy to introduce herself in front of us. Before, she ...

回民区19537627445: 英语作文我的新同学 -
封季藿香: My New Classmate The new term begins. We are students of Grade six. My classmates come back to school. Besides, we have a new class mates, Jiang Ting. She is a lovely girl. But she is shy to introduce herself in front of us. Before, she lived and...

回民区19537627445: 以"我的新同学"写一篇英语作文(5句话) -
封季藿香:[答案] Now,I have got many new classmate.I think they are very enthusiastic and they are hard-working.I think they are also lively.,they all like playing table tennis.In one word,I like my new classmate very...

回民区19537627445: 求一篇介绍新同学的英语作文 -
封季藿香: Today we have a new classmate. Our teacher asks him to introduce himself to all of us. He is a boy and his name is Jack. He comes from Chengdu. He is now 17 years old. His hobbies are street dance and he also likes playing football. I think we can make good friends since he looks nice and gentle.

回民区19537627445: 英语作文我的新同学10句 -
封季藿香: I have two good friends in my class. They're twins.Zhang Jia,Zhang Jie.They look alike.They dress alike and talk alike.In fack,you can hardly tell them apart.But their characters are quite different. Zhang Jia is like her mother. She's quieter than Zhang ...

回民区19537627445: 《我的新同学》英语作文 -
封季藿香:[答案] My new classmates Today,we composition class have two new students,their different with others,they are twins,they call dabao two treasure. Dabao long of bright eyes,a small nose and a ruddy small mouth.His face was long form,he likes to play ...

回民区19537627445: 英语作文我的新同学 -
封季藿香:[答案] The new term begins. We are students of Grade six. My classmates come back to school. Besides, we have a new class mates, Jiang Ting. She is a lovely girl. But she is shy to introduce herself in front...

回民区19537627445: 我的新同学英语作文 -
封季藿香: My new friend is Jim. He's from American and is 13 years old. He was born on June 6, 1995. He speaks English, and some Chinese. He likes to play chess and to hike at the mountains. He also collects stamps in his spare times. He also loves reading. However, he hates all sports and he is very fat.

回民区19537627445: 求一篇介绍新同学的英语作文150词左右.介绍从哪里来的之类的 -
封季藿香:[答案] Dear**,I'm writing this letter to you to introduce to you a new friend.His name is Li Hua,a friend of mine who is going to transfer to your school soon.Li is very good at drawing and computer techno...

回民区19537627445: 英语作文!假如你们班来了一位新同学,他来自美国,下面是他的个人资料,请写一篇英语短文,简要介绍一下这位新同学.词数:60左右Name:Simon Age:... -
封季藿香:[答案] I'd like to introduce the new classmate to you. His name is Simon. He is fourteen years old. HIs favorite colour is blue. He like singing very much. His favourite food is bread and meat. He wants to s...

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