
作者&投稿:闫光 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

小区:residential quater


例如:中国广东深圳市华中路1023号5栋401房,您就要从房开始写起,Room 401, Buliding 5, No.1023,HuaZhong Road, ShenZhen, GuangDong Prov., China(逗号后面有空格)。
注意其中路名、公司名、村名等均不用翻译成同意的英文,只要照写拼音就行了。因为您的支票是中国的邮递员送过来,关键是要他们明白。技术大厦您写成Technology Building,他们可能更迷糊呢。
重要: 你的邮政编码一定要写正确,因为外国信件中间的几道邮政环节都是靠邮政编码区域投递的。
***室/房 Room***,
***村 ***Village,
***号 No.***,
***号宿舍 ***Dormitory,
***楼/层 ***F,
***住宅区/小区 *** Residential Quater,
甲/乙/丙/丁 A/B/C/D,
***巷/弄 Lane ***,
***单元 Unit***,
***号楼/栋 ***Building,
***公司 ***Com./*** Crop/***CO.LTD,
***厂 ***Factory,
***酒楼/酒店 ***Hotel,
***路 ***Road,
***花园 ***Garden,
***街 ***Stree,
***信箱 Mailbox***,
***区 ***District,
***县 ***County,
***镇 ***Town,
***市 ***City,
***省 ***Prov.,
***院 ***Yard,
***大学 ***College
另外有一些***里之类难翻译的东西,就直接写拼音*** Li。而***东(南、西、北)路,直接用拼音也行,写*** East(South、West、North)Road也行。

stop showing off! you know, it is more credible that i have learnt german few month ago than what you just said you have learnt french

不能用could have done, 那是表示过去可以做而没做


At the royal ball, all the well-dressed nobles are dancing, only the Prince is sitting all by himself.

Prince: Why didn't she come?

Enter Attendant.

Attendant: Prince, the ball is already half way through, you should announce your decision.

Prince: Just wait a bit longer.

Enter Queen.

Queen: Son, all the beautiful girls of the country are gathered here tonight as well as princesses from neighbouring countries, have you chosen your future queen yet?

Prince: (polite yet sombre) Mother, I already found the girl I love.

Queen: (satisfied) That is great, which girl is it? I will hold a wedding for you two tonight.

Prince: (hurriedly say) Wait, Mother, she is not here yet. Let us wait for a bit longer.

Suddenly, a well dreassed young lady with a mask appeared in the door way, everyone is making way for her.

Prince: (walks up excited and holds up her hand) Princess Lanie, you are finally here! I have waited for you for so long.

All astonished, starts to discuss with others.

Queen: Son, who is she?

Prince: (holding Lanie's hand) I will not take anyone other than her.

Princess made a curtsey to the Queen, the Queen smiles at her.

Queen: So you are the girl my son loves. How cute you look, no matter my Prince is madly in love with you.

Witch: (pretens to blush) I love the Prince too. In my eyes, there is no one more handsome, cute, attractive than him in this world. (looks nymphomaniac)

Queen: (wiping sweat) What...what a bold demonstration of love...

Prince turns and announce to everyone

Prince: Princess Lanie is the girl I love and your future Queen!

Everyone clapps. Suddenly the gate opens, another girl walked in. Everyone was stunned.

Prince: Who are you? Why do you look the same as the Princess?

Princess: (walks towards the Prince, stops) Prince, I am the true Princess.

Queen: (looks at Princess, then looks at Witch) What? How can there be two princesses?

Witch: (hurried pulls the Prince) Prince, do not listen to her, I am the real Princess.

Prince: (looks at Witch, points at Princess) It cannot be! You must be the fake Princess, because I have already proposed to the real Princess!

Princess: (heart-broken) Prince, did you forget? You are the one who said you will break the curse for me, and you promised me that you will marry me...

Witch interrupts the Princess

Witch: No, it is not like that! Prince, these are the things you said to me. She must be the Witch who is trying to taint the love between us. You can't believe her!

Queen: What is this?

Princess: Prince, did you truly forget? I once said: until all the edges of mountains are wore, and heaven and earth becomes one, that I will be separated from you, but you...you betrayed our love first.

Prince: How do you know this? Are you the real Princess?

Princess: (sadly looks at the Prince) Prince, she is the daughter of the Devil! It was her who told the Devil to turn me into a swan!

Prince: (surprised) What? (slowly approaches Princess)

Queen: (exclaims in surprise) Oh my! (falls into her maid) You are swan swan swan, bending your neck to sing to the sky...

Princess: (approaches Witch) It was you. Because you are jealous of my beauty so you turned my and my maids into swans, and cursed us to never be loved.

Prince: (finally realises) Lanie, you are the real Lanie! I remember the beautiful yet sorrowful glance of yours.

Witch laughs and hit the Princess to the floor.

Prince: (worriedly holds up Lanie) Princess!

Witch: (pulls off mask and put both hands on hips) Hahaha, Princess Lanie! I am the one who won the Prince in the end. He already proposed to me, the curse casted on you shall never break.

Prince: (angered) You cold hearted bitch, why did you lie to me?!

Witch: You realise this too late, my dear Prince.

Devil enters suddenly and points his sword at the Prince while Witch stands behind Devil.

Devil: The Prince who likes to poke his nose in others' business, I am the handsome, attractive Devil Kind, and your future father-in-law. Looks like you have already met my daughter.

Queen: (suddenly wakes) What?! You are my son's father-in-law? Oh my! (closed eyes, faint again)

Maid: Queen, please wake.

Devil: (maliciously) Hehehe, that is right, from now on I am the King of this Kindom!

Prince: (hides Lanie behind him) Behated Devil, I will never marry your daughter.

Devil: It is not something you can object to. You already proposed to her, even though she is 3600 years old which is a bit old...

Prince: 3600 years old?! Old wtich! (pulls sword out) In the name of Justice and Princess Lanie, I will fight you. Evil Devil, be prepared to die.

Fights, Devil is defeated

Devil: Huh, you are strong, but you cannot back out anymore. Once you proposed to my daughter, you must marry her. As to Princess Lanie, you shall never break my curse. (takes daughter's hand) Let's go, you just wait for the Prince to come marry you.

Exit Devil and Witch.

Princess: (sadly backs away and shakes her head) It is too late, there is nothing we can do anymore.

Prince: (grabs Princess's hand) There is still a chance, Princess, we must have faith.

Princess: No, forget about me, we are never meant to be. The Swan Lake is my home, please find another lovely girl and marry her! (Princess turns and runs)

Prince: (chases after her) Wait, Princess Lanie, please don't go...

Everyone exits.





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翻译 中文翻成英文 有点长 希望语法正确 不要翻译器的那种 谢谢!!!
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帮忙翻译一下,中文翻译成英文,不要用软件翻译的。错误太多。_百度知 ...
Many things in the world cannot advance, but seriously live in the present, is the most real life attitude.Perhaps the meaning of life, but is sniff side every flower beautiful flowers, enjoy the way bit by bit. After all, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, only ...

帮忙翻译一句中文名言到英文 翻译内容:为中华之崛起而读书谢谢!... 翻译内容:为中华之崛起而读书谢谢! 展开 7个回答 #热议# 晚舟必归是李白的诗吗? Nemii 2009-02-16 · TA获得超过1986个赞 知道答主 回答量:88 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:37.5万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1、...

the use of biofuels can improve the ecological environment, alleviate air pollution. With the rapid development of industrialization, the worldwide rapid increase in car ownership, the current gasoline-powered automobile exhaust pollution of the atmosphere, accounting for 60% of all air ...

上个月在去大连的路上,我幸运的遇到我的朋友安琪。 当我遇到她时,当时是在海滩。安琪正穿着游泳衣沿着海边走,,收集一些石头。 她不时的从海滩上捡起一个漂亮的石头并把它放进她手里拿着的新阿迪达斯运动鞋里。当我与她打招呼时,我有发现她的鞋里已经有许多石头了。她把这此石头从鞋子里拿了...

I like English class very much, because I can see my dear teacher---Miss Liao.Miss Liao is very beautiful. She has two big eyes , a small mouth .She is a good teacher. She is very clever .She play games with us in the class and we learn English happier and faster.我...

阳春市19430229566: 中文翻译到英文(很简单的) -
检琰抗癌: I'm very happy that I can enter this high school and be assigned to this class. And after getting alone with the students, I found out they were very nice people. They have a lot of personalities and they are funny. I hope I will get along with you well in the future and work up to be a good student.不是机器翻译的 给点辛苦分吧

阳春市19430229566: 中文翻译成英文,正式一点的 -
检琰抗癌: 经过十多年的发展,我公司已经具备雄厚的经济、技术实力 After more than 10 years' development, our company has had strong economic, technological strength……

阳春市19430229566: 中文翻译的英语怎么说 -
检琰抗癌: 中文翻译 英文意思是:Chinese translation 英文也可以读作:Chinese Translation Chinese translation 中文翻译; 中译本 Chinese 英 [ˌtʃaɪˈni:z] 美 [tʃaɪˈniz, -ˈnis] n. 中文;汉语;华人;中国人 adj. 中国的;中文的;中国人的;中国话的 translation 英 [trænsˈleɪʃn] 美 [trænsˈleʃən, trænz-] n. 翻译;译本;转化;转变 复数: translations

阳春市19430229566: 英语翻译1.You name it,we have it(怎么翻译中文)2.到……来(怎么翻译英文)顺便问一下,四书五经是什么?(虽然悬赏分有点低,) -
检琰抗癌:[答案] 1.你说得出,我们就做得到 2.come to... 3.四书五经是儒家的经典典籍.四书为:《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》. 五经为:《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《易》、《春秋》

阳春市19430229566: 中文翻译成英文~~~ -
检琰抗癌: I liked it, so I insist

阳春市19430229566: 中文翻译成英文 -
检琰抗癌: Is opposite in other entertaining fashion, I like listening to storytelling (storytelling). The storytelling usually tells a story by a storytelling person to us, this story often reorganizes from (adapted from) the historical event, well-known novel or popular TV ...

阳春市19430229566: 中文翻译到英文.. -
检琰抗癌: Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: I am a strict demands on themselves, work hard, practical, disciplined person. At work, I can happily get along with my colleagues to maintain a good working relationship. Hotel work for me over the years accumulated...

阳春市19430229566: 中文翻译英文 -
检琰抗癌: 感谢你一直以来的支持. Thank you for your support all the time. I appreciate your support all the time. 希望可以帮到你 纯手写,望采纳

阳春市19430229566: 中文到英文的翻译
检琰抗癌: 1754 years by the Baptist, now is not, is private universities across the seventh is the oldest university. Existing more than 7,000 students, including nearly 1500 people graduate. The rigor, style is pure, the teaching and scientific research quality are ...

阳春市19430229566: 请将中文翻译成英文,谢谢 -
检琰抗癌: 1. We usually prepare some Chinese food for our foreign friends.2. Can you do a favor for me?3. Shall we book a quite quiet room for him in this hotel?4. Lily teaches Mr Green to learn Chinese every morning.5. please call me David!6. Do you often send email to your parents?7. There are a few new words in this text.

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