
作者&投稿:子窦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


G: Oh,It must be the phantom,
MA: Phantom? I used to think it’s only a legend. What shall we do?
G: Every time there is a performance the No 5 balcony should be empty. For it’s phantom’s. And the 2 million franc that is given to the phantom should be continued. Or the accidents happened today won’t stop.
MA: That’s a bad news. But even worse Carlotta our leading actress also a bad temper woman refuse to play the role.
G: Not very difficult. Christine can take the place of her.
MA: Christine?
G: Yes. Though she is 16 in our troupe but I learn from my daughter that she is learning singing from a secret teacher. And she sings a wonderful voice.
MA: Ok…ok since I have no idea now. Christine could have a try.
P: I find the one I’m looking for eventually. A person who can understand my music has appeared. Christine for the first time I see her I know she is the one I’m looking for. Now I’m making effort to practice her to be the best singers. One day she will be able to sing my song in the stage.
CH: What a man he is. He always wears a mask. And I know nothing about him. His name, his backdrop, where he came from, only I know that he is a good person and help me lot. Maybe he is ugly. How he looks like?
… …
P: No, I can be sure that you won’t be interesting in it. And you never have chance to see my real appearance. Oh it’s already daybreak. You should go to the ground.
Ch: Bye
P: I think we would meet soon.
Some days later
G: what is the matter manager? You look so worried.
Ma: A serious problem. The phantom had sent me a letter.
G: what’s the content.
MA: It reads that he order us to let Christine be the leading actress of the new opera.
G: it doesn’t seem so bad as I think.
MA: But Carlotta won’t agree.
G: What are you going to do now.
MA: I choose Carlotta for she is more famous now. And she will of course make the opera successful.
G: Will the phantom take action to do sth?
MA: I hope he’d better not. Now strengthen the guard. It’s all I can do.

MA: who are you?
P: there is no need for you to know who I am. Take it.
MA: what’s this.
P: a playbook.
MA: a playbook
P: yes you ought to perform it as I tell you. Listen to me or you will regret.

After the party
R: what are you looking at manager.
MA: oh my venerable viscount. It is just a playbook.
R: who wrote it? What a fantastic story it is.
MA: it is…
R: the phantom isn’t he. Only he can do it.
MA: yes viscount.
R: so what are you going to deal with it.
MA: as you say the story is so strange I don’t think it should be performed.
R: I think it should. For phantom always make my fiancée Christine worried. And he had killed Carlotta.
MA: you mean that…
R: try to perform the play. And the phantom would appear the police would catch him.
MA: a good plan. But…
R: take it easy. I think it will succeed.
R: where are they had gone. It seems that they had disappear.
G: What’s wrong. Why are you here, viscount?
R: you should know I lost my way. I must find my fiancée as soon as I can. You Mrs. Giry know a lot of phantom should know where he had gone. Tell me.
G: (should I tell him what I know, I’m the passenger of phantom but.) now tell me young one you love Christine and she loves you don’t you.
R: yes I can swear. I would take care of her for the whole life.
G: Ok I feel for Christine so much. Ok you go down through the door of the mirror. This is all I can help
R: Thank you so much.
G: be careful young man.
R: I will dear madam. My thanks to you again.
R: Free her! Do what you like, only free her!
P: now dear Christine you have to make a Choose. GO with me and I will release this gentleman. If you don’t this young man will certainly die.
R: don’t listen to him Christine. Phantom let Christine go you can kill me. Why don’t. I’m prey for you lust for blood. You are a demon.
CH: I have never been recognizing that you are such a cruel one. You have taught me, and you have changed now.
P: Cruel. You say cruel. Who is cruel? It’s me who give you the chance to be the famous actress. And you have betrayed me.
Ch: how can you say so! I respect you so much. But I loved Raoul. I will follow him not you.
R: I love her! Show some compassion.
P: shut up. The world shows no compassion to me.
Police: viscount. Are you in? Track down this murderer - he must be found!
We will burst in.
P: too late to turn back. You must pay for what you have down to me
CH: not too late my friend. What you need is others care.
R: either way you choose, my love, he wins. Forgive me, I can’t do as I promise to be with you.
CH: why torment yourself my friend. End it.
P: either way you choose, I lose. Maybe you are right Christine. Oh see what I have down to you.
P: young man you are free now. Forget all this and all you have seen. Take her away.
R: Why. You set us free.
P: no reason, perhaps. Christine, listen. Only you can take my song flight.
CH: I will. But what are you going to do.
P: It is over now. The play has concluded. There is no phantom in the world from now and forever.


英语短剧: The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑)
旁白:Good morning everyone. Now, I will tell you a story about Mr. Tortoise and Miss Hare. In a very big forest, there lives many different kinds of animals, like monkeys, chicks, a Hare and an honest Tortoise. Miss Hare is very proud of her long legs and she looks down upon Mr. Tortoise. Today, near the river, an interesting thing is happening.
兔子:Hi! Mr. Tortoise. What are you doing?
乌龟:Hi! Miss Hare. I am walking.
兔子:Why do not you put four wheels on your feet? You will run much faster than now.
乌龟:No, I would run with my feet step by step. I’m sure I can win. I could be the winner.
兔子:Can what? Can run? Just like now? Ah, Ah, Ah, You are too slow. I can even walk faster than you run.
乌龟:Miss Hare, You are too proud. We should have a race. I believe I can run faster than you. That means I can win the match.
兔子:What? What? A race? With you? You can win? OK. OK. Look at the tall tree. Let me see who can get there first.
乌龟:OK !
兔子:Who will be the winner? Of course, It is me.
旁白:Many animals hear about the message that Mr. Tortoise and Miss Hare will have a race. They all come to the place near the river.
猴子: Mr. Tortoise, Are you ill? You must know your legs are much shorter than Miss Hare’s. That is to say you would fail the race.
乌龟: Don’t worry. I will try my best. I believe myself.
小鸡: Oh, My God! Do not join the race, and you will not be the winner,
乌龟: You are my good friends. Please believe in me. I can win the race .
猴子: Ready? Go!
旁白: Miss Hare runs very fast, but Mr. Tortoise runs very slowly. A moment later, Miss Hare arrives at a small tree.
兔子: Where is Mr. Tortoise? I can not see him. Oh, he is much far behind me. I think he will arrive here at least in the afternoon, Let me have a good rest.
旁白: Miss Hare wants to have a rest, but after a moment, he feels a little sleepy.
乌龟: How tired, but I can not give up. I must insist. I can arrive at the tall tree.
兔子: Oh, It is Miss Hare. He is sleeping now. I must run faster at his sleeping time.
旁白: Miss Hare is sleeping, while Mr. Tortoise is running much faster now. Now Mr. Tortoise arrives near the tree.
猴子和小鸡: Mr. Tortoise, Come on, Come on. You could be the winner!
兔子: Who is making the noise? Ah? Mr. Tortoise? He will win? Oh, no. Let me catch up with him.
Oh, It is too late, he is the winner, I fail the race. But I do not know why? Do you know?

Goats and sheep shepherd many goats were rushed to shepherd Lane. I wonder if there is a goat ate things in isolation, left behind. Shepherd picked up a piece of stone-throwing in the past, the goats were lucky to interrupt the corner. Goat shepherd scared request not tell the owner, goats, said :




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