
作者&投稿:丘陆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 旅游实践英语系列教材的《旅游实践英语(上)》是一套包含上下两册的专业教材,配套教师用书。这套教材针对旅游服务的三大核心领域——旅行社、饭店和旅游目的地,详细介绍了其中的主要工作流程。具体包括:旅游预订服务、旅游交通服务、航班预订、旅游接待服务、饭店前厅服务、客房服务、餐饮服务、导游服务、景区景点服务、商场与康乐服务,以及旅游问题投诉处理和营销策略等。

每个单元设计精心,分为六个部分:首先,热身练习(preview)通过看图或词义猜测,帮助学生预热学习;接下来是3-4个旅游情景对话(dialog),模拟实际工作中的交流场景;两篇旅游应用文阅读(reading)则提供了丰富的专业词汇和知识,有助于提升理解和应用能力;然后是2-3项听力理解(listening comprehension)环节,包含听写、理解判断、回答问题和填写图表,锻炼听力技巧;功能句(functional sentence)部分,让学生掌握旅游行业的实用表达;口语操练(speaking)部分,设计有角色扮演、情景对话和讨论活动,增强口语表达能力;最后,旅游应用文套写(simulated writing)部分,包含基本技能训练、范例和实践练习,让学生实际操作,提升写作技巧。

旅游实践英语目录Unit 1: 旅游生涯规划 Preview: 了解旅游部门Dialog I: 未来职业选择 - 毕业后计划Dialog II: 餐饮行业兴趣 - 餐厅工作Dialog III: 导游梦想 - 担任导游Reading I: 招聘广告与求职信Listening I: 面试主持人 - 饭店舞池Listening II: 旅游生涯访谈Speaking I: 讨论个人计划Speaking II...


第一单元:敢于开口,实践酒店员工英语:预订 学习如何以英语进行酒店服务交流,重点是预订相关对话。通过角色扮演,参与者将深入理解酒店员工在处理预订时的对话流程,包括询问客人需求、确认信息、提供建议等。第二单元:导游英语:山岳探索 专注于提升在山岳旅游环境中使用英语的能力。通过模拟导游与游客之间...



兰州旅游景点介绍英语作文 兰州一日游英语作文
兰州旅游景点的英语介绍1,白塔山公园Baita mountain park is located on the north bank of the Yellow River in lanzhou city.(白塔山公园位于兰州市黄河北岸的白塔山上,因山头有一元代白塔而得名。)The white pagoda was originally built in memory of a Tibetan sakya lama who went to Mongolia to meet gengh...

与伊瓜苏瀑布、维多利亚瀑布并称为世界三大跨国瀑布。尼亚加拉瀑布一直吸引人们到此度蜜月、走钢索横越瀑布或者坐木桶漂游瀑布。下面我为大家带来旅游英语尼亚加拉大瀑布英语简介,欢迎大家阅读!尼亚加拉大瀑布英语简介:Windmill at Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.The city of Williamsburg, Virginia, is one of ...

A British gentleman, Mr. Fowke made a bet for 20,000 pounds with his friend, that he could make a global tour and be back to London within 80 days.Then he and his servant Lu Lutong overcame a great deal of difficulties during their tour and stopped in many places in path...


Description(简介)In Gulliver's Travels, the narrator represents himself as a reliable reporter of the fantastic adventures he has just experienced. But how far can we rely on a narrator who has been impersonated by someone else? The work purports to be a travel book, and ...

丛台区18566278143: 旅游实践英语(吴云著书籍) - 搜狗百科
丑仁菲得: Last Saturday,we travelled to the Huang Mountain for the first time.At half past seven on that morning ,we reached an agreenment to meet at the schoolgate together. After a while,all the classmates and the teachers had come.We were very excited ...

丛台区18566278143: 证英语作文:请以 A wonderful trip 为题,介绍你在暑假期间的一次旅游经历.要求内容完整、语言通顺80词.
丑仁菲得: A wonderful trip Today, I go to Beidaihe to play. I just got off the train, back to the hotel. The next day, I began to play. I take pictures, shopping and tourism. I went to the hotel. I eat seafood, and fruit. Really happy day!

丛台区18566278143: 证英语作文:请以 A wonderful trip 为题,介绍你在暑假期间的一次旅游经历.要求内容完整、语言通顺80词以下内容要有:地点:北戴河交通工具:火车活动... -
丑仁菲得:[答案] A wonderful tripToday,I go to Beidaihe to play.I just got off the train,back to the hotel.The next day,I began to play.I take pictures,shopping and tourism.I went to the hotel.I eat seafood,and fruit....

丛台区18566278143: 求助!!写一篇70词左右的英语作文(用过去式)介绍自己的一次北海旅游度假经历,.内容要包括以下方面: -
丑仁菲得: Last Sunday,I went to Beihai witn my friends.We had a good time there.On sunday moring,I went to the train station to meet my friends and we took the train to Beihai at 8 o'clock.When we arrived there,we were all surprised because we think ...

丛台区18566278143: 英语作文a trip .内容1关于海南度假2介绍旅行做了什么3对旅行的感受.字数60到70个词, -
丑仁菲得:[答案] In last summer holiday I go to the Hainan with my parents,the sea in Hainan is very bule and people can buy a lot of beautiful shells in there and you also can sail out to sea for sightseeing. The trip in Hainan is made me very happy and hope to come here ...

丛台区18566278143: 英语作文,内容写一篇旅游经历,参与人员,全体师生 -
丑仁菲得: Last Saturday, we visited the Forest Park in my hometown. We got up early and met outside the school gate at 6:30AM. Then we went there by bus.The scenery was very beautiful. We saw many animals in the open air, such as pandas, elephants ...

丛台区18566278143: 英语作文a trip 内容1海南度假2介绍旅行做了什么3对旅行的感受60到70个词,初中水平 -
丑仁菲得: Last week, my parents took me with them to Hainan for a holiday. We got there by plane. We did many things during the trip. For example, we went to the beautiful beach to enjoy the sunshine, did some shopping in the city center, took a lot of ...

丛台区18566278143: 求一篇以旅游为主要内容的英语作文 -
丑仁菲得: I'm glad to hear that you are going for travelling.Now I'd like to give you some advice on it.I think travelling is a good experience for you to relax yourself when you are tired or free. Travel outside,you can see many beautiful sceneries that you haven't ...

丛台区18566278143: 一篇关于介绍旅游地点的英语作文 50字左右.真的急需!看到的进来下!1天时间内啊! -
丑仁菲得: hello,I think you may choose this scenic spot.It is in the northest of China.You will stay at a hotel named Hongxing near the city.But it will not have a kitchen.You can do many sports there.Such as you like swimming and walking around,there is a small ...

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