英语水平高的高手,帮忙翻译一下下面这段话 要语法正确的。。

作者&投稿:可河 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

日本は金融缓和政策を推进すること自体に问题ないのだか、もしそれは円安とリンクされ、さらに円安の幅まで政府の関与が入ってくるのであれば、 ある规模の市场不安定をもたらし、最终的に货币戦へ発展してしまう可能性はなくもない。
后半段 等会发~

Dear Hamilton (汉密尔顿),






who keep the social temperature at such a comfortable setting,这里的“social temperature”字面意思为:社会温度,原文为:这在舒适的位置上,你保持有社会温度。其实换一句话说,就是说不冷漠,热心,换一句话说,就是比较融入关注团体。 这封信是写给Hamilton(汉密尔顿)诉苦的,肯定是比写信人地位高,当然是赞扬他。

Wedding Shower:结婚送礼派对,不是单身派对,请大家不要翻译错了。
有些人也把“wedding shower”翻译成结婚前举行的单身派对,但是本文中指的是结婚送礼派对,这是美国的送礼习俗,是为了祝福新人为新人献上礼物的一种派对,分为为二位新人举办的 couple shower, 还有一种则是专门为新娘办的bridal shower. 他们之所以称这样的派对为shower(s),是因为当天参加聚会的朋友会准备许多的礼物来”浇灌”他们,就像“淋浴”或“下雨”一样。
Baby Shower: 新生宝宝送礼派对

Courtesy of the cultural characteristics of different cultural values differences are a reflection of differences. Courtesy of the cultural differences mainly in: 1. As the third point mentioned above, Chinese people believe that the words should reflect the title used the word should reflect the respect, so as to fully take care of each other's positive face. For example, people accustomed to using that term to refer to blood ties of non-relatives, this is the Chinese culture "collective ideology," the manifestation of the phenomenon in Western culture and the background is unacceptable. Besides Chinese people like to add a prefix, such as Lao Li, Wang, etc., in order to fully take care of each other's positive face. But the Western taboo 'old' word, can not adapt to this title way. Look at the differences polite apologies, first of all to apologize for the frequency, the Anglo-American countries, the use of people an apology is much higher than Chinese. Especially for small cough that day, the Chinese people an apology to each other so rarely, and Anglo-American countries, people will immediately say to each other I'm sorry.

different aspects of cultural courtesies are reflections of different cultural values. The reflections of different cultural values are mainly demonstrated in:

1. as according to the mentioned 3 points above, chinese think that all descriptions used for addressing others need to express with respect to the other party as his reputation and appearances should be cared for. for example, chinese are used to addressing other unrelated personels with descriptions that are used to address relatives. This is a reflection of collectivism and it is not well accepted in the western cultures.
other than that, Chinese like to add descriptive terms such as "old" or"little" in front of a person's surname while addressing him. This was practised as a way to show respect and closeness to the other person. however, the term "old" is considered to be impolite in western cultures and people with western cultural background are unlikely to be able to adapt to this type of appeallation.
Let's look at the differences in apologetic behaviours, first, as for the freqency in which apologetic terms are used, people in western cultures are more frequent users than people in the Chinese culture. especially for behaviours such as coughing and any usual daily behaviours, Chinese are less apologetic for such behaviours while people in western cultures are likely to say "i'm sorry" immediately after such inappropriate behaviours take place.

hhhafsjvnhhhasvjkjkuaykzxhbhbxbgbbqbbb nnchvkMbcbvdgwauiakwogdgqyugfggtrffffrggbhfccvgfffvggvvcvgbgv cffhhb vvvaafvgtgvhrrghnnfjhvbvgvbybvbgdfbjhbvbvjmsjbvkhbvbsvbbvsbvbbhvbshbcvbhbvbvbvrhbvfhbvhbvhdhbbvhb bvhfbbkhsbvhfhrfjgtydbvbv64bfvvbhab bvhbvyhvubvbwubuvbvbvggfgfgrygrgfuybvybvvvmsorry

求哪位高手语文水平好一点的用这些成语中任意挑选5个,写一篇300字的短 ...

韩语高手来下,帮忙 帮下面的东西翻成韩文呢!不胜感激!
1.여러분 비행장 내에 경보가 나고 있슴니다, 놀라지 마십시요,소방 부/...

...其中只有一个是正确的? 请语文基础水平高的高手来解答!
坚韧不拔 坚韧不拔 ( jiān rèn bù bá )解 释 形容意志坚定,不可动摇.用 法 补充式;作谓语、定语;含褒义 示 例 不管在生活中遇到什么困难,我们要有~、百折不挠的精神.近义词 坚强不屈、坚定不移 反义词 摇摆不定、举棋不定 英 文 firm and indomitable ...


告死天使:天使を诉える 这是等价交换的原则:これは等価交换の法则 闭嘴:黙れ!吵死了:うるさい!这家伙纠缠不休:コイツしつこい 可恶:クソ 原来如此:なるほど

他的发言绝对是一次高水平的。 改:他的发言绝对不可能不是高水平的。——肯定句改为双重否定句 二、根据提供的情景,补充要说的话。鼓励是一次肯定,一种鼓励,一股力量。遇到下面情况,你会怎样说呢?1、早上,开教室门的同学迟到了,影响了大家的早自习,你会说:今天你来迟了,一定是有事耽...

안녕하세요, 만나서 반갑습니다.저는 ***라 하고 올해 19살인 학생입니다. &#...

求英语高手指点快速提高英语的方法? 我大学毕业已经好几年,英语6级,不过几年没有看过书了,现在有一年的空闲时间想认真学习英语,把英语的水平提到较高,目标是与外国人交流(听说翻译)以及一般的平面翻译能力都可以!希望高手... 我大学毕业已经好几年,英语6级,不过几年没有看过书了,现在有一年的空闲时间想认真...


안녕하세요你好~포스트 보고쪽지 드려요^^ 给您的一纸信函(一封信)혹시 돌고래폰줄如果是 海豚手机坠 어...

肃州区18995507479: 几句英语 高手帮忙帮忙翻译一下下面几个句子 在线等1 Manis born good 2 All human being are equal.3 The family is important. we are members of a groud.4 ... -
孛法钠林:[答案] 1. 2.所有的人都是平等的. 3.家庭是很重要的.我们都是地球的一份子. 4.对待别人要像你希望别人对待你的那样. 5.人民比统治者更重要 6.我们应该爱所有的人. 第一个不太会.

肃州区18995507479: 请各位英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面这句话我在以后将每天想你,永远的祝福你,希望你不要忘记我. -
孛法钠林:[答案] I'll miss u everyday from now on and bless you forever. Hope you will never forget me.

肃州区18995507479: 英语高手帮忙用英文翻译一下下面一段文字 -
孛法钠林: This summer, I live a very full and happy. In the test after the end of the last few days, I and junior secondary students to Xinjiekou Techi Shanxi Road Studios and saw the peace Studios 2018 Terminator, Transformers 2, search for Jackie Chan, ...

肃州区18995507479: 求会英语的高手帮忙翻译一下下面短文.初中水平就行. -
孛法钠林: In the countryside, there are many young people want to live in the city. Make it easier to find work and a better life in the city. However, urban living is also very high, and there is no fresh air, traffic congestion, and so on. Have a quiet life in the ...

肃州区18995507479: 英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面的词组
孛法钠林: 1热身 2随着音乐唱歌/跳舞 3在什么什么中起作用,例如PLAY A ROLE IN FOOTBALL在踢球中起了作用 4诞生 5让某人做某事,例如MAKE YOUR HAIR CUT就是,让别人帮你剪头发

肃州区18995507479: 哪位英语高手愿意帮忙翻译一下下面这句话,中译英的 谢谢啦 -
孛法钠林: Anyone who's going to have the class tonight, please help fill in the budget gap for the absents, and then get all your money back by the reimbursement of this month.(Sorry for the inconvenience that the club won't provide invoices, please help ...

肃州区18995507479: 英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面的话
孛法钠林: 亲爱的受益人, 我在这里通知你,你已经列为一笔高达15,600,000.00GBP 英镑遗产的继承者.因为没有书面遗嘱,所以你就会得到这份遗产.我很高兴受理此事,并且其带给你提供进一步的答复. 为了遗产交接方便,希望可以收到你现在的电话号码,传真号,和详细地址.这些对于填署一些由高等法院发放的遗产继承鉴定文件和遗产分割的相关文件有用. 致敬 太长了, 我觉得大概是这样一回事.

肃州区18995507479: 英语高手请帮忙翻译下段 -
孛法钠林: I want to improve my English level by chatting with you ,I am poor at English

肃州区18995507479: 跪求英语高手,帮忙翻译下面几句话.
孛法钠林: Although I'm just what i am but i also have many dreams When i was young I hope that I can be a doctor like my idol XXX I wanted to see him one day He is the star always twinkled in the stage .But I know that clearly only when i have gone into the ...

肃州区18995507479: 英语高手帮忙翻译一下
孛法钠林: 我有没有打扰到你们呢?I have to bother you? 我是来还你光碟的(电影光盘). I am your CD (CD) film. 他爸爸是个养蜂户 His father is a beekeeper. 每天早餐前一杯蜂蜜水有利于身体健康A cup of honey water every morning before breakfast to health

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