
作者&投稿:闭聂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


The prince of the forest is about a human baby who was raised by a wolf in the Indian jungle after his parents were hurt by a tiger. Finally, the story of killing the tiger. The name of this human baby is mogley. Anyone who has read this book will be shocked by the fact that the little boy in the story has lived with a very fierce looking animal for so long.

Once the monkeys saw mogley's bravery and wisdom, so they took him back and wanted him to be the leader of the monkeys. Bagsila and Baru found it. The boa constrictor Kaya, the animal most feared by the monkeys, went to mogley together. Mogley was brought to lengcheng by the monkeys. 

It was an ancient city forgotten in the depths of the primeval forest. When bagsila and Baru were seated, Mogli was seriously injured. Kaya's nose also swelled up, but in the end, after a fierce struggle, he came out of mogley.

For the peace of the deep forest and the harmony of all animals, mogley decided to go to the human village. He helped people herd cattle and still played with the wolves every day, but he didn't let people know. Mogley also used human intelligence and bull to end his life while tiger hickory took a bath in the river. 

He also kept his promise and peeled off the tiger hickory's skin, but people regarded him as a fierce forest devil and drove him out of the village. Mogley took hickory's skin to the wolves and asked Accra to be the leader of the wolves again.  In this way, mogley continued to live with the wolves in the wolf pack.

Mogley fulfilled his promise, and you won the trust of the wolves through your own efforts. Hickory did a lot of bad things and was punished. The wicked will be rewarded! We should not hurt animals. Animals are human friends, although we can't fight and live with animals like mogley. But we should live in harmony with animals and be kind to animals.








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认真看完一本小王子名著后,大家心中一定有不少感悟,何不写一篇小王子读书笔记记录下呢?是不是无从下笔、没有头绪?下面是我为大家精心整理的关于小王子读书笔记,希望对大家有所帮助。 关于小王子读书笔记(篇1) 圣埃苦苏佩里在这部通话小说里,通过一颗小星球上的一个小王子旅行宇宙的经历,表达了对人类“童年”消逝...


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当阅读完一本名著后,大家一定都收获不少,这时候,最关键的读书笔记怎么能落下!为了让您不再为写读书笔记头疼,下面是我整理的《海的女儿》读书笔记,希望对大家有所帮助。 《海的女儿》读书笔记1 原本以为童话中的公主和王子经过重重磨难后总会在幸福的在一起,可是我忘了,在人鱼公主变成人的那一刻起,她公主的光...

格林童话读书笔记摘抄好词好句及感悟 好词:奇幻、魔法、邪恶、纯真、冒险、幸福、智慧、勇敢、诅咒、解救、精灵、仙女、恶魔、王子、公主、森林、城堡、神秘、传说、美妙。好句:1. "从此,他们过上了幸福的生活。" 这句话在格林童话中经常出现,象征着美好结局的到来。2. "勇敢并不是不害怕,而是...

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一百年过后,一位王子来到这里,听说了这件事,他不怕千辛万苦救活了美丽的公主,从此他们过着幸福的生活。睡美人这篇故事告诉人们爱是世界上最美好的事物,它有战胜一切事物的力量。 2022格林童话读书笔记10 《格林童话》这本书是妹妹今年暑假要求读的一本书,可是它也吸引着我的眼球,我趁着妹妹写作业和玩耍的时候,...

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