
作者&投稿:敖唐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Musician wanted for school
We need some students for our school.Do you like music?Can you sing or dance? Do you want to learn about music?All yes?Then you can be our musician.It is interesting and fun.You can make many good friends.It is not diffcult.Come and join us.Please taik to Mr.Zhang after class. Or call Jim‘s telephone number 138764543928.

Our school art festival is held once a year. I think this year’s was excellent because a lot of students and teachers took part in it. At first, the students of Class1 Grade6 danced the Gangnam Style. How wonderful they were! Then, English teachers had an English Choir. How good they were! I liked these two programs. Finally the students of Class3 Grade7 sang pop songs. They sang so wonderfully! At last they won the first prize.

Musician wanted for school
We need some students for our school.Do you like music?Can you sing or dance? Do you want to learn about music?All yes?Then you can be our musician.It is interesting and fun.You can make many good friends.It is not diffcult.Come and join us.Please taik to Mr.Zhang after class. Or call Jim‘s telephone number 138764543928.

无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?以下是我为大家整理的我的学校四年级作文,欢迎大家分享。 我的学校四年级作文1 我们的学校变样了。 一进校门口,原本暗暗的、没有光线的值班室被...

无论在学习、工作或是生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?下面是我为大家收集的关于以学校为话题作文大全,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 关于以学校为话题作文大全1 春天已迈着轻快的步伐向我们走来,那碧绿的小草,娇嫩的小花,潺潺...

在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,以下是我为大家收集的我的新学校优秀作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 我的新学校优秀作文1 一大早,我伴着明媚的阳光走进了美丽的校园。 站在校园前,我看着新学校,...

2. 我为校园做什么作文500字作文 当我们告别愉快的暑假生活重返校园时,我们都惊讶的发现学校发生了巨大的变化:操场铺上了红砖,打上了水泥板,整洁宽阔;教学大楼重新帖面,穿上了洁白的新外衣;木质的窗户被明亮的铝合金窗户取代;室内的墙壁经过重新粉刷清新干净,同学们,此时此刻面对焕然一新的学校,你会想些什么:是否...

求一篇给朋友介绍自己学校的信的英语作文及翻译80词左右 Dear Lucy. Thanks for your last letter. You asked me about my school. Now let me tell you something aoubt it.My school is big and beautiful and it is often clean and tidy. There is a teaching building and a science ...

描写学校的作文 描写学校的作文范文

我爱我的学校 作文


远离了都市的喧闹嘈杂、尘世的尔虞我诈、社会的复杂多变,有的只是自然与心灵的安宁与和谐,这就是我的校园,我心中的一片净土。 2. 以我爱我的校园为主题写一篇作文.(是中学 清晨,每当我走进校园时,她是那样的宁静,那样的清新,当大雾像一层薄薄的纱笼罩着学校,学校就像沉浸在海市蜃楼的幻影之中。 当红彤彤...


达拉特旗13338815425: 求一篇英语作文 50词左右音乐节即将来临,学校要组建一支学生乐队,请写一则招聘信息,所给的提示词都要用上.提示词:piano,sing,guitar,violin,take part ... -
薛武辰立:[答案] Dear students We want some students for our school band Can you sing? Can you play the piano ? Can you play the guitar or the violin? Come and show us Then you can be in our school band We can p...

达拉特旗13338815425: 英语作文一年一度的音乐节即将来临.学校组件一只乐队,想要一些学生参加,请写一则招聘信息.短文的开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数).所给的提示词... -
薛武辰立:[答案] Advertisement Ladies and gentleman:Our school band needs some musicians who can sing and play instruments. So if you think you are able to fullfill this work, please come contact with us.TEL: 123...

达拉特旗13338815425: 英语英语英语英语英语作文 学校将举办一个音乐节来迎接20年校庆,故需招聘一些音乐爱好者来共同庆祝.请你帮学校写一则招聘广告,要求书写规范,语... -
薛武辰立:[答案] 您好,以下是本人按题目要求写的英语作文,希望对您有帮助: Musician Wanted Our school is going to organize a music festival for the 20th Anniversary of our school. Anyone who is good at music and knows how to play a music instrument is ...

达拉特旗13338815425: 你能运用所学句型为我们学校的音乐节写一个招聘广告吗?英语作文七年级下册
薛武辰立: 答案是:Musicians wantedDo you like music ?Can you play the guitar or the piano ?Can you sing or dance ? Can you play the drums ?Then you can be in our school music club,Please call Mr Smith at 033-628.

达拉特旗13338815425: 用英语写一则招聘广告,校音乐节缺少会吹喇叭和敲鼓的同学还需要绘画的同学为音乐节制作海报 -
薛武辰立: Our music festival also needs three good students.Can you play the drum? Can you play the trumpet?We will be a painting class for Music Festival Poster. Can you draw? Please call us at 568-9327.Email address: xiaowei@sina.com.

达拉特旗13338815425: 请为本校音乐会写一个招募人员的广告用英语翻译出来 -
薛武辰立: Assistants Wanted A concert is to be held next month. Some assistants are wanted to help the the organizing committe for the previous preparation. Anyone who would like serve it can come and register in the Student Union —— 定于下月举办一次音乐会,现需要几名辅助人员协助前期准备工作 ,愿者请来学生会报名.

达拉特旗13338815425: 英语作文 -
薛武辰立: Our school's music festival is coming,so people who do well in music are needed.The person who wants the oppotunity should be able to sing as well as dancing.He/She is requested to be...

达拉特旗13338815425: 学校音乐会需要招聘音乐人才,请写一则招聘广告. -
薛武辰立: you like singing it, you like music, you are a musical person, you have the basic music well, you have the dream of music? if your answer is "yes ", please and contact us. 123123

达拉特旗13338815425: 求一篇英语作文 60字 初一 文采不要太好 差点写 -
薛武辰立: Dear Mr Yin I have heared that there will be a Music Festival hold in our school.I love music and willing to learn more about this area through this activity.In the Music Festival there will also be lots of other students who loves music and I want to make ...

达拉特旗13338815425: 英语作文40词学校音乐节定于5月15日开幕,需要8名音乐家,要求会唱歌跳舞,会弹钢琴,吉他,敲鼓等,联系人Jenny,联系电话:4481029 -
薛武辰立:[答案] Our school's Music Festival will be held on May 15. We need eight musician and artists. They should be able to sing and dance, play the piano, play the guitar, or play drums. Please contact Jenny if you are interested. Jenny's phone number is: 4481029. ...

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