斯宾塞的快乐教育英文原著 急急急 明天要用!

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原著名为Spencer’s Education。目前国内只有《斯宾塞的快乐教育》一书。找不到英文原版。

  著作:^ "Herbert Spencer". The Nomination Database for the Nobel Prize in Literature, 1901-1950. Nobel Foundation. http://nobelprize.org/nomination/literature/nomination.php?action=show&showid=104. Retrieved 2010-02-04. [dead link]
  ^ The Great Illusion, by Oron J. Hale, Harper and Rowe publishers, page 83
  ^ a b "Letter 5145 — Darwin, C. R. to Wallace, A. R., 5 July (1866)". Darwin Correspondence Project. http://www.darwinproject.ac.uk/entry-5145#mark-5145.f3. Retrieved 2010-01-12.
  Maurice E. Stucke. "Better Competition Advocacy" (pdf). http://works.bepress.com/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=maurice_stucke. Retrieved 2007-08-29. "Herbert Spencer in his Principles of Biology of 1864, vol. 1, p. 444, wrote “This survival of the fittest, which I have here sought to express in mechanical terms, is that which Mr. Darwin has called ‘natural selection’, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life.”"
  ^ Duncan, Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer pp. 53-55
  ^ Duncan, Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer p. 113
  ^ Duncan, Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer p. 75
  ^ Duncan, Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer By David Duncan p. 537
  ^ Duncan, Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer p. 497
  ^ Duncan, Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer p. 464
  ^ Duncan, Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer, p. 537
  ^ http://oll.libertyfund.org/?option=com_staticxt&staticfile=show.php%3Ftitle=336&chapter=12353&layout=html&Itemid=27 (The Origin and Function of Music" 1857
  ^ Stringham, Edward. Anarchy and the Law. Transaction Publishers, 2007. p. 387
  ^ Stringham, Edward. Anarchy and the Law. Transaction Publishers, 2007. p. 388
  ^ Herbert Spencer, Facts and comments, pg. 126
  ^ Social Statics (1851), pp 42, 307.
  ^ The Man vs the State, 1884 at the Constitution Society
  ^ Ronald F. Cooney, "Herbert Spencer: Apostle of Liberty" Freeman (Jan 1973] online
  ^ Chris Matthew Sciabarra, "Libertarianism", in International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology, edited by Jens Beckert and Milan Zafirovski (2006), pp. 403-407 online
  ^ http://reason.com/archives/2008/07/29/the-unfortunate-case-of-herber
  ^ http://www.princeton.edu/~tleonard/papers/Myth.pdf
  ^ James, William. "Herbert Spencer". The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. XCIV (1904), p. 104.
  ^ Quoted in Offer, John (2000), Herbert Spencer: Critical Assessments, p. 613. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 0-415-18185-2.
  ^ Robert G. Perrin, "Émile Durkheim's Division of Labor and the Shadow of Herbert Spencer," Sociological Quarterly 36#4 pp 791-808
  ^ Himmelfarb, Gertrude (1968). Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution, p. 222. Quoted in Richards, Robert J. (1989), Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior, p. 243. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-71200-1.
  ^ Hofstadter, Richard (1992). Social Darwinism in American Thought, p. 32. Beacon Press. ISBN 0-8070-5503-4.
  ^ See Francis (2007)
  ^ Plekhanov, Georgiĭ Valentinovich (1912), trans. Aveling, Eleanor Marx. Anarchism and Socialism, p. 143. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Company. (See here.)
  ^ Schwartz, Benjamin In Search of Wealth and Power (The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, 1964).
  ^ Pyle, Kenneth The New Generation in Meiji Japan (Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1969)
  ^ Spencer to Kaneko Kentaro, 26 August 1892 in the Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer ed. David Duncan, 1908 p 296.
  ^ Savarkar, Vinayak Damodar. Inside the Enemy Camp. pp. 35. http://www.savarkar.org/en/armed-struggle/inside-enemy-camp.


  赫伯特.斯宾塞 [英] Herbert Spencer 1820 - 1903








  小斯宾塞2岁时其父 丹尼.斯宾塞 不幸死于山洪。



  Spencer was born on April 27, 1820, in Derby, in the bleak and dismal English Midlands, the heart of British industry. He was the oldest of nine children and the only one to survive. His father, George Spencer, and his whole family were staunch nonconformist Dissenters, highly individualistic in their outlook. George Spencer, a rather eccentric man who combined Quaker sympathies with Benthamite radicalism and rabid anti-clericalism, taught school in Derby. Aggressively independent, he would not take his hat off to anyone and would never address his correspondents as "Esquire" or "Reverend" but always as "Mr." Keenly interested in science and politics, he was for a time honorary secretary of the local Philosophical Society and one of the mainstays of local Dissent. Spencer's mother Harriet is described as a patient and gentle woman whose marriage to his irascible and irritable father seems not to have been happy.

  Being sickly and weak as a child, Herbert Spencer did not attend a regular school. His father educated him at home. At the age of thirteen, he moved to the home of a clerical uncle near Bath, from whom he received his further education. This clergyman, who was also an advanced social reformer, a Chartist sympathizer, and an advocate of temperance, taught young Herbert the principles of Philosophical Radicalism as well as the rigid code of dissenting Protestantism. When the Reverend Spencer was asked one day at a gathering why the young Spencer wasn't dancing, he replied, "No Spencer ever dances."

  The education Spencer received from his father and uncle leaned heavily on the scientific side. His grounding in Latin and Greek was weak, and he never became even a tolerable linguist. He received no formal instruction in English, and his knowledge of history was superficial. At the age of sixteen he had a good background in mathematics and the natural sciences, but he was not, nor was he ever to become, a generally cultivated man.

  Feeling himself unfit for a university career and unwilling to attend Cambridge as his father had done, Herbert Spencer decided to follow his scientific interests, and in 1837 joined the staff of the London and Birmingham Railway as an engineer. A year later he took up a better position as a draftsman with the Birmingham and Gloucester Railway. In addition to his regular duties, Spencer here busied himself with a variety of minor inventions, which he thought much of but which came to little. When the construction of the railroad was finished in 1841, he was discharged and returned home to Derby.

  In the next few years Spencer published several articles in the radical press, first on engineering but soon after on social and political questions as well. A series of letters to a dissenting paper, The Nonconformist, already indicate the direction of his later course; these letters, entitled "The Proper Sphere of Government," argued for an extreme restriction of the scope of government. He contended that the whole field of human activity, except for policing, should be left to private enterprise. There were to be no poor laws, no national education, no established church, no restrictions on commerce, and no factory legislation.

  For a number of years, Spencer struggled on the fringes of radical journalism and of radical politics. Finally, having despaired of making a livelihood as a writer, he returned for a while to the employment of the Birmingham and Gloucester Railway. For two years thereafter he was without settled employment, dabbling in mechanical inventions and radical journalism and even dreaming for a time of emigrating to New Zealand. At last, in 1848, he found a stable position and assured income as a subeditor with the London Economist.

  The Victorian biologist and early social philosopher Herbert Spencer was a great rival of Charles Darwin's. His theory of evolution preceded Darwin's own, but was soon overshadowed because of the absence of an effective theory of natural selection - although it was Spencer, and not Darwin, who popularized the term "evolution" itself and coined the now-ubiquitous phrase, "survival of the fittest". Although no longer influential in biology, his extension of his theory of evolution to psychology and sociology remains important. His "Social Darwinism" was particularly influential on early evolutionary economists such as Thorstein Veblen, but, more contemporaneously, it was adopted with gusto by American apologists such as William Graham Sumner and Simon Nelson Patten.

  Spencer's own thinking was derived in part from the socio-philosophical counterpart of English Romanticist thought - perhaps best exemplified in the work of William Godwin, Thomas Malthus, Thomas Lamarck and von Baer. From the Romanticists, Spencer borrowed the concept of the interrelationship between an "evolving" aggregate and its constituent parts. As an aggregate history progresses, greater specialization and hence diversity is "created" by the Lamarckian adaptation of individual physical and behavioral characteristics to environmental circumstances. Thus, although diversity increases, not all diversity survives in that characteristics and habits that were poorly adapted to the circumstances will disappear. In Spencer's view, evolution is actually a progressive movement towards an "equilibrium" where individual beings change their characteristics and habits until they are perfectly adapted to circumstances and no more change is called for. Thus, Spencer's evolutionary mechanism is not only ultimately cumulant (i.e. it ends), but he also draped it in utilitarian teleological glitter, i.e. the idea that it is "progressive" in an ethical or moral sense - an adequately Victorian notion!


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杨凌区13625329282: 斯宾塞的快乐教育英文原著 急急急 明天要用! -
源斧卓威: 你好!原著名为Spencer's Education.目前国内只有《斯宾塞的快乐教育》一书.找不到英文原版.我的回答你还满意吗~~

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源斧卓威: 拿到这本著作,我的心里就在猜想“快乐教育”的涵义到底是什么?这是一本关于老斯宾塞先生(作者)半自传半札记的书.他用真实的例子讲述了对小斯宾塞的各方面的教育,这些教育方面所面临的问题存在与每个家庭、每个孩子!老斯宾塞...

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源斧卓威: 斯特娜夫人的《自然教育》 http://www.biuoo.com/html/63/n-9363.html 《斯宾塞的快乐教育》 http://www.xici.net/b776601/d65857713.htm

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杨凌区13625329282: 赫伯特·斯宾塞的“塞”的读音是什么? -
源斧卓威: 赫伯特·斯宾塞 Herbert Spencer 塞 中文发音:sai,第四声 要是读成外文发音就是:se,第四声 普遍被接收的是sai,至少我们老师也是酱紫读的,呵呵

杨凌区13625329282: 种金子的启示是什么 -
源斧卓威: 快乐的教育.英国著名教育家赫·斯宾塞一百多年前提出的“快乐教育”思想,在今天看来仍然闪耀着智慧的光辉,具有前瞻性和指导性.笔者近来阅读了《斯宾塞的快乐教育》一书,梳理了他关于“快乐教育”的主要论断,受到了多方面的启...

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源斧卓威: 斯宾塞的《快乐教育》很不错,建议看了后和家长沟通,共同让孩子快乐的学习.【希望采纳】

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