丹·布朗(Dan brown)的英文介绍

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Dan Brown ( Dan Brown ) Was born in 1964 , A best-selling book is the most famous American writers. He still works include "The New York Times" bestseller list ranked the top "Da Vinci Code", this book is also one of history's best-selling novel. 2004 A week of the year, Dan Brown's four novels appear on the "New York Times" bestseller list. His novels have been translated into 40 Published in various languages around the world.

Dan Brown graduated from Philips Exeter Academy and Amherst College, graduated in Philips Exeter Academy English professor. 1996 , The code-breaking and secret government anizations interested in promoting his creation of his first novel-Digital Fortress ", the book quickly became a best-seller effective in the United States ranked first. Novels written by the National Security Bureau, the line beeen personal privacy and national security in the paper. Dan Brown in this novel after another successor to the "trap" of politics, national security and high-tech theme.

Dan Brown's father was a well-known professor of mathematics, was awarded the presidential award for mathematics, and her mother is a religious musician. Such a conflict beeen science and religion in the family environment, he later became the inspiration for his work "Angels & Demons" by the source. It has science and religion theme of the relationship beeen the horror thriller written both novels, Switzerland, a European nuclear research center, wrote the Vatican, his wele Actor, the Harvard symbol expert Robert Langdon, in the latter part of the novel will appear in Paris, London and Washington : :

汤原县18838242993: Dan Brown是什么意思?
频昂降脂: 丹·布朗 人名.

汤原县18838242993: 《达芬奇密码》的作者丹布朗的作品还有哪些? -
频昂降脂: Dan.Brown是美国著名畅销书作家,曾经是英语老师的他于1996年开始写作,先后推出了:《数字城堡》《骗局》《天使与魔鬼》《达芬奇密码》,又在近年推出了《失落的密符》.其中《天使与魔鬼》奠定他在小说界的地位,而《达芬奇密码》则一经问世就连破各销售记录,成为史上最畅销小说,创下书市奇迹...(ps:买的小说第一页就这么写的..)

汤原县18838242993: “罗伯特·兰登” 这个名字用英语怎么说? -
频昂降脂: 姓:Landen Landone Randon 第一个常见 名:Robert

汤原县18838242993: 达.芬奇密码作者是谁?
频昂降脂: 丹·布朗出生于1964年,堪称今日美国最著名畅销书作家.他的小说《达·芬奇密码》(blog)自问世以来,一直高居《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜榜首.此外,他还是《数字堡垒》、《魔鬼与天使》及《圈套》的作者,现居住在新英格兰. 丹·布朗的父亲是一位知名数学教授,母亲则是一位宗教音乐家,成长于这样的特殊环境中,科学与宗教这两种在人类历史上看似如此截然不同却又存在着千丝万缕关联的信仰

汤原县18838242993: 丹布朗都有什么作品?回答请尽量详细些,说明体裁、是否被翻译成中文
频昂降脂: 丹·布朗(Dan Brown)出生于1964年,是当今美国最著名的畅销书作家.他的作品包括现在仍然位居《纽约时报》畅销书榜榜首的《达·芬奇密码》,这本书也是有史以...

汤原县18838242993: 英语翻译书本简介作者简介作者 :丹•布朗(Dan Brown名称:The Da Vinci Code出版社:Anchor Books发行时间:2003年03月18日 页码:496 页地区:... -
频昂降脂:[答案] An Introduction of the Book An Introduction of the Author Author: Dan Brown Name: The Da Vinci Code Publisher: Anchor Books Release Date: March 18, 2003 Pages: 496 Region: United States Language: English

汤原县18838242993: 失落的秘符作者是?
频昂降脂: Dan Brown 丹·布朗:“《失落的秘符》是一个辉煌的、极具吸引力的惊悚片.丹·布朗讲故事的天赋、他的丰富的历史学知识、密码学知识以及吊人胃口的才能都在书中展露无余.这将是近来出版史上最值得期待的出版物.”

汤原县18838242993: 能帮我写几句介绍丹布朗的话吗?谢谢 -
频昂降脂: 从《达芬奇密码》、《天使与魔鬼》、《数字城堡》到《骗局》,看了丹布朗的四本书,其实是4个故事,丹布朗的风格,在一天即24小时之内发生,并且情节跌宕起伏,不到最后,不会知道谁是幕后凶手,而结果往往又出人意外.不经意间便...

汤原县18838242993: 《达·芬奇密码》小说作者是谁? -
频昂降脂: 《达·芬奇密码》的作者丹·布朗1964年出生于美国新罕布什尔州的一个中产阶级家庭.布朗的父亲是一位知名的数学教授,母亲是一位宗教音乐家.深厚的文化底蕴加上他本人对破译密码及秘密组织的浓厚兴趣,使他能够大胆而巧妙地将宗教、历史、艺术、符号学等领域的知识糅进小说中.而《达·芬奇密码》引起全球范围内的争议之时,丹·布朗接受采访时还是声称:他书中提到的一切都是真实的. 在《达·芬奇密码》前,布朗还写了《数字城堡》、《骗局》、《天使与魔鬼》三部小说,几乎本本都畅销.

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