
作者&投稿:薄爸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Molecular cloning and prokaryotic expression of structural protein vp3 gene of ibdv

Effect of qinchuankang granule on the immune organs of chickens infected by ibdv

Infectious bursal disease virus ( ibdv ) is an important pathogenic agent of chicken

This research may open a new approach to effectively control of ibdv

It indicated that developed primary rt - pcr and nested - pcr are rapid diagnostic method for ibdv

The result showed vp2 hydrophipc region and antigen variant and virulence of ibdv had very affinity
该结果表明, vp2与ibdv毒株的毒力强弱和抗原变异有密切的关系。

With vvibdv and variant strains showed , it is very important to research of antigen and virulence of ibdv
随着vvibdv和变异株的发现, ibdv的抗原变异和毒力研究变的尤为重要。

Virul isolation had been done for the 23 positive samples by using cam or cef . we only got 11 strains of ibdv
在此基础上设计的nested - pcr则大大提高了阳性检出率(提高52 . 1 ) 。

Regions and amino acids , which were characterized as important for antigenicity or pathogenicity of ibdv , were also discussed

The results above clearly demonstrated that the rebinant ibdv vp2 produced in transgenic tobacco is immunogenic

Indirect immuno - fluorescent assay and enzyme pnked immunosorbent assay ( epsa ) showed that the expressed protein was reactive with chicken anti - ibdv serum
Dna疫苗对bc6 85 、 zj2000 、 zj991等3株强毒株具有良好的免疫保护效果,平均保护率达83

It confirmed that ibdv vp2 gene was integrated into nuclear chromosomal dna by pcr . pcr positve plants were double checked for incorporation of the rebinant gene by southern blots
在转基因组织生长成植株的过程中, vp2基因随着植物细胞的生长而得到表达。

For the products of primary rt - pcr and nested - pcr are all enpassing the hyper - variable region of vp2 gene , so we can take a restriction enzyme *** ysis ( rea ) directly
第二,本研究的基础rt - pcr和nested - pcr所扩增的片段均是横跨 ibdv 的vvp2的,所以,可直接对pcr产物进行酶切分型研究。

In this review , the developments made in the structure and function of the genome , molecular diagnosis methods and the molecular basis of the ibdv variation and so on were briefly described

Series of dna vaccines including pci - vp2 / vp4 / vp3 , pcdna3 - vp2 / vp4 / vp3 , pci - vp2 , pcdna3 - vp2 of ibdv strains zj2000 and jd1 were developed using immune - stimulating plexes ( is ) as the adjuvant
33 ;弱毒苗b87虽对bc6 85株具有良好的保护,但对zj991株、 zj2000株的攻击不理想,平均保护率仅达60 。

Infectious bursal disease virus ( ibdv ) , the causative agent of infectious bursal disease ( ibd ) , causes immunosuppression in young chickens by destroying the precursors of b lymphocytes in the bursa of fabricius
传染性法氏囊病( ibd )是由传染性法氏囊病病毒( ibdv )引起的急性接触性传染病,是危害世界养禽业的主要传染病之一。

To understand of the current mercial vaccine could also protect chickens from wibdv challenges , o vaccines a and b were tested and pared for their protective immune efficacy in spf chickens against wibdv strain gx8 / 99
在spf鸡分别比较研究了两个中等毒力 ibdv 疫苗接种后对法氏囊和胸腺的影响,以及对超强毒gx 8 99攻毒后的免疫保护力。

There was a 100 % homology which was among sd - 3 / 98 , js30 / 99 and hk46 for the hv region of vp2 . it was demoastrated that the new wibdv strains gx8 / 99 had changed in both pathogenicity and vp2 gene
Sd l 97 、 sd 3 98 、 js 30 99相互之间及其与 ibdv 参考株hk46间均具有相当高的同源性,结果似乎说明ibdv毒株的致病性与vpz基因高变区变异的关系不大。

The traditional inactivated or attenuated vaccines could not provide enough protection against these variants and wibdv . therefore , a new generation of more effective and safer vaccines is anticipated . the purpose of this study was to develop a dna vaccine against ibdv

Relatively , the new wibdv strains gx8 / 99 had less homology to wibdv reference strain hk46 and other 3 field strains as 96 . 8 % - 97 . 2 % at dna or aa levels , than the homology among hk46 and 3 strains , strains gx8 / 99 more than 98 . 4 % - 98 . 6 % at dna or aa levels
为研究病毒的核酸分子结构与其致病性的关系,本研究选取了在致死率上不同的4个 ibdv 野毒株,比较了它们的vpz基因高变区共494个堿基序列。

The specificity of the nucleic acid probe was very strict . lt reacted positively with iltv dna only and it react negatively with the nuleic acid of ndv , bv and ibdv . the sensitivity of this kind of probe is very high . ilt could even detect 20pg ' s iltv dna
结果表明:该种核酸探针具有高度的特异性,它仅与iltv的dna呈现阳性反应,而与新城疫病毒、传染性法氏囊病病毒和传染性支气管炎病毒的核酸等均呈阴性反应。该种探针具有高度的敏感性,能够检测到20pg的iltv的dna 。

The chickens and chicken embryos were inoculated with variant serotype isolate e of infectious bursal disease virus using cloacal , nosal routes or via the allantoic cavity route , and the histopathological features of the bursa of fabricius of the ibdv _ infected chickens at various intervals of time were systematically investigated

These results showed that the three isolates were infectious bursal disease virus . the full - length cdna of the genomic segment a of o viruses , one virulent field strain ibdv zj2000 and one attenuated strains ibdv jd1 , were amppfied in a single step procedure by long - accurate reverse - transcription polymerase chain reaction ( la - pcr ) , cloned into pgem - t easy vector , and sequenced
分别以传染性法氏囊病病毒zj2000株(野毒株)和jd1株(弱毒株)基因组dsrna为模板,采用long - accuratert - pcr ( la - pcr )一步法扩增并克隆了两株病毒的基因组a节段全长cdna 。

The results also indicated that the virulence of the most ibdv field collected in recent years was beeen the typical very virulent and standard virulent strains . a very virulent strain gx8 / 99 of ibdv was studied for its mortapty in spf chickens and mercial egg - type chickens at different age inoculated with bursal suspension of 20 - 2000 eld50 in repeated experiments
选择致病性最强的来自广西的gx8 99株,在对法氏囊悬液中病毒用鸡胚半数致死量( eld _ ( 50 ) )定量测定后,在不同年龄的spf鸡和商品代蛋用型坞多次重复地比较研究了该毒株的致病性。

The high specificity of dot - epsa was proved by the specific blocking test and the cross - reaction te st in which the diagnostic diaphragm did n ' t react with the positive serum against ibdv , ibv , eds - 76 , pox , ibv , iltv , salmonellosis jc . both the test within batch and the test among batches proved the method or the diagnostic diaphragm was stable . stored at 4c for at least 6 months , the diagnostic diaphragm ' s sensitivity and specificity did n ' t change

Three ibdv strains , designated as zj2000 , zj991 and zj992 , were isolated from bursa of fabricius of the sick chicken flocks in hangzhou , shenzhou , and ningbo of zhejiang province . the isolates could react with ibdv positive reference serum in the agar immune - diffusion test and caused 30 - 100 % mortapty when passaged in chicken embryos . chickens inoculated with these isolates exhibited cpnical and pathological signs typical of infectious bursal disease
从浙江省杭州、嵊州,宁波等地暴发疑似传染性法氏囊病的鸡群中采集法氏囊病料(编号分别为zj2000 、 zj991 、 zj992 ) ,分离病毒,经琼脂免疫扩散试验、动物回归试验、鸡胚回归试验和电镜观察等证实所分离的3株野毒是传染性法氏囊病病毒。

Sequence and phylogeic *** ysis of segement a of chinese infectious bursal disease virus ( ibdv ) hb - bp strain isolated from hebei province was studied in this thesis . the experiments as below were included : double - strand rna of viral genome was purified by pcl gradient precipitation , 48 hours after bursa was harvested from chicken which had been inoculated with hb - bp strain . referred to the pubpshed sequence o primers were designed and synthesized
给4周龄spf雏鸡人工接种鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒hb - bp毒株, 48小时后采取法氏囊,用双pcl分级沉淀法提纯全长基因组dsrna ,设计一对引物,通过rt - pcr方法进行了体外扩增,获得hb株a节段基因全长cdna 。

Spf chickens with 21 - day - old were infected subcutaneously with oil - emulsion vaccine of ibdv of germinal or cellcular and injected intramuscularly with different dosages bursin which gain through ultrafilter . lt is proved that bursin of chickens and ducks can both shorten the time of antibody induced against ibdv , raise the level of serum antibody . they make chickens obtaining strong immunopetente in a short time . agp pters of the group of infecting 0 . 4mlcbs + ibdv of germinal and 0 . 8mlcbs + ibdv of cellcular or 0 . 8mldbs + ibdv of germinal and cellcular are higher than immune control group about 2 pters averagely . the chickens were inoculated with ibdv pve vaccine mixed with the different dosages of lyophipzed bursin by the eye drop method . the results sugest that cbs or dbs of different dosages can both improve the antibody inducation to different age chickens against ibdv . they may also alleviate the immunological injury of activated virus to bursa of fabricius . and promote the repairation of the lesion . it can be found that bs can raise body weight gain and feed coversion ratio
将超滤获得的法氏囊活性肽分别以不同剂量肌肉注射21日龄spf鸡,同时颈部皮下注射ibd胚毒或细胞毒灭活苗,结果表明:鸡、鸭法氏囊活性肽都能够缩短ibd油苗诱导产生抗体的时间,提高抗体水平,使鸡可以在比较短的时间内获得坚强的免疫。 0 . 4mlcbs胚毒组和0 . 8mlcbs细胞毒组或0 . 8mldbs胚毒和细胞毒组的agp抗体滴度平均比免疫对照组高2个滴度。将法氏囊活性肽与ibd活苗联合免疫鸡,结果表明:不同剂量的cbs和dbs都可以对不同日龄鸡ibd抗体的产生有不同程度的促进作用;还可以减少弱毒对鸡法氏囊组织的损伤,加快其修复。

Northern blot *** ysis indicated that foreign ibdv vp2 gene was correctly transcripted into mrna . the rebinant protein from tobacco leaves was detected by dot - epsa and western blot using antisera specific for ibdv . the protein ibdv vp2 expressed in tobacco appeared with apparent molecular mass of 52kd
取生长期烟草植株,经pcr检测和southern杂交检测,证明外源基因ibdvvp2成功整合到烟草染色体上; northern杂交分析表明转基因烟草中存在正确转录的ibdvvp2基因的mrna ; dot - epsa和westernblot分析证实转基因烟草中产生了能与ibdv特异性抗血清反应的ibdv抗原蛋白,其大小约为50kd 。

The result shows that a vvibdv strain was obtained , the above work lay a important role for further studying on the molecular biological mechani *** of antigenic drift and virulence variation of ibdv , molecular epedimiology , it also provided the basis for rebinant and gene deleted vaccine of ibdv

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平罗县15872745936: 鸡法氏囊疫苗用英语怎么说还有英语的简称是什么 -
登养骨愈: vaccine for Infectious bursal disease Infectious bursal disease vaccine 鸡传染性法氏囊病,全称Infectious bursal disease,缩写为IBD 故,鸡法氏囊疫苗——缩写为IBDV PS:鸡传染性法氏囊病;别称如Gumboro Disease、Infectious Bursitis、Infectious Avian Nephrosis 供参

平罗县15872745936: 鸡传染性法氏囊病发病机理是什么?
登养骨愈: IBDV随血流或直接从内脏到达法氏囊,在法氏囊进行大量 增殖.病鸡的法氏囊往往比正常鸡肿大3倍,但一旦疾病消散即 恢复正常.在感染期间,部分法氏囊可能永久破坏.病毒可以破坏淋巴细胞,对法氏囊造成严重损伤.正在分裂 的B淋巴细胞是IBDV的主要目标,感染鸡的日龄越小,B细胞 的减少就越多.法氏囊病的易感染日龄为10日龄至40日龄——这段时间法 氏囊正在发育并逐渐萎缩.如果摘除或破坏法氏囊就可以防止病 毒的侵人,由此可见法氏囊在发病机制中的重要性.感染了 IBDV后,家禽对抗原刺激的反应减弱,因此对其他 病原和抗其他疾病疫苗的免疫反应大大削弱.鸡群感染IBD4〜5周后常见到一些病毒性和细菌性疾病的 发生.

平罗县15872745936: IBDV的自然宿主是什么?
登养骨愈: IBDV的自然宿主仅为雏鸡和火鸡.从鸡分离的IBDV只感染鸡,感染火鸡不发病,但能引起抗体产生.同样,从火鸡分离的病毒仅能使火鸡感染,而不感染鸡.不同品种的...

平罗县15872745936: 请帮忙翻译下面内容,注意语法要正确.谢谢. -
登养骨愈: Chicken infectious bursal disease (IBD) is composed of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) caused an acute contagious disease.Clinical manifestations and closed, the head, vertical fin and highly prostration, necropsy pectoral muscle, leg ...

平罗县15872745936: 有谁知道“法氏囊”是什么意思 -
登养骨愈: 你是搞高中生物奥赛的吧 腔上囊是鸟类的特有结构,由意大利解剖学家法布里休斯于1621年首次发现,故又俗称法氏囊.[1].位于肠道末端,泄殖腔的后上方.主要功能是产生免疫淋巴细胞B细胞.腔上囊由上皮组织组成,也是鸟类淋巴系统的一部份. 法氏囊病 由于法氏囊是鸟类的中枢免疫器官,十分重要,因此当法氏囊被病毒(传染性法氏囊病病毒,IBDV)感染后,会发生病理变化,使得鸡体对疫苗免疫应答能力下降,而导致免疫失败[2].所以,它被人们普遍认为是一种危害禽类养殖最重要的疾病

平罗县15872745936: 我老婆因为得了乳房肿瘤,前段时间动了手术,现在好象心情也有点不好?
登养骨愈: 你好 建议定期到医院复查 最好每三到六个月去医院检查彩超一次 1.首先应保持心情舒畅,情绪稳定,避免抑郁,烦躁焦怒. 2.应适当控制脂肪的摄入,有减少雌激素过量可能,故宜清淡饮食. 3.宜多食含有复合维生素B的食物,有利于肝脏对雌激素的灭活.饮食调节疗法:宜进食富含纤维素,低脂肪,多维生素的平衡饮食.如低脂牛奶,水果,蔬菜,谷类,香菇类,海带,紫菜等食物等.减少咖啡,糖,甜食的摄入以及酒精,啤酒饮用量,少吃动物内脏,鸡皮,蛋黄,奶油以及富含这些成分的食物,避免过多油炸食品. 4.积极治疗妇科疾患,如月经不调,子宫及卵巢炎症;避免人工流产,保持性生活和谐. 5.学会自我乳房检查法,进行自我保健. 6.本病,易反复,保持乐观情绪.


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