
作者&投稿:闫之 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


How is everything?一切都好吗?

I hope everything is all right.我希望(你)一切都好。

How are you?你好吗?

How are you getting along these days? I miyou very much.你近来过得如何?我十分想念你。

I was very happy to receive your letter of October 10th.我很高兴收到你10月10日的来信。

Thank you for writing to me.谢谢你给我写信。

Your letter came into my hand yesterday.我是昨天收到你的来信的。

It's a long time since I got your last letter.我收到你的信已经很长一段时间了。

I'm sorry I took so long to reply.很报歉给你回信晚了。

I have been so busy recently that I could hardly find any time to write.我最近挺忙,未能抽出时间给你写信。

Many thanks for the wonderful present you sent me.谢谢你寄给我那么好的礼物。

I'm so sorry for not having written to you for such a long time.十分报歉,很久没有给你写信了。

1、时间检验真理。Time testing truth.2、不经灾祸不知福。Don't know what to do without disaster.3、怀疑是知识之钥。Doubt is the key of knowledge.4、行动是知识之佳果。Action is the fruit of knowledge.5、经验是最好的教师。Experience is the best teacher.6、凡事都应用得其所。Ever...

书信英语结尾万能句子如下: 1、I look forward to hearing from you soon. 我期待着尽快收到你的回复。 2、Thank you for your prompt reply. 感谢你及时的回复。 3、Best regards to your family. 向你的家人致以最诚挚的问候。 抢首赞 评论 分享 举报 为你推荐:特别推荐 电动车多次降价,品质是否有保障?

英语作文金句20句 通用万能句子集锦
英语作文金句 1、Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕,一石二鸟。2、First come, first served.先来后到。3、More haste, less speed.欲速则不达。4、Keep good men company and you shall be of the number.近朱者赤近墨者黑。5、God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助。6...

1、How is it going? 最近怎么样?2.I am glad to receive your letter.很高兴收到你的来信.3.You asked me about(+problem question 等),now let me give you some advice.你在来信中询问我.,现在,让我给你一些建议.4.It has been a long time since we met.我们很久没见面了 5、I ...

英语作文万能句子书信 英语书信作文模板
书信类英语作文万能句子集锦 How nice to hear from you again. 很高兴再次收到你的回信 Let me tell you something about the activity. 让我告诉你一些关于这次活动的细节 I‘m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th.[\/color] 很高兴收到你在4月9号的来信 I‘m pleased to hear...

常见的英语作文万能句子如下:1、I was delighted\/glad to receive your letter。很高兴收到你的来信。2、Your letter came to me this morning。我今天早上收到了你的来信。3、I have received your letter of June the 29th。我收到了你于6月29日的来信。4、You asked me about(problem,...

英语作文万能句子 英语作文万能开头
英语作文万能开头句子 1.Depending on personal experience, personal type and emotion concern, we find that some people hold the idea of..., while others prefer...基于个人经历、个性类型和情感关注的不同,我们发现有人持……的观点,而另外一些人则更喜欢……例句:Depending on personal ...

1、Congratulations,all of us feel proud of your remarkable achievements!祝贺你,我们都为您所取得的巨大成就感到骄傲。2、I am so pleased and happy to hear that……听到……我真的非常高兴。3、I write to congratulate you upon……我写信来祝贺你……。4、I offer you my warmest ...

简单好记的英语作文万用句子1 段首句 一个良好的开头,可以给阅卷老师留下一个完美的印象。让阅卷老师耳目一新,分数肯定不会低! 1.As the proverb says 正如谚语所说的 2.what's far more important is that... 更重要的是… 3.There are different opinions among people as to ___ .Some people sug...

1. It was not until I failed to pass the exam that I realized only by making every effort to prepare it can one improve his grades。 直到考试失败,我才意识到只有全力做好准备,才能提高成绩。2. It is not what you say but what you do that really matters。多说不如多做。3....

让胡路区19298907585: 英语作文写信中的经典句子 -
卢蕊孚悦: I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Please give my best wishes to your parents. Please give my best regards to your family. how are you? How have you been? Looking forward to your early reply. Wish you recover soon! God bless you Warmest ...

让胡路区19298907585: 求英语作文书信万能句子 -
卢蕊孚悦: 1.我写此信旨在向你投诉有关我三天前从贵店买的一样东西. I'm writing to complain about a purchase that I made at your store three days ago. 2.我写此信是要表达我对三天前从贵店购买的家具的糟糕质量的强烈不满. I'm writing to express ...

让胡路区19298907585: 有没有高考英语写信作文的万能句子(只需要中间的句子,不需要开头和结尾的) 谢谢! -
卢蕊孚悦: 英语书信的常见写作模板 中间段落句 1. 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……. On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time,they say____. 2. 但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……...

让胡路区19298907585: 书信类英语作文常用句型怎么写 -
卢蕊孚悦: 表原因的句型:e5a48de588b632313133353236313431303231363533313333613263331 The reason why.is that.2 One may think of the change as a result of.3 This brings out the important fact that.4 There are several causes for this ...

让胡路区19298907585: 英语信件作文常用句子 -
卢蕊孚悦: 对于英语信件而言: 1,对于开头部分,通常来说都是一些祝福型的话.Wish you have a nice day / good day to you / glad to contact you etc. 2. 对于结尾部分,通常都会是一些希望收到对方的回复. Looking forward your early reply / I am waiting for your reply soon. etc. 3. 对于段落过渡,那就选用一些连词吧,有并列,转折等连词,Such as and ,but , otherwise ,further more, in addition .etc .希望可以采纳建议,谢谢.

让胡路区19298907585: 求英语作文书信类万能句子!!! -
卢蕊孚悦: 帮你写了要有报酬哦 DearXXX, summerholidayiscoming.soourcompanywangtogotosomewherebeautifuiforaholiday.canyougiveussomeadvice? first,wohopewecangoswimmingthere.andourhotelmustbecomfortable.second,...

让胡路区19298907585: 英语写信 常用的一些套话(万能句子)麻烦英语好的人教教 谢谢了 -
卢蕊孚悦: 常用开头: 1 I was glad to hear you good news.很高兴听到您的消息. 2 Forgive me for not writing sooner.原谅我没有很快回信. 3 It was very kind of you to reply so quickly.你能很快回信太好了. 4 I am sorry to hear that you have not been well.听...

让胡路区19298907585: 1.英语作文书信有什么通用的语句 -
卢蕊孚悦: nice to meet you

让胡路区19298907585: 求一份英语作文(写信的) 要用到以下句子的 1;I am looking forward to hearing from you soon2:Yours sincerely3 :we are writing to introduce that4 :thank you ... -
卢蕊孚悦:[答案] Dear Tom, Long time no see ,how's it going?3 we are writing to introduce that our company.Otherwise,I want to say.4thank you for the trouble you will have to take for this program.And5by the way we have great pleasurein introducing to you by this trouble...

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