
作者&投稿:机卖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Personal statement

Financial education increasingly important, and not only for investors. On the average family, it balanced the family budget for the purchase of housing, subsidized education for their children and to ensure that post-retirement income parents are necessary. Recently, the development of financial education and awareness in terms of financial well-being is becoming increasingly important. First of all, the increasing complexity of financial markets, consumers not only in the two different kinds of bank loans or savings plans to choose between, but the face of a variety of loan and savings complex financial instruments have many choices. At the same time, critical to future life of personal financial decision-making responsibility and risk is there from the government and employers to workers who transfer.
I was born in Zhejiang, a place called heaven. Where the economy is relatively developed, is also very beautiful natural scenery. I was admitted in 2005, Zhejiang Institute of Finance and Economics, financial professionals are currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in finance. It is a prefecture located in Zhejiang Province - Hangzhou, a Financial institutions, accounting and finance professionals very seriously. University life so that I not only in learning, professional knowledge has been all-round development of three-dimensional and, more importantly, improved my knowledge on the integration of various disciplines, while also greatly improved my desire for knowledge.
Four years in college, I studied the system of the financial aspects of the knowledge of the banking, securities and other industries also have to understand, in the study, each course I know that I will bear fruit, are the realization of my the cornerstone of the dream. I firmly believe that as long as I am serious, efforts to study, I will certainly do our best. I not only have a harvest in the field of learning in the workplace has also made some achievements, the first year in college, I served as a member of class learning, to encourage and urge the students to learn. I was a student after the hospital's vice minister of the Ministry of life, management, and help students in the affairs of life, conduct and participate in various activities in the sector. These two positions in the university four years I not only learned how to better learning, but also learned how to better life, so my ability to work has been greatly improved. Four years in college, I won the school's scholarships, and two received "outstanding student leaders," the honorary title. I affirmed the achievements of learning and work.
In the learning process, I also did not forget to use the knowledge in practice, the use of spare time to enter the banking internship, during the course of work I have to face a lot of professional financial terms, especially with the Bank of English vocabulary, This is a challenge for me, and I know that if the challenges to overcome, I will have a greatly improved. So I can use all the time through the use of professional dictionaries, with the industry experts who will exchange.磕磕绊绊from the beginning, through the efforts of the study, has improved.
Through years of learning and a certain amount of work, I increasingly feel that they have more room, so I initiated the idea of studying abroad. Britain is a longing for my country, if we can study in the UK, I think I will not only further enhance their professional level, but also to improve their English proficiency, so I can better understand the United Kingdom, Europe.
With China's economic development, China and Europe, cultural, economic exchange is bound to more and more involved in the surface will become more and more widely. If I could get a financial professional in your school learning opportunities, I think I will inevitably tide exchanges in Central Europe in a very favorable position. I will use their expertise to learn and do more of the Sino-British exchange of useful things, the British introduced to the Chinese people, Chinese culture will be introduced to the British people, enhance our mutual understanding and enhance our friendship.



目 录
第1章 学习基本技巧
第2章 交流信息
第3章 掌握更多技巧
第4章 为成功而沟通

沟通于行,交流于心,如果生活中没有沟通,就没有快乐;工作中没有沟通,就没有乐趣;事业中没有沟通,就没有成功。因此,重视沟通、学会沟通,是必须具备的能力。 在工作中沟通协调是我的弱项,对沟通协调学习的很少,理解的少,通过学习才真正认识到,沟通和协调一个是手段一个是目的。良好的沟通促进协调,有效的沟通未必...

上级在下达指示和阐述预定的目标与奖励标准时含湖不清,造成下属理解上的困难,这就要求上级要以诚待人,说话要直截了当,不要拐弯抹角,下达指示要清晰,这就属于人为原因造成的沟通障碍。非人为原因主要是因为信息量过大或者沟通渠道不畅通所致。 2、 沟通渠道。 有了沟通渠道畅通,有效沟通才会成为可能。营销主管要建立...

The world today is a very competitive place. Therefore, it is necessary to develop some skills to increase one’s chances of success. Many skills, for example, leadership, a second language, and technical skills such as computer programming, are very useful today. However, I believ...

And I often express my own opinion genuinely and sincerely.在日常生活中沟通扮演着重要的角色,尤其是现代社会。从我们在各个领域里与他人相处,我们必须学会怎样和别人有效的沟通。有效沟通因该要认真地计划。第一、简明的说,慢慢的说,以便于我们能够完全被听懂理解。第二,我们应把自己表达的尽量诚恳而热情。第三...

在现实生活中,沟通能力对我们而言是非常重要的一项能力,沟通能力强大了对我们的人际交往有着很大的帮助。下面一起来看看沟通能力目标怎么写及相关内容。 沟通能力目标怎么写1 沟通能力包含着表达能力、倾听能力和设计能力(形象设计、动作设计、环境设计)。沟通能力看起来是外在的东西,而实际上是个人素质的重要体现,它...

关于沟通的优秀作文1 沟通——打开对方“心门”的钥匙。 沟通是什么?沟通是一把可以打开对方“心门”的钥匙;沟通时一部留声机,可以让彼此留下心声;沟通是一盏明灯,照亮通往彼此心灵桥梁的路;沟通是一滴甘霖,湿润着那干裂的、缺少“理解”的心田…… 要创建和谐社会,沟通必不可少!人与人要沟通,集体与集体之间需要...

大学毕业了,要写论文了,<论推销中的沟通技巧> ...没点头绪,麻烦帮帮忙...
毕业论文--论推销中的沟通技巧 论推销中的沟通技巧专业班级:市场营销1班 学生姓名:xxx指导教师:xxx 摘要 在我们的工作与生活中,需要沟通来相互了解,所以沟通很重要而且在茫茫人海中寻找到对自己产品有需求的客户并不是一件容易的事,而将有效沟通的信息传递到目标客户面前也变的越来越困难。推销人员四处寻找客户要...




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