名著精读《理智与情感》第九章 第1节

作者&投稿:调陆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ The Dashwoods were now settled at Barton with tolerable fort to themselves. The house and the garden
with all the objects surrounding them
were now bee familiar
and the ordinary pursuits which had given to Norland half its charms were engaged in again with far greater enjoyment than Norland had been able to afford
since the loss of their father. Sir John Middleton
who called on them every day for the first fortnight
and who was not in the habit of seeing much occupation at home
could not conceal his amazement on finding them always employed.
Their visitors
except those from Barton Park
were not many; for
in spite of Sir John's urgent entreaties that they would mix more in the neighbourhood
and repeated assurances of his carriage being always at their service
the independence of Mrs. Dashwood's spirit overcame the wish of society for her children; and she was resolute in declining to visit any family beyond the distance of a walk. There were but few who could be so classed; and it was not all of them that were attainable.
About a mile and a half from the cottage
along the narrow winding valley of Allenham
which issued from that of Barton
as formerly described
the girls had
in one of their earliest walks
discovered an ancient respectable looking mansion which
by reminding them a little of Norland
interested their imagination and made them wish to be better acquainted with it. But they learnt
on enquiry
that its possessor
an elderly lady of very good character
was unfortunately too infirm to mix with the world
and never stirred from home.

rable adj. 可容忍的,还不错的
We had a very tolerable lunch.
eaty[in'tri:ti] n. 恳求,哀求
He felt very unfortable and looked entreaty at us.
ing adj. 蜿蜒的,卷绕的,弯曲的
I went home along a winding mountain path.
ion n. 大厦,豪宅,楼宇
The family owns a lordly mansion.
iry n. (=inquiry) 询问
He's quite within his rights to demand an enquiry.
rm adj. 弱的,虚弱的,柔弱的
She's old and infirm and has to keep to the house.
John Middleton
who called on them every day for the first fortnight
and who was not in the habit of seeing much occupation at home
could not conceal his amazement on finding them always employed.

【难句解析】call on “拜访”;fornight“两个星期”;be in the habit of “有...的习惯”;

r visitors
except those from Barton Park
were not many; for
in spite of Sir John's urgent entreaties that they would mix more in the neighbourhood
and repeated assurances of his carriage being always at their service...

【难句解析】mix在文中的意思是“与人交往”;at one's service“为某人效劳”;

名著精读《理智与情感》第二章 第3节
"There is no knowing what THEY may expect " said the lady "but we are not to think of their expectations: the question is what you can afford to do. " “谁知道她们有什么期望,”夫人说道,“不过,我们也犯不着去考虑她们的期望。问题在于:你能拿得出多少。” "...

名著精读《理智与情感》第十章 第2节
It was only necessary to mention any favourite amusement to engage her to talk. She could not be silent when such points were introduced and she had neither shyness nor reserve in their discussion. They speedily discovered that their enjoyment of dancing and music was mutual ...

名著精读《理智与情感》第四章 第1节
"What a pity it is Elinor " said Marianne "that Edward should have no taste for drawing. " “真可惜呀,埃丽诺,”玛丽安说,“爱德华竟然不爱好绘画。” "No taste for drawing!" replied Elinor "why should you think so? He does not draw himself indeed but ...

名著精读《理智与情感》第12章 第2节

《傲慢与偏见》《理智与情感》 《简爱》《呼啸山庄》《牛虻》 《少年维特之烦恼》《浮士德》 《阴谋与爱情》 《海涅诗集》 《普希金诗集》 《战争与和平》《安娜·卡列宁娜》《复活》 《套中人》(契诃夫) 《白痴》 《童年》《在人间》《我的大学》《母亲》 《静静的顿河》 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》 《日瓦戈医生...

其实读书不在多而在于精,我推荐你可以读以下数本 《呼啸山庄》最好多读几遍,好好感悟 《简·爱》一定要认真思考主题 《名利场》仔细分析人物内心世界 《俊友》略读即可 《幻灭》精读略读皆可 《高老头》我认为还是有必要认真读的 《福尔摩斯探案集》一定要多读几遍,边思考边阅读 《飘》作者用了...

.《指环王》约翰·罗纳德·瑞尔·托尔金 其他作品 《精灵宝钻》、《未完成的故事》《傲慢与偏见》\/简·奥斯汀 其他作品 《理智与情感》《莎士比亚全集》\/莎士比亚 《论人生》\/培根 《失乐园》\/弥尔顿 《鲁滨孙漂流记》\/笛福 《简·爱》\/夏洛蒂·勃朗特 《福尔摩斯探案集》\/柯南道尔 《哈利波特》\/ 罗琳 ...

• 理智与情感 Sence & Sensibility (1995) 2003-11-14 01:34 Karen-MORE ◆姓 名:John Woo 吴宇森(大陆译名) 吴宇森(香港译名) 吴宇森(台湾译名) ◆ 出生日期:1946年5月1日 ◆出生地:Guangzhou, China ◆ 主要身份:Director ◆ 人物简介: 吴宇森1946年9月22日出生于广州,1951年随父母移居香港,由于父亲...



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纪阅巴美: 《理智与情感》读后感: Sense and Sensibility was the first Jane Austen published. Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential ...

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纪阅巴美: Sense and Sensibility was the first novel Jane Austen published. Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme: the necessity of...

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纪阅巴美: 布斯在评价《爱玛》时指出“简·奥斯丁开创了连续不断运用造成同情的内心观察这一方法”,她“非常自由地出入于他们的内心,根据她自己的目的决定什么要揭示,什么要隐藏”.在《劝导》中,她的这一叙事手法又有了新的特点.与她以...

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宁德市13041232262: 我想读简·奥斯汀的作品、你们谁能给我推荐一部她最好的作品
纪阅巴美: 简奥斯汀的6部作品我都读过,她是我最喜欢的作家,所以我把几部作品给你分类一下,你可以选择性的阅读,因为有些作品的确是无关痛痒,读不读都可以. 1、傲慢与偏见,这无疑是简奥斯汀最经典的作品了,伊利莎白与达西从刚开始的傲...

宁德市13041232262: 有谁知道《理智与情感》英文原著有多少页吗? -
纪阅巴美: 中央编译出版社第1版 (2011年1月1日)《世界文学经典读本》(平装)版本:431页 Wordsworth Classics 第1版 (2007年1月1日)版本:291页 清华大学出版社; 第1版 (2009年4月1日)中文导读系列 (平装)371页

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