
作者&投稿:种泊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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I am very sorry that I can't attend the summer language training. My classmate from Mexico and I made a date after school on Friday. We will go outing by bicycle next Sunday. And on Saturday, my uncle from France sent me an email telling me that he and aunt will come to see me. So I had to cancel this outing.
That's it.
Li Hua

Going to school by bus or by bike
There are basically two days to go to school. By bus or by ride, some students may choose to go to school by bus. Going to school by bus can save much time. Besides, for some students who don’t like exercise , going to school by bus is a good idea, which can save your energy. However ,other students prefer going to school by ride to going to school by bus. The reason why they choose to take a ride is that going to school by ride is convenient and flexible. In addition , students who take ride don’t worry whether the bus will be on time. The another purpose is that they can build up bodies. What I will choose is taking ride to school. It’s convenient and flexible . what’s more, taking ride can build up my body.






My Bike

I have a beautiful bike. My mother bought it for me.

The bike is very beautiful. I like it. It is blue and black. The bike is small, but I can ride the bike very fast.

I usually ride on my bike, passing gardens, streets, towns, bridges, parks and libraries. This bike is my ‘good friend’.

I like this beautiful bike very much.





Bikes or Cars

Americans like to go out by car. Although more and more Chinese own cars,most Chinese still like to ride bicycles, This is determined by a lot of factors.
As we all know, the bike advances slowly by manpower, but it can be placed wherever it is convenient However, as for the car, although it can run fast by engine, it must be parked at parking places.
Most Americans live in the suburb which is far from urban areas and their working places. So they need cars to go shopping and go to work. And they also like traveling far. Thus a car brings them great convenience. On the contrary, most Chinese live near their working areas and markets. They don’t need a car to go to work or go shopping.
I would like to ride a bike, because it costs little and it is easy to use and won’t cause pollution.

I like going to school by like, because I think I can keep healthy by riding. Bicycles are still popular in Beijing. Some foreigners buy bicycles to ride. But more and more people buy cars because they think they are faster than bicycles. In fact the exhaust gas from cars makes the air dirty and they waste energy.I think bicycles are better than cars.


When we are used to the cars running in the streets now, we may forget the life with bicycles. Tens of years ago, people used to go to work by bike. Bicycles are cheap and convenient.

So many bicycles in the street used to be a great view. In fact,riding bicycles is a good exercise to keep healthy. And it helps to prevent the air pollution. We'd better ride bicycles as often as we can.

我爱自行车优秀作文1 呼呼呼,风在耳边嗖嗖地刮过,而我却大汗淋漓,我和爸爸正骑着自行车奔驰!我的自行车有着宝蓝色的车身,大大的轮胎,是真正的赛车呢!它的车头装上了档位,两边都有,左边三档,右边七档,共二十一档。爬坡时,档位调低,节省力气,可以攀登更高的山峰,下坡时,档位调高,...

我最喜欢的自行车作文1 她是我最可爱的自行车。在别人眼中,她不新,很平凡,也没有华丽的装饰,也许只会出现在大家视线里的一个小角落里,也许不会出现。但在我眼中,她却时刻闪烁着最耀眼的光,是平凡中的不平凡……当我依着她一起向前走时,我抛开了寂寞,取而代之的是欢乐和希望,不管是...

我心爱的自行车作文1 每年我的生日妈妈都会早早地为我准备一份精美的生日礼物,可是这次生日,她一点儿动静也没有,我感到失落极了。生日那一天到了,我无精打采从床上爬了起来,心想:唉,看来,这次生日妈妈是不会送我什么礼物了。正在我没劲儿的时候,突然,妈妈搬着一个很大的箱子朝我走来,...


我喜欢骑自行车 我喜欢各种各样的运动。这些运动包括:踢足球、跑步、扔铅球、跳高、跳远、跳绳、溜冰、玩滑板和骑自行车。其中,我最喜欢的一项运动是骑自行车。为什么我最喜欢骑自行车呢?让我来给大家讲个我小时候的故事吧!那年我才六岁,一天,邻居王哥哥骑了一辆崭新的自行车来到我家门前。只见他骑...

我心爱的自行车作文1 从小到大,我玩了许多东西,我最喜欢的一个就是我的平衡车了。 有一天,我放学回家,看见妈妈抱着一个大箱子,妈妈说:‘’’君浩,你的礼物到了。‘’我很好奇,打开一看‘’哇,平衡车!妈妈,多少钱啊?‘’妈妈说:‘’我是从拼多多上砍下来的,没有用钱!‘’我就迫不及待地玩起了平衡车...

自行车 - 我的心爱之物作文450字
自行车 - 我的心爱之物作文450字1 我的课余生活有很多种:有时候,我骑自行车;有时候,我跳绳;还有的时候,我读书……其中,我最喜欢的是骑自行车。 我的自行车,是爸爸妈妈送给我的礼物。它有着粉红色的车身,车把上还有一个粉红色的小风车,一动,风车就飞快地旋转起来。 自行车刚买来的时候,我很害怕,担心自己不...

自那以后,我开始骑自行车去上课、去工作甚至去旅行。每当我骑着我的自行车出门时,我感觉我和这个城市有了更加亲密的联系,我能看到这座城市的每一个小角落。骑自行车也让我更加热爱大自然,特别是在户外骑行。 我喜欢把自行车带到山林中,享受在自然环境中的清新空气,充分伸展身体,包括踩踏自行车的时候...

我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 【篇一】五年级我的心爱之物自行车作文500字 自行车是爸爸在我生日的时候给我买的礼物。 那是一个风和日丽的早晨,爸爸把他送给我的生日礼物拿了出来,一辆可爱的自行车。自行车的手柄上有一个粉红的小铃铛,按响它的时候,就会发出好听的声音,你们听:叮当,叮当,叮当。车身...


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绽怀沃平:[答案] 我的自行车 我有一个漂亮的自行车.我妈妈给我买了它. 自行车是非常漂亮.我喜欢它.它是蓝色和黑色.自行车是小,但我可以... 这是由很多因素决定的. 众所周知,自行车靠人力,行进慢,但可以在方便的地方停放.然而对于汽车来说,虽然它依靠发动机...

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绽怀沃平: I like car vey much . because it's make me vry comfortable.

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绽怀沃平: I am a middle school girl. I have many hobbies such as cycling , skating ,swimming and so on . But my favorite sport is skating . In winter I go skating twice a week. Because i think skating can make me relaxed . What's more ,skating looks like a ...

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绽怀沃平: 我有一辆造型新颖的越野牌自行车.牛角似的车把上套着乌黑发亮的防滑套,崭新的车身绕着弯弯曲曲车闸.宽大的车篮连在车身上,两个圆圆的橡皮轮胎上有一条长长的车链. 自行车对我的帮助可大了.在拐弯处,自行车一边灵活地拐弯,...

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绽怀沃平: Worldwide the bicycle is probably the most common commuter vehicle, and the second most common form of commuting after walking. While the absolute number of bicycles in existence globally may not be known, it is clear that significantly more ...

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绽怀沃平: As we all know,China the country which has the largest number of bycicle in the world. Almost every family has one ro two bikes. Bikes bring a lot of advantages to us. They can save time when we want to make a short distance trip. What's more ...

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