用英语描述我最喜欢的小动物(不少于两句话) 回答必有赏!!!

作者&投稿:达奚科 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ My favorite animal it's cat.It'cute.I like it.

So I like hamburgers best.所以我最喜欢汉堡包。英语作文技巧 1、审题,条理清楚 保证不跑提示写作当中第一任务,第二个重要任务就是要做到条理清楚。对于议论文来说,正反面要清楚,对于说明文来说条理要清楚,对于描述文来说,谁干什么要清楚。2、写主题句 主题句是确保不跑题的前提,只有不跑题才...

用英语写一篇“我最喜欢的电影” 并用汉语翻译
大家好,我叫珍妮,我14岁。我的生日是10月31日。I like action movie and science movie. My favorite actor is Jackie Chan.He is a great action actor.我是一个电影迷。我喜欢动作片和科幻片。我最喜欢的男演员是成龙。他是一个很伟大的动作演员。他演过很多电影。He has many movies . ...

写作思路:通过简单的话语介绍自己的母亲,把母亲的职业、外貌特征叙述清晰。正文:Of all the people I know, mom is my favorite.在我认识的人当中妈妈是我最喜欢的一个。Mom, she has long black and beautiful hair.妈妈她长着一头乌黑靓丽的长发。I think black hair is very beautiful, but ...

eveyone must make action to the sports and our Olympic game of 2008.4. 最喜欢的的英文怎么写啊 最喜欢的的英文是:Favourite,favourite的英式发音为[ˈfeɪvərɪt] ,美式发音为['fevərɪt] 。意思有:特别受喜爱的,特别喜爱的人(或物)。

My name’s Oliver.I’m a 15-year-old student of medium build.I’m outgoing.The thing that I like best is a bike.The bike is very special.It’s a little different from other bikes.It’s a bit bigger.When I was 12 years old my parents gave it to me as a birthday ...

在生活、工作和学习中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是我为大家整理的我最喜欢的人高中英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。我最喜欢的人高中英语作文1 My eldersister is the person I love the most. She is...

我最喜欢的动物英语作文带翻译——小作者描述了波波的外貌和习惯,并通过描述喜欢吃冰激凌这样的小细节,向大家展示了一只非常可爱的狗狗。关于我最喜欢的动物英语作文带翻译我们一起来阅读和分享吧!I like animals very much, such as horses, monkeys, cats, tigers and so on. But I like dogs ...

写作思路:根据题目要求,介绍最喜欢的书,接着表达自己的感受。My favorite book is Harry Potter.我最喜欢的书是《哈利波特》。I think it's a good and interesting book.我认为这是一本又好又有趣的书。I love reading it because it's full of science fiction, easy to understand, and ...

我最喜欢的昆虫 英语作文
1. I most like insects.- 我最喜欢的昆虫是知了。2. The cicada has two names, also called cicadas, cicada.- 知了有两个名字,又叫知了又叫蝉。3. The cicada is the usual summer little animal, it has six legs, the forefoot is curved sword, can be used as its weapon, which...

If anyone ask me who is my favorite people?I would tell him my favorite person is my mother.My mother is 45 years old.But I still can see how beautiful she is when she is young.She is not too tall,but very thin.Her eyes are black.Her hair is grey and there is ...

荔波县15049751775: 用英语写自己最喜欢的小动物6到7句 -
骑玛双黄:[答案] I like rabbit very much.It has white hair and red eyes,it has long ears and a short tail.It is the most favorite carrots and cabbage.They are too cute.I like it very much.翻译:我非常喜欢兔子.它有白白...

荔波县15049751775: 用英文描述一种你所喜欢的动物,不少于50词. -
骑玛双黄:[答案] I love my dog.My dog dog is twins,one is called the doodle; the other called bubble,grandpa likes bubbles,and I love doodle.Chubby white foot,the body is black,big and round eyes,small ears,like a " l...

荔波县15049751775: 用英语描写我最喜欢的动物 -
骑玛双黄: i like mice.i think they are really cute.their small shiny eyes always appeal to me.besides,they're kind of smart.they can do lots of things all by themselves,such as openning the door,hunting for food and even taking a shower. 把楼上的改了下,觉得这样比较好...仅供参考

荔波县15049751775: 我最爱的动物 (狗)英语作文不少于10句话就ok了 急~~ -
骑玛双黄:[答案] I have a small dog called Rocky.It is now two years old.It was a present from my father on my eighth birthday.It is brown and black in colour.It has two long ears and large round eyes.Rocky loves to e...

荔波县15049751775: 我最喜爱的动物小狗英语作文不少于12句急急急 -
骑玛双黄:[答案] My favorite animal is dog.First of all,I think dog looks really cute.Secondly,I think most of dogs are people's good friends.As far as I know,the average IQ of dogs is as high as two-year old children...

荔波县15049751775: 用英语描写我最喜欢的动物我喜欢小老鼠! -
骑玛双黄:[答案] i like mice.i think they are really cute.their small shiny eyes always appeal to me.besides,they're kind of smart.they can do lots of things all by themselves,such as openning the door,hunting for food and even taking a shower. 把楼上的改了下,觉得这样比...

荔波县15049751775: 英语作文,不少于15句子. 题目. 我最喜欢的动物 -
骑玛双黄: l like animals.My favourite animals is cat.Cat is smart and beautiful, we can feed a cat as our pet. we also can live with a cat together.cats are so clever that they know what their owners' likes and dislikes.they will follow us when we are lonly. they can ...

荔波县15049751775: 英语作文、我最喜欢的动物.不少与15句 -
骑玛双黄: My favourate animal is panda. i think panda is the cutist animal in the world. It has black and white fur and especially it have black fur around eyes which looks like wear a pair of sunglasses. Panda likes banboo shoots and leaves a lot. I saw panda ...

荔波县15049751775: 英语作文 1.谈谈你们家人分别最喜欢的动物,并说出理由.不少于50词.2.生活中,你最喜欢的小动物是什么?请用英语写一篇30词左右的短文进行描述. -
骑玛双黄:[答案] My favorite animal is a dog.I like her best because she is cute and she can help me.I name her BoBo.I got it as a birthday present from my friend.She is very lovely.When I want something,I will say "BoBo",she often goes to get it for me.She likes eating ...

荔波县15049751775: 我最喜欢的动物英语短文60字.着急 -
骑玛双黄: 我喜爱的小动物星期天,我和妈妈去花鸟市场买了两只小乌龟,便高高兴兴的回家了,回到家里,我迫不及待的把小乌龟放到我们家的浴盆里,认真仔细的观察起来.瞧,这两只小乌龟身体只有鸡蛋那么大.绿豆般大小的眼睛骨碌骨碌直转,显...

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