
作者&投稿:酆彩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1、wear an expression 带有...…的表情

2、avoid expression 避免表达

3、borrow an expression 借用表达方式

4、find expression in 从...…表现出来

5、fix expression 记住表达方式


n. (名词)




1、wear an expression 带有...…的表情

2、avoid expression避免表达

3、borrow an expression借用表达方式

4、find expression in从...…表现出来

5、fix expression记住表达方式


This homework gives students practice in written expression.


He closed his letter with an expression of grateful thanks.


A government should permit the free expression of political opinion.


They greeted him with many expressions of pleasure.


beyond expression 无法表达
facial expression 面部表情
faulty expression in writing 错误的书面表达
find expression in 找到表达
give expression to 表达
without expression 没有表情
expression of censure 表达的责难

林俊杰的x这首歌的英文版叫什么 感谢
from you …rap:attention, attention rules of engagement don't make your intentions known no mercy shown to each his own.(xtra xtra bold)fashion or election it's all about xpression how you make your stand how you play your plan that makes you the man.(xtra xtra loud)...

试用大家的方法之后发现还是有一点小问题,出来的是白色浮动,而不是本来应该出来的绿色浮动层。问题依然存在:三、调试完成 最后发现应该稍作修改,一下代码是最终的方案:1、在iframe的style里面一定要加上z-index而且要设为-1,这样它就不会把原来的div层也一起覆盖掉。2、把<\/...

Still Moving Under Gunfire的歌词是什么?
Holy …That Sunlight will shine on youJust you, and meSunlight that comes from You …Attention, attentionRules of engagementDon't make your intentions knownNo Mercy shownTo each his own.(xtra xtra bold)Fashion or electionIt's all about XpressionHow you make your standHow you play...

still moving under gunfire bonustrack 的歌词
It’s all about Xpression 都是有关表达的方式 (想了很久不知道怎么翻译才通。个人觉得这两句可能没有什么实际的意义,为了押韵如此---仅代表个人观点)How you make your stand 如何确立你的立场 How you play your plan (xtra xtra loud) 如何制定你的计划 That makes you the man ...

attention Rules of engagement Don't make your intentions known No Mercy shown To each his own (xtra xtra bold) Fashion or election It's all about Xpression How you make your stand How you play your plan (xtra xtra loud) That makes you the man 你可以挥洒着爱 ...

但这样存在一个问题,如果按照宽度缩放,但图片过高会超出溢出盒子,这个时候需要对父级使用overflow:hidden隐藏超出图片内容。但是使用max-width或max-height,IE6不支持,我们需要设置个width:expression(this.width > 300 ? "300px" : this.width);或者height:e­xpression(this.height>100?"100...

求Still Moving Under Gunfire的歌词和中文对照
from You Rap: 注意,注意,Attention, attention 战斗律令Rules of engagement 不要暴露你的意图Don’t make your intentions known 不要仁慈No Mercy shown 各人都靠自己To each his own.(xtra xtra bold) 时装或选举Fashion or election 全在于态度It’s all about Xpression 你要...

It’s all about XpressionHow you make your standHow you play your plan (xtra xtra loud)That makes you the man你可以挥洒着爱随心所在 要所谓的high我就是坏 无处不玩计划了未来 还潇洒着自在说感觉 不只嗅觉还有味觉 有触觉听觉到体会 都是误会偶而约会 却没有感觉说圆缺 从不妥协玩玩另类 就为爱...

attention 战斗 律令 Rules of engagement 不要暴露你的意图Don’t make your intentions known 不要仁慈No Mercy shown 各人都靠自己To each his own.(xtra xtra bold) 时装或选举Fashion or election 全在于态度It’s all about Xpression 你要如何持守你的立场How you make your stand 你要如何执行你的计划...

it's all about xpression (这些都只是关于表象)how you make your stand (你如何使自己有立足之地)how you play your plan (你如何实施你的计划)that makes you the man. (这些才是真正能使你成为一个男人)(xtra xtra loud) (讯号传出)这是我自己翻译的啊 基本上都是直译啊 ...

右玉县15043212592: expression的词组 -
蹉荔盐酸: wear an expression

右玉县15043212592: expression的词组是wear an expression还是show an expression? -
蹉荔盐酸:[答案] beyond expression 无法表达 facial expression 面部表情 faulty expression in writing 错误的书面表达 find expression in 找到表达 give expression to 表达 without expression 没有表情 expression of censure 表达的责难

右玉县15043212592: expression表情,表达.什么时候可数什么时候不可数?网上回答都不一样 -
蹉荔盐酸: 意思作:表示;表情和(数学)表达式;词的时候可数.expression的名词复数为expressions. expression 释义:n.表现,表示,表达; 表情,脸色,态度,腔调,声调; [数]式,符号; 词句,语句,措辞,说法. 扩展资料: 例句:1、 ...

右玉县15043212592: Expression有短语,词句的意思,但是我搞不懂它到底只指短语还是短语和词语都指,比如the clod fish和cold - blooded killer算不算expression -
蹉荔盐酸:[答案] 1.N-VAR 可变名词表达;表述 The expression of ideas or feelings is the showing of them through words,actions,or artistic activities.【搭配模式】:usu N of nLaughter is one of the most infectious express...

右玉县15043212592: expression是什么意思 -
蹉荔盐酸: expression 英 [ɪkˈspreʃn] 美 [ɪkˈsprɛʃən] n.表现,表示,表达; 表情,脸色,态度,腔调,声调; [数]式,符号; 词句,语句,措辞,说法 表达;表情;表达式;词句 复数: expressions 派生词:expressional expressionless ...

右玉县15043212592: 用英语expression造句加翻译 -
蹉荔盐酸: 1、Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion笑是最具感染力的情感表达方式之一.2、The civil servant's expression, however, did not change, not so much as by a flicker然而,那位公务员的表情还是那样,丝毫没变.3、...

右玉县15043212592: 词组的英文是什么 -
蹉荔盐酸: phrase 短语 expression也有此意

右玉县15043212592: expression有哪些意思?请全部列举出来
蹉荔盐酸: 名词 1表示, 表现, 表达2 表情3 感情4 表现力 5 榨出,挤压

右玉县15043212592: 我的座右铭是... 英文怎么说 -
蹉荔盐酸: 我的座右铭是的英文:my motto is motto 读法 英 ['mɒtəʊ] 美 ['mɑto]n. 座右铭,格言;箴言 短语: 1、olympic motto 奥林匹克格言 2、school motto 校训 例句: 1、"Stay true to yourself" has always been his motto. “忠于自己”一直是他的...

右玉县15043212592: 请问:expression、的意思的是.1、表达;表示 2、表情;脸色;声调 3.表现力 4.措辞;词句 那 expressions为什么是“短语”的意思? -
蹉荔盐酸:[答案] expression 表达,表示;表情(神情);表现力;措辞 表达: Language is a means for the expression of thought. 语言是一种表达思想的方式. Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion. 笑是最具感染力的感情表达方式之一 神情: ...

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