
作者&投稿:段干进 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hong Kong, officially the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [pronunciation], is one of the two special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China (PRC), the other being Macau. The territory lies on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta, bordering Guangdong province in the north and facing the South China Sea in the east, west and south. Beginning as a trading port in the 19th century, Hong Kong has developed into a leading financial centre.

Hong Kong was a crown colony of the United Kingdom from 1842 until the transfer of its sovereignty to the People's Republic of China in 1997. The Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law of Hong Kong stipulate that Hong Kong operates with a high degree of autonomy until at least 2047, fifty years after the transfer. Under the policy of "one country, two systems", the Central People's Government is responsible for the territory's defence and foreign affairs, while Hong Kong maintains its own legal system, police force, monetary system, customs policy, immigration policy, and delegates to international organisations and events.

Neon-lit skyscrapers and mirrored towers line Hong Kong's waterfront, but there's plenty of variety in this never-say-sleep city. Traditional Chinese pharmacies in Sheung Wan sell dried seahorses and ginseng, and a short Star Ferry ride away you can dine on decadent afternoon tea at the The Peninsula hotel. You can find your own pace in this speedy city, from the soothing Big Buddha statue at Po Lin Monastery, to haggling for handicrafts at vibrant Temple Street Night Market.

Things to Do

The famous Star Ferry glides across tanker-filled Victoria Harbour, and take a tram a steep 1,200 feet up to Victoria Peak for panoramic views. The double-decker tram rumbles across Hong Kong island to neon-lit Causeway Bay's department stores. Office-goers crowd the sidewalks en route to work in gleaming Admiralty district, but find the city's spiritual side in Wong Tai Sin Temple, where locals light smoky incense coils and learn their fortune. After a busy day, a traditional foot massage or reflexology session around Centraldistrict will refresh you for an evening out.


Consumerist culture is revered in Hong Kong, from jade chopsticks in Mong Kok's traditional street markets, to Chinese designer jackets in boutiques in Mid Levels. Gallery-hop along Hollywood Road for Balinese carving or traditional Indian art, and in nearby Cat Street market, haggle for old movie posters and kitschy Mao memorabilia. Technophiles will love the gadget-crammed malls in Wan Chai and Sham Shui Po where shopping around is key. Every well-dressed man will want a custom-made suit from Sam's Tailor in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Nightlife and Entertainment

Hong Kongers know how to let off steam. At Central's bustling nightlife street Lan Kwai Fong, party-going locals teeter down the cobbles to catch happy hour at tucked-away cocktail bars. You might get lucky at Happy Valley Racecourse's Wednesday evening races, along with the other well-worn local punters; ascend to the grandstand's top floor for the best views of the spot-lit track. You can try to follow traditional Chinese opera's convoluted plots at Hong Kong Cultural Centre's dazzling performances.

Restaurants and Dining

Enjoy lunch of traditional dim sum (dumplings and steamed buns) from City Hall Maxim's Palace -- it's worth the wait. World cuisines come together in Central, where you can sample local favorite barbecued pork in noisy diners, or whisper sweet nothings over fresh oysters in romantic French bistros. Choose live lobster from tanks, served with garlicky pak choi at a waterfront table on Cheung Chau island.

About Hong Kong

Hong Kong is located in the Far East, just south of the Tropic of Cancer. Hong Kong Island is 32km (20 miles) east of the mouth of Pearl River and 135km (84 miles) southeast of Canton. It is separated from the mainland by a good natural harbour. Hong Kong Island was ceded to Britain in 1842 by the Treaty of Nanking; and the Kowloon Peninsula (south of Boundary Street and Stonecutters Island) in 1860 by the Convention of Peking.

The area of Boundary Street to Shenzhen River and a group of 260 islands, now known as the New Territories, were leased to Britain in 1898 for a period of 99 years. The New Territories (plus the 260 islands) comprise 891 sq km (380 sq miles). Shortage of land suitable for development has led to reclamation from the sea, principally from the seafronts of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon.

Area: 1097 sq km (423.6 sq miles).

Population: 6,687,200 (1998).

Population Density: 6,096 per sq km.

Time Zone
Time: GMT + 8.

Hong Kong is 13 hours ahead of New York, 14 hours ahead of Chicago, and 16 hours ahead of Los Angeles. Since Hong Kong does not have a daylight saving time, subtract one hour from the above times if it's summer.

Because Hong Kong is on the other side of the international Date Line, you lose one day when traveling from the United States to Asian. Don't worry-you gain or back when you return to North America, which means that you arrive back home the same day you left Hong Kong.

Government: Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China since 1997. Head of Government: Chief Executive Tung Chee-Hwa .

Chinese and English are the official languages with Cantonese most widely spoken. English is spoken by many, particularly in business circles.

Religion: Buddhist, Confucian and Taoist, with Christian and Muslim minorities, but there are also places of worship for most other religious groups.

220 volts AC, 50Hz.

Telecommunications services are as sophisticated and varied as one might expect in an advanced Western-style economy (including radio-paging and viewdata).

Directory enquiries services are computerised. For directory enquiries, dial 1081 (English) or 1083 (Chinese). Full IDD is available. Country code: 852. Outgoing international code: 001. Local public telephone calls can be made either with phonecards or coins. Local calls are free from private phones.

Mobile phones
GSM 900 and 1800 networks provide coverage on the mainland and throughout the island. Mobile telephones function all over the underground network, thanks to transmitters installed in the tunnels.

HK Telecom International Ltd and the post office provide services. Bureaufax and international services are also available.

There are 2 English-language channels offering programmes from abroad. Satellite TV is provided by STAR TV.

English-language programmes can be heard on Radio 3 (567kHz), Quote AM 864 (864kHz), Metro Plus (144 AM), Hit Radio (99.7 FM), FM Select (104 FM) and BBC World (675 kHz).

The three dailies in Hong Kong include the South China Morning Post, The Hongkong Standard and Eastern Express (except for Sunday).

You can also get business-related publications such as the Asian Wall Street Journal and International Herald Tribune as well as foreign publications (Time, Newsweek, etc) at hotels and newsstands around town.

Postal Service
Regular postal services are available. Airmail to Europe takes three to five days. Poste Restante facilities are available. Post office hours: 0800-1800 Monday to Friday; 0800-1400 Saturday.

General Post Office
Next to the Star Ferry Concourse, Central.
Tel: (852) 2921 2222

The Kowloon Central Post Office
G/F., Hermes House,
10 Middle Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

Both are open: 8 am - 6 pm (weekdays)
8 am - 2 pm (Sat).
Closed on Sundays and public holidays.



1841年 第一次鸦片战争后,英国强占香港岛,1842年8月 清政府与英国签订《南京条约》,割让香港岛给英国。1860年10月24日:中英签订 《北京条约》,割让九龙半岛界限街以南地区给英国。1898年6月9日:英国强迫清政府签订《展拓香港界址条例》,租借九龙半岛界限街以北地区及附近262个岛屿,租期99年(...


东成西就 天下无双 河东狮吼 花田喜事 群星会 十三太保 新仙鹤神针 流星蝴蝶剑 剑魔独孤求败 麻衣传奇 江山美人 超时空要爱 精装难兄难弟 千年女妖 东邪西毒 白发魔女传 神雕英雄传 茅山学堂 红菱泪 血滴子


我去年春天去香港旅游了 译英
我去年春天去香港旅游了 I went to Hongkong last spring.我去年春天去香港旅游了 I went to Hongkong last spring.

太笼统的提问。试回答如下,看是否符合你的心意.1842年英国逼迫清政府签订了中英《南京条约》,将香港岛割让给英国。1860年英国逼迫清政府签订了中英《北京条约》,将九龙半岛(界限街以南地区)割让给了英国。1898年8月英国强迫清政府签订了《展拓香港界址专条》,强行“租借”界限街以北、 深圳河以南...


你挺立于香江,你引领着香港人的顽强和勇敢,写中国特色社会主义幸福诗篇啊,紫荆花,深情的紫荆花!你,代表着民族心2、紫荆花飞扬在中国五星旗上 一纸“条约”塞进我的喉管一堵就是百年不能咽下呀不能歌唱中国罗盘导航的洋船洋舰中国火药装填的洋枪洋炮却成了“洋鬼子”强盗射杀“中国”的先进法宝“恃强凌弱”——...


旌阳区15516405496: 介绍香港的英语小短文(初3)50词就行<br/>随便一写
皇琦凯西: Hong Kong, described as a 'barren rock' over 150 years ago, has become a world-class financial, trading and business centre and, indeed, a great world city. Hong Kong ...

旌阳区15516405496: 写一篇介绍香港的英语作文.!急.请高手进. -
皇琦凯西: 哦!!是我最爱的香港!!哦!!Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to Hong kong! I am your guide in Hong kong and my name is Wang ping. As we know, Hongkong was once a Bri...

旌阳区15516405496: 介绍香港的英语作文 带翻译 -
皇琦凯西: Have you even been to Hong kong ? This summer holiday, I had travelled to Hong Kong with many other students. We went to Hong Kong by plane. Hong Kong is very small, but there are many people living there. In Hong Kong, all of the buildings ...

旌阳区15516405496: 求一篇用英文介绍香港的文章 -
皇琦凯西: Neon-lit skyscrapers and mirrored towers line Hong Kong's waterfront, but there's plenty of variety in this never-say-sleep city. Traditional Chinese pharmacies in Sheung Wan sell dried seahorses and ginseng, and a short Star Ferry ride away you ...

旌阳区15516405496: 急求一篇描述香港的英语作文 80~100词 -
皇琦凯西: Hong Kong (香港 Heūng góng in Cantonese, Xiāng gǎng in Mandarin) [1] is a place with multiple personalities, as a result of being Cantonese Chinese with a long-time British influence. Today, the former British colony is a major tourism ...

旌阳区15516405496: 介绍香港的英文作文,八句话 -
皇琦凯西: nd here is the prime condition of success, the great secret: concentrate your energy,

旌阳区15516405496: 写一篇不少于80个单词的英语作文,题目是香港,要求写出人口,地理位置,最受欢迎的地方和特色食物. -
皇琦凯西: Hongkong is a international big city.It is located in the east of Zhujiang River ,near Guangdong province Shenzhen City.There are 7,110,000 people in Hongkong.The famous scenic spots include:Victoria Seaport,Disney Park,Ocean Park etc.It's very famous for its nice seafood.Welcome to Hongkong.

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