
作者&投稿:李莫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

都有文字提示了 没找到钥匙 意思就是车辆防盗装置没有感应到遥控钥匙 防盗系统会切断油路 原因有遥控器电池没电了-感应器故障-附近无限干扰比较强 如果电池超过三年就换 3V的2032电池 你也可以把遥控钥匙拿出来靠近方向柱 离感应器近点也许能

这个题选择C,even if 意思是即使、尽管,在这里引导让步状语从句,从句完整的形式是even if I am invited ,全句意思是即使我被邀请,我也不会去参加聚会。根据主句和从句主语一致,从句中的谓语动词是be动词,那么从句中的主语和be可以省略这一原则,省略了主语和谓语。

My Big Family
Do you like your family?Most people will say“Of course”.Your family will make you happy when you feel upset.So is my family.It’s really big (but->and) warm enough.There are eight people in my family. I’m glad to (let you know->introduce) them.
My grandfather is a brave political instructor before.He left many scars from the army.He has dug in many caves.(你先说爷爷是政治指导,后来又说有伤疤,又说挖洞,感觉没什么联系,如果它们确实有联系,你应该表达出,如果没联系,就不要这么啰嗦的写;这里的挖洞是什么意思,也许你知道,但别人不知道,所以你要讲清楚,我也不明白你要表达的意思,所以解释一下这个词)When he told me these things,he always smiled.Now,one of the caves he dug (in->is) open to the tourists.He wrote an article about this cave and sent it to the company.He also have the studens all over (the去掉) China.Some of them (usually->often) call him up.And some of them (usually->often) visit him.He is popular (before去掉),isn’t he?
My grandma cooks very well.Her education isn’t very (good->high) but she is a really (good grandma->kind person).She quitted her job to look after me when I was very young.I (thaked->thanked) her a lot.
My father is a fireman before.But now,he is (a->an) officer.(He becomes fatter and fatter.->He is fond of sports,especially badminton.)(没必要说他越来越胖,这样的语气突然转入略微负面的评价,你可以说他是个体育爱好者,尤其喜欢羽毛球)So,he (persist->persists) in playing badminton with his colleagues twice a week.(He is thinner now.去掉)But he likes (to eat->eating) sweets,especially candy flass.(When I remind him not to eat sweet so much.Of course,it goes in one ear and out the other.-> Sometimes,I remind him of keeping healthy with less sweets intake. However,he always recommend his favorite sweet to me,saying sweets bring you happiness and that's also a kind of important health in the stressful daily life.) (你的主题是要表现有很多家庭成员,更重要的是表现他们之间的融洽关系,以说明你们家庭的大,那么这种左耳进右耳出,语气上就不和谐)
How about my mother?She is proud( to draw or paint->of drawing or painting) (a beautiful picture->beautiful pictures all by herself).She does well in handicraft.I (have to admit->have wondered) her talent.(这太勉强了吧,你要不吝惜自己的感情)But she isn’t rational when she is shopping!She buy a lot of (coat->coats) and shoes.
My aunt is a kind woman.She usually (shopping->go shopping) with my mother.(She is my father’s sister.去掉 这句多余)She (usually->often) (give->gives) me presents.She is very fashionable.She has almost been to all the (cake shops->clothesing stores)(fasshionable特指衣着时髦,和食物没关系,而且这句话放到第一句末尾比较好).Isn’t that crazy?
My uncle is a humorous person.(He is my aunt’s husband.这句也多余) He is not only a elder ,but also a friend.We usually talked on phone before( he became my uncle去掉).(没成为你叔叔怎么会和你通话,有点奇怪)He is good at computer.So,he (usually->often) tells me the most popular (large games-> computer games).
The last one is my cousin.He is my aunt’s son.He is only 5 years old now.But he is infatuated with cartoons and toy cars.He has more than one hundred toy cars in different sizes and colors.He likes (to watch->watching) me (playing->play) computer games,too.( I have to play games about spiderman or superman everyday.->He gets more excited when I play games about spiderman or superman.) He usually fights with my father .(According to Chinese Zodiac)That’s inevitable because he was born in the year of chicken.And my father was born in the year of dog.
We eat dinner together almost every night.(And that is my big family加上这句,不然有点唐突)Do you like my family?

1,He left many scars from the army.是说为战争留下伤痕。
改成 he has got scars from the army. ,
2,Now,one of the caves he dug in open to the tourists要用被动,洞是被开放的,用完成时比较好,强调影响。
改成 one of the caves he dug has been open to the tourists
3,He also have the studens all over the China.Some of them usually call him up.And some of them usually visit him.He is popular before,isn’t he?
studens 拼写错误,检查一下看别的地方是否都写正确了。
4,he persist
改成 persists 三人称单数加S
5,Her education isn’t very good
改成 she recieved lower education.
6,She is proud to draw or paint a beautiful picture
改成 She is fond of drawing or painting a beautiful picture
7,She usually shopping with my mother
改成 She usually go shopping with my mother.
8,He is not only a elder
改成 an elder
9,he usually tells me the most popular large games
改成 tell me how to play the most ....
10,I have to play games about spiderman or superman everyday.
改成 I love playing games about.....,

My Big Family
Do you like your family? Most people will say “Of course”. Your family will make you happy when you feel upset. So is my family. It’s really big but warm enough. There are eight people in my family. I’m glad to let you know them.
My grandfather is a brave political instructor before. He left many scars from the army. He has dug in many caves. When he told me these things, he always smiled.Now, one of the caves he dug in open to the tourists. He wrote an article about this cave and sent it to the company. He also has the students all over the China. Some of them usually call him upland some of them usually visit him. He is popular before, isn’t he?
My grandma cooks very well. Her education isn’t very good but she is a really good grandma. She quitted her job to look after me when I was very young. I thanked her a lot.
My father is a fireman before. But now, he is an officer. He becomes fatter and fatter.So, he persists in playing badminton with his colleagues twice a week. He is thinner now. But he likes to eat sweets, especially candy flass.When I remind him not to eat sweet so much. Of course, it goes in one ear and out the other.
How about my mother? She is proud to draw or paint a beautiful picture. She does well in handicraft. I have to admit her talent. But she isn’t rational when she is shopping! She buys a lot of coat and shoes.
My aunt is a kind woman. She usually shops with my mother. She is my father’s sister. She usually gives me presents. She is very fashionable. She has almost been to all the cake shops. Isn’t that crazy?
My uncle is a humorous person. He is my aunt’s husband. He is not only an elder, but also a friend. We usually talked on phone before he became my uncle. He is good at computer.So; he usually tells me the most popular large games.
The last one is my cousin. He is my aunt’s son. He is only 5 years old now. But he is infatuated with cartoons and toy cars. He has more than one hundred toy cars in different sizes and colors. He likes to watch me playing computer games, too.I have to play games about Spiderman or superman everyday. He usually fights with my father .That inevitable because he was born in the year of chicken. And my father was born in the year of dog.
We eat dinner together almost every night. Do you like my family?

粗略的看了一下,给个建议:你的文章的衔接性不强,英语文章是很直白的,作文要有个主题,要有主题句,主题句里面要有限制语,往下写要有支撑句来支撑主题句和来表现限制语。你的文章多数是简单句,这样显得你的文章水平不高,一篇好的文章要多用并列句家并列连词来写,最难得是用复合句来写,和把句子给多用名词来表示,比如 "walk" 可以表示为“have a walk”像这样有很多。

都有文字提示了 没找到钥匙 意思就是车辆防盗装置没有感应到遥控钥匙 防盗系统会切断油路 原因有遥控器电池没电了-感应器故障-附近无限干扰比较强 如果电池超过三年就换 3V的2032电池 你也可以把遥控钥匙拿出来靠近方向柱 离感应器近点也许能

8、落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花 9、墙角数枝梅,凌寒独自开 10、桃红复含宿雨,柳绿更带朝烟 11、山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村 12、蜡炬成灰泪始干 13、好雨知时节,当春乃发生 14、吹面不寒杨柳风 15、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 16、但愿人长久,千里共婵娟 17、 商女不知亡国恨,...

1.:如果(我们中的谁)将来变成大富大贵的人,不要忘了对方。希望对你有帮助。2.扶苏因为多次进谏的缘故,皇帝派他在外面带兵 3.现在我们假称是公子扶苏,项燕的队伍,向天下宣称呼吁,肯定有许多人响应。吴广认为这个办法可行。4.陈胜把众戍卒召集起来,说:“各位遇到大雨都超过...

有一个姓迂的人,世人称他迂公,性格吝啬,篱笆破了也不修理,屋顶上的瓦片破了 也不补救。一天,半夜下起了暴雨,屋子漏雨就像被注了水,妻子东躲西藏还是被雨水打湿 了大半身,妻子满身污垢的大骂,质问他说:“我嫁给你,是因为你家中富贵,却没想到要 受这种苦累,你如何为文人,如何为人夫 ?...


会荷兰语的高手进 急!!
Kan lang me aan teken geven? Kan op kleren ondertekenen?但我觉得有点不礼貌,最好这样说:中文:可以帮我签个名吗?可以签在衣服上吗?十分感谢!英语:(Grubby应该会英文的,荷兰文的发音和英文是不同的,可以的话,荐议你说英文,这样方便交流)May help me to sign? May sign on ...


二四是数字的成语:连二赶三、连二并三、巴三览四、不三不四、差三错四、低三下四、颠三倒四、接三连四、说三道四、挑三拣四、朝三暮四、横七竖八、杂七杂八、独一无二 、说一不二

金枝玉叶 甜言蜜语 花言巧语 含辛茹苦 穷凶极恶 手舞足蹈 呼风唤雨 长吁短叹 长年累月 引经据典 风起云涌 雷厉风行 魂飞魄散 龙腾虎跃 争名夺利 高瞻远瞩 流言蜚语 假仁假义 【A B C C 】: 波光粼粼 神采奕奕 生气勃勃 忧心忡忡 气势汹汹 得意洋洋 忠心耿耿 大腹便便 虎视眈眈 小心翼翼 ...

t; while(n<1000||n>9999) { printf("请输入一个四位正整数:"); scanf("%d",&n); if(n<1000||n>9999)printf("输入错误\\n"); } s=0; for(t=n; t; t\/=10)s+=t%10; a=n\/100; b=n%100; printf("%d\\n%d\\n",s,b*100+a); return 0;} ...

问一下为什么math是字符型的,字符的加法是加ascⅡ码,你能保证加出来的结果对吗?正常应该是这样的,假如是字符型吧 char *p,a int main(){ p=math for(i=0;i<=100;i++){ a=a+*p p=p+1 } } 时间有点长,我都忘了,大概是这样,你验证一下吧 ...

新芜区19454754128: 英文高手进!急! -
芝送诺美: 你好,我要开间房 Excuse me please.I want to book a room .请问你需要什么样的房间?May I ask you what kind of room do you prefer?我想要一间标准间(单间,双人间) Well,I want a standard-room(single room or double room) 好的,我们这的...

新芜区19454754128: 英语高手进!!急~~ -
芝送诺美: be 动词 后面只能加名词,形容词或者介词短语 careful是形容词 carefully是副词 所以只有 be careful carefully是副词 不可以直接放在be动词后面 希望能够帮到楼主

新芜区19454754128: 英语高手进 急!!! -
芝送诺美: 觉得应该用with agree with表示同意某人或其意见 agree with sb/what sb says; agree on则表示双方达成一致,后面通常接协议等需要双方协调的词语~希望有所帮助~

新芜区19454754128: 英语高手进!急 -
芝送诺美: Someone for something familiar, in... Under the help, supervisors, safeguards, and frequently valued, take apart, mock, and in accordance with, according to... Said,Representative, said, were, one after another.

新芜区19454754128: 英语高手进~~急求!!! -
芝送诺美: “xx路xx号xx栋xx单元xx信箱” xxRoad路,xxNo.号,xxDormitory栋,xxUnit单元,xxMailbox信箱 中英文地址的写法~如果不会写的或者忘记的可以看看***室 / 房 RM. *** ***村(乡) *** Village ***号 No. *** ***号宿舍 *** Dormitory ***楼 / 层 *** /F ***...

新芜区19454754128: 英语高手进~急 -
芝送诺美: a dark green coat, with zip,buttons,2 pockets and a hood which is detatchable for washing.a white sweater, knit by my aunta kariert scarf,made of black,white and gray threada jean, light...

新芜区19454754128: 英语高手进、、急!!!
芝送诺美: if he had finished his how many people you can see if / live

新芜区19454754128: 英语高手请进!急!!!
芝送诺美: It's time to have lunch. (用餐多用have,如have breakfast,supper)

新芜区19454754128: 急! 英语高手进..
芝送诺美: 1. suffered ----felt painful about sth.....对...感到受苦 例子 He suffered a lot from his lung cancer 他被他的肺癌折磨死了. 2 settle ----- establish 建立,安定下来例子 They finally settled down in this small town.他们最终在这个小镇安了家 3 pack--- get sth wrapped up in bags or boxes 打包... 例子 Can you help me pack the books?你能帮我打包书吗?

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