
作者&投稿:何柱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Summer day, we went to Zhujiajian saw sand sculpture. This year's sand sculpture theme is "sand sculpture of Disney."
We sat ship to zhujiajian, and rode the car to the Spratly Islands. Yeah, there were so many people ah! Crowded, packed roads packed. We bought the tickets, ran eagerly to see the sand sculptures. The sand sculpture is divided into "Welcome to Disneyland, Disney's classic scenes, Disney's classic movie magic and adventure games" four parts. That sand sculpture grotesque, a wide range. Lifelike characters, vivid scenes, I feel like really came to the Disney fairy tale world.
First presented in front of Mickey Mouse - Mickey. She opened her arms, as if to say: "Welcome to the Disney theme park sand sculpture." We walked, I saw Sleeping Beauty lying quietly in bed, his calm, standing next to a handsome prince. This brings to mind the "Sleeping Beauty" story. "Look, Snow White!" Mom pointing to, and sure enough, I saw seven adorable dwarfs standing in front of a house, that house lifelike, like structures made of wood. Good beautiful Snow White and they lived happily. I walked and saw a car. Yeah, really cool! It has a pair of sparkling eyes, Fang Fang body, cute. I really want to sit in the car go ah! I saw a log cabin, filled with former wooden boxes made of wood, there is an Indian standing in front. I thought: Well lifelike it! Sculpture carved out of people is how? So delicate, so lively, so interesting. It took much effort ah! After reading the sand sculpture, I play sand. I piled up a big cake and a bottle of cocoa powder.
Time is not late, I reluctantly left the sand sculpture Disneyland. I thought: sand sculpture artists can be too much, even to such prosaic sand became so exquisite works of art, I really admire it!

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油申补肾: Summer day, we went to Zhujiajian saw sand sculpture. This year's sand sculpture theme is "sand sculpture of Disney." We sat ship to zhujiajian, and rode the car to the Spratly Islands. Yeah, there were so many people ah! Crowded, packed roads...

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