家有儿女 如果你是小雪 请用英语介绍自己的家庭

作者&投稿:夙毛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
家有儿女 如果你是小雪 用英语介绍一下你的全家福吧~

There are five people in my family.The y are my grandfather,my grandmother,my father,my mother and I .My father is doctor.He works in Yueqing.He goes to work on foot everyday.My father is not very tall,but he is strong,he is very kind to his patients and he loves his wo rk.My mother is teacher.She works in a middle school in Yue Qing.She goes t o work by car.She is a very good teach er in my eyes.I am a student in Yueqin g FLS.My school is very beautiful.Ther e are many tall buildings,green tress,n ice flowers in our school.We have won derful teachers too.I like studying in m y school.My grandparents don’t go to w ork any more.They have retired.They s tay at home everyday.In the morning t hey go to the park and do morning exe rcises.In the afternoon,they drink tea with their friends.In the evening,they enjoy themselves watching TV and read ing newspapers.We have a happy famil y.I can’t say how much I love it!

第一部 第53集 名字确实不知道咯~

第53集 姥姥为了和邻居大爷比赛学英语让孩子们帮忙刘星当了姥姥的老师刘星用了许多学校和家长对付他的办法教姥姥姥姥在学习的过程中和刘星的方法发生冲突姥姥三天两头被刘星考很是头疼姥姥压力越来越大以至于最后失眠开始吃药终于姥姥不愿意学英语了也与邻居大爷合好

There are five people in my family.The y are my grandfather,my grandmother,my father,my mother and I .My father is doctor.He works in Yueqing.He goes to work on foot everyday.My father is not very tall,but he is strong,he is very kind to his patients and he loves his wo rk.My mother is teacher.She works in a middle school in Yue Qing.She goes t o work by car.She is a very good teach er in my eyes.I am a student in Yueqin g FLS.My school is very beautiful.Ther e are many tall buildings,green tress,n ice flowers in our school.We have won derful teachers too.I like studying in m y school.My grandparents don’t go to w ork any more.They have retired.They s tay at home everyday.In the morning t hey go to the park and do morning exe rcises.In the afternoon,they drink tea with their friends.In the evening,they enjoy themselves watching TV and read ing newspapers.We have a happy famil y.I can’t say how much I love it!

君山区19416263706: 假如你是《家有儿女》中的小雪,请用英语介绍一下你的家人以及他们的名字.(用英语不少于80个单词)
蒲蓓圣之:I am Xia Xue. My family call me Xiao Xue. There are five people in my family. My father, Xia Donghai, is a strict but humorous man. Sometimes, he is really strict with us. My mother, Liu Mei, is a kind woman. She takes care of us very well. I have two ...

君山区19416263706: 家有儿女 如果你是小雪 请用英语介绍自己的家庭 -
蒲蓓圣之: There are five people in my family.The y are my grandfather,my grandmother,my father,my mother and I .My father is doctor.He works in Yueqing.He goes to work on foot everyday.My father is not very tall,but he is strong,he is very kind to his patients ...

君山区19416263706: 英语 书面表达 假设你是小雪,你的笔友Alice想到你居住的海滨城市旅游 答案
蒲蓓圣之: I'm very glad to know.that you are coming to visit me.Welcome to our city.Our city is a beautiful city It is near the sea.Now I tell you how to get to my house.After you get out of the train station,you can see a bus stop.You can take a No. 8 bus to Yingbin ...

君山区19416263706: 家有儿女 中三个小孩长什么样(用英文表述) -
蒲蓓圣之: 小雪 beautiful 小雨 lovely 刘星 clever

君山区19416263706: 假如你是小雪,你的笔友alice想到你居住的海滨城市旅游.根据下面的示意图给她写一封电子邮件 -
蒲蓓圣之: 求图!!!!复制了一段:I'm very glad to know.that you are coming to visit me.Welcome to our city.Our city is a beautiful city It is near the sea.Now I tell you how to get to my house.After you get out of the train station,you can see a bus stop.You can ...

君山区19416263706: 第三部的“家有儿女”里的小雪原名叫什么 -
蒲蓓圣之: 宁丹琳 英文名:Christina 生日:1987年3月23日 语言:普通话 身高:167cm 体重:51公斤 星座:白羊座 特长:唱歌,跳舞,钢琴,国画 出生地:北京 民族:满族 教育经历 2001年就读于纽约百老汇街艺术学院 2002年就读于密歇根州WCSPA电视剧 《缘来就是你》饰演:圆喜 《玻璃婚》饰演:小敏 《花姑子》饰演:巧燕 《齐宣王与钟无艳》饰演:齐国公主莫姜 《秋风掠过山梁》饰演:榕榕 《家有儿女3》饰演:夏雪 《家有儿女4》饰演:夏雪广告 雪伦羽绒服电视/平面广告 UT科技宣传片 七彩云南珠宝商城--翡翠玉电视/平面广告 绿芙蓉龟苓膏广告MTV 常海《热带鱼的邮件》

君山区19416263706: 第三部小雪的资料谁知道?越详细越好! -
蒲蓓圣之: 姓名:宁丹琳英文名:Christina生日:1987年3月23日 语言:普通话 英语 韩语身高:166cm体重:49公斤血型:0型星座:白羊座出生地:北京民族:满族宗教:佛教家庭成员:父亲、...

君山区19416263706: 家有儿女第三部那里面的小雪真名叫什么? -
蒲蓓圣之: 宁丹琳 英文名:Christina 生日:3月23日 语言:普通话 身高:167cm 体重:45公斤 星座:白羊座 特长:唱歌,跳舞,钢琴,国画 出生地:北京 民族:满族 教育经历 2001年就读于纽约百老汇街艺术学院 2002年就读于密歇根州WCSPA 电视...

君山区19416263706: 有关农业生产的谚语 -
蒲蓓圣之: 一本万利 一毁三不成 一年不收二麦 一分水一分粮 一年之计在于春 一年庄稼两年种 一年生产两年闹 一年西瓜十年歇 一籽入土 万粒归仓 一冻一消 冬浇正好 一个驴粪蛋 半碗小米饭 一月二月挨着做 耙...

君山区19416263706: 家有儿女第三部的小雪的真名是````? -
蒲蓓圣之: 宁丹琳...

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