
作者&投稿:包武 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


一. 词汇:20分

B 单词拼写:5分
1.ryuo_____ 2.mrnoign ______ 3.elpeohne______ 4.pelaes______ 5.fmayil______
C. 找出不同其它三个一类的词。(5分)
( )1. A book B pencil C ruler D watch
( )2 A my B his C you D her
( )3 A white B color C green D blue
( )4 A backpack B black C ring D dictionary
( )5 A phone number B family name C first name D last name
D.译短语: 5分
1.他的名字________ 2.一个橘子___________3. 我的电话号码______
4. 用英语________ 5. 谢谢 ______________
( ) 1. Please call me Mary___256-7893. A. in B. at C. to D. of
( ) 2.What’s your name? _____ me Jack.
A. Make B. Name C. Ask D. Call
( ) 3.How do you spell______. A .it B. its C. It’s D. he
( ) 4.Anna is not my sister. _____ my cousin.
A. He B. He’s C. She D. She’s
( ) 5. —Is it a TV? — .
A.Yes,it’s B.Yes,it is C.Yes,this is
( ) 6. —Can you spell it? — .
A.Yes,I am B.No,I don’t C.Yes,I can
( ) 7. There is ___ “n” in the word pencil. A. a B. an C. the D. /
( ) 8— ? —Yes,G-I-N-A,Gina.
A.What’s your name
B.Can you spell your name
C.How do you spell your name
( ) 9. ---What’s your cat’s name? --- ___name is Kitty. A. It’s B.Its C. It is D. It
( )10. I don’t know____. But I know ______name.
A. her ,her B. him, him C. his, his D. you, you
( )11.--What’s this? ---_____a book A. It B. That C. It’s D. That’s
( )12. ---Is this a computer? ---Yes, _____.
A. this is B. this’s C. it’s D. it is
( )13. --What’s seven _____two. ----Nine. A. in B. and C. are D. at
( )14. Han Mei , _____is Susan. A. the B. this C. it D. you
( )15.--- What’s your name? ---____ Alice Green.
A. It’s B. It is C. My name is D. Name is
1 Gina, name, her, is _______________________________
2 name, what, is, his ________________________________
3 do, it, you, spell, how _________________________________
4 number, phone, her, is, 5673421 _________________________________
5. ,that, is, ring, your __________________________
A:What’s your _____? B: My _____ Marry.
A: ______ this ____ English? B: It’s a ______.
A: ____ this your _____? B: _____, it is.
A: ____ do you ______ it? B: P-E-N-C-I-L.

1. g__ __l 2. r__ l __r 3. c__ mp__ ter 4.c__ck 5. ph__ __e
His phone number is 2450888.

七、Mary 丢失了学生证,她的电话

Lost: My __________________My name is Mary.
Please ____________________

( )1. Good afternoon, class.  A Thank you.
( )2. What’s his name?  B Good afternoon, teacher.
( )3. What’s your phone number?  C It’s 2450432.
( )4. Sit down, please.  D His name is John.
( )5. Is that your backpack?   E Hi, I’m Jim.
( )6. Hello, I’m Kate.   F It’s red.
( )7. What’s this in English?  G Yes, it is.
( )8. What color is your pen?   H No, it isn’t. It’s her backpack.
( )9. How do you spell it?   I It’s a watch.
( )10. Is this her pencil case?   J K-E-Y, key.
九. 句型转换: 5分
1. This is an ID card.(提问) ________________________________
2. Is this his backpack? _________________________________(肯定回答)
3. It’s Lucy’s dictionary. __________________________________(改为否定句)
4. Is that her nice watch? _________________________________(改为肯定句)
5. He is my friend. ___________________________(一般疑问句)
十.翻译句子: 10分
1. 那个用英语怎么说? What’s that _________________?
2. 你的手表在失物招领处. Your watch is________________________________.
3. 我.的名字叫李坤 I _____________________________________.
4. Tom and Alice是我的朋友. Tom and Alice _____________________________.
十一. 阅读理解: 五分
At school I have a good friend. He is an English boy .His name is Tom .He is twelve. We are in No. 3 Middle School(中学) .We’re not in the same(同一个) class .He is in Class 2,Grade(年级) 1 .Tom’s sister(妹妹) is not a student .Her name is Jane .She is five .She is a nice girl .
Miss Gao is my English teacher .She is thirty(30岁) .Mr Wang is Tom’s Chinese(语文) teacher .He is thirty ,too .They’re good teachers .
( )1. Tom is _________.
A. English B. American C. Chinese
( )2. Tom is in _____________.
A. Class four, Grade Two B. Class Tow ,Grade One
C. Class four, Grade One
( )3. How old(多大) is Jane?
A. four B. five C. twelve
( )4. Miss Gao is my ______teacher .
A. English B. Chinese C. math
( )5. Tom and I _____in the same(同样的) class ,we _____ in the same school .
A. are ;aren’t B. are ; are C. aren’t ;are
十二.作文: ( 10分) 介绍你自己。(不少于五个句子)

1. go v.去
2. movie n.电影
3. go to a movie 去看电影
4. action 动作片
5. comedy n.喜剧
6. documentary n.记录片
7. thriller n.恐怖电影或小说
8. kind n.种类
9. singular n.单数;单数形式 adj.单数的
10. plural n.复数;复数形式 adj.复数的
11. opera n.歌剧
12. Beijing Opera 京剧
13. find v.寻找;查找
14. someone pron.某人
15. who pron.….的人; 谁
16. student n.学生
17. scary adj.可怕的,吓人的
18. funny adj.有趣的,好玩的
19. sad adj.悲哀的;悲伤的
20. exciting adj.令人激动的;振奋人心的
21. really adv.事实上;无疑地;真正地
22. think v.想;思考;认为
23. learn v.学习;学会
24. about prep.关于;涉及;在…方面
25. history n.历史
26. often adv.时常;常常
27. with prep.与…在一起;和;使用…;有
28. favorite adj.& n.最喜爱的(东西)
29. actor n.演员
30. new adj.新的
31. weekend n.周末;星期六和星期日
32. too adv.也;又;太
33. successful adj.成功的
34. Rush 《尖峰时刻》(电影名)
35. Mr Bean 《憨豆先生》(电影名)
36. Shaolin Temple 《少林寺》(电影名)
37. Ben 本(男名)
38. Maria 玛丽亚(女名)
39. Michele 米歇尔(女名)
40. June 琼(女名)
41. Edward 爱德华(男名)
42. Jackson 杰克逊(姓或男名)
43. Rick 瑞克(男名)
44. Jackie 杰克(男名,昵称)
45. Rowan Atkinson罗温•艾金森(憨豆先生)
46. Jet 杰特(男名)

1. It’s used for scooping really cold ice cream.它用于舀真得很凉的冰淇淋。
疑点:be used for被用于…,后面加doing,相当于be used to do.如:The knife is used for cutting,
难点:be used 后面加不同的介词构成意思不同的短语。be used by被…使用,be used in被用于…场合,be used as被用作…
2. Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time.一些树叶从附近的灌木上掉进了水里,在那里停留了一些时间。
疑点:1)fall into落入…里面2)some time一段时间。如:The little boy fell into the river, but at last he got out by himself.
He will go to Beijng sometime next Friday and he will stay there for some time.下周五的某个时候他要去北京,并且计划在那儿呆一段时间。
难点:1)fall短语有许多,要个别记忆。如:fall down(从高处)落下,fall off从(自行车、卡车、摩托车等)上面掉下来,fall over摔趴下
2)注意以下几个词的区别:some time一段时间,sometime某时,sometimes有时,some times几次、几倍
3. Although tea wasn’t brought to the Western world until 1610,this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that.尽管茶到1610年才传到西方,但这种饮料在那之前三千年就已经被发现了。
疑点:hundred,thousand,million等词和具体数字连用时,本身只能用单数形式;没有具体数字修饰和of 构成短语时要用复数形式。如:Millions of ants poured into the kitchen.
Two million ants poured into the kitchen.
4. The customer was happy in the end.顾客最终很高兴。
疑点:in the end=at last=finally最后、最终。如:They talked and talked for a long time, in the end they all felt quite tired.
难点:相关短语:at the end of在…的最后、在…的末尾;by the end of到…末为止二、重点讲解
1. The potato chips were invented by mistakes.土豆条被误打误撞地发明了。
by mistake错误地;make mistakes犯错误、出错;mistake…for把…错当成
如:Li Lei took my umbrella by mistake.
Lily made few mistakes in the English exam.
We often mistake the twins for each other.
2. Did you know the tea,the most popular drink in the world,was invented by accident?你知道茶——世界上最受欢迎的饮料是被偶然发现的吗?
by accident=by chance=accidentally偶然的、无意中。如:Cathy met his classmate on the way to the shop by accident.
3.…this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that.
find指寻找的结果即“发现、找到”。如:The girl was looking for her wallet, at last she found it under her desk.
如:Columbus discovered America in 1492.哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。
4. According to an ancient Chinese legend,……按照中国古老的传说……
according to 依照、按照、根据
如:According to what he said,we know he was interested in pop music.根据他所说的,我们知道他喜欢流行音乐。
我们现在学到第11单元了,这些我们刚学过,希望你满意,祝你学习进步,请记得采纳 谢谢

1. It’s used for scooping really cold ice cream.它用于舀真得很凉的冰淇淋。
疑点:be used for被用于…,后面加doing,相当于be used to do.如:The knife is used for cutting,
难点:be used 后面加不同的介词构成意思不同的短语。be used by被…使用,be used in被用于…场合,be used as被用作…
2. Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time.一些树叶从附近的灌木上掉进了水里,在那里停留了一些时间。
疑点:1)fall into落入…里面2)some time一段时间。如:The little boy fell into the river, but at last he got out by himself.
He will go to Beijng sometime next Friday and he will stay there for some time.下周五的某个时候他要去北京,并且计划在那儿呆一段时间。
难点:1)fall短语有许多,要个别记忆。如:fall down(从高处)落下,fall off从(自行车、卡车、摩托车等)上面掉下来,fall over摔趴下
2)注意以下几个词的区别:some time一段时间,sometime某时,sometimes有时,some times几次、几倍
3. Although tea wasn’t brought to the Western world until 1610,this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that.尽管茶到1610年才传到西方,但这种饮料在那之前三千年就已经被发现了。
疑点:hundred,thousand,million等词和具体数字连用时,本身只能用单数形式;没有具体数字修饰和of 构成短语时要用复数形式。如:Millions of ants poured into the kitchen.
Two million ants poured into the kitchen.
4. The customer was happy in the end.顾客最终很高兴。
疑点:in the end=at last=finally最后、最终。如:They talked and talked for a long time, in the end they all felt quite tired.
难点:相关短语:at the end of在…的最后、在…的末尾;by the end of到…末为止

1. The potato chips were invented by mistakes.土豆条被误打误撞地发明了。
by mistake错误地;make mistakes犯错误、出错;mistake…for把…错当成
如:Li Lei took my umbrella by mistake.
Lily made few mistakes in the English exam.
We often mistake the twins for each other.
2. Did you know the tea,the most popular drink in the world,was invented by accident?你知道茶——世界上最受欢迎的饮料是被偶然发现的吗?
by accident=by chance=accidentally偶然的、无意中。如:Cathy met his classmate on the way to the shop by accident.
3.…this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that.
find指寻找的结果即“发现、找到”。如:The girl was looking for her wallet, at last she found it under her desk.
如:Columbus discovered America in 1492.哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。
4. According to an ancient Chinese legend,……按照中国古老的传说……
according to 依照、按照、根据
如:According to what he said,we know he was interested in pop music.根据他所说的,我们知道他喜欢流行音乐。

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全询亨威: 1.动词be(is,am,are)的用法 我(I)用am, 你(you)用are,is跟着他(he),她(she),它(it).单数名词用is,复数名词全用are.变否定,更容易,be后not加上去.变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃.还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记....

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全询亨威:[答案] 1.动词be(is,am,are)的用法 我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is跟着他(he),她(she),它(it).单数名词用is,复数名词全用are.变否定,更容易,be后not加上去.变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃.还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记.2.t...

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全询亨威: watch movies;in Australia;print your document;make travel plans; talks to hiscustomers ;search for information;listen to music 重点句子: My father is a manager of a company;check the times of trains; buy tickets: 重点词组:on the Internet;open a ...

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