英语翻译 “它是土家族聚居地”

作者&投稿:繁庄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语翻译:我的家乡 你听说过张家界吗? 你去过张家界吗? 我是土家族人,居住在张家界的慈利。~

My hometown you heard of zhangjiajie? Have you been to the zhangjiajie? I am the tujia minority, live in zhangjiajie CiLi.

Tujia 或者 Tujia Minority

1.The Gc1F gene frequencies of Bai, Miao, Tujia and Yi were 0.4082, 0.4229, 0.3592, 0.4248; 白族、苗族、土家族、彝族Gc~1F的基因频率分别为0.4082,0.4229,0.3592,0.4248;

Discussion on Tujia Music Form 土家族音乐形态论

2. Architectural Art of Tujia Minority 土家族建筑艺术



It is the settlement of Tujia nationality.






它是土家族聚居地英文是It is a place where Tujia people live

It is the colony for Tu nationality.

怀安县13195218666: 56个民族的英文翻译 -
宗圣官达畅: Han(汉族),Zhuang(壮族), Manchu(满族), Hui(回族), Miao(苗族), Uygur(维吾尔族), Yi(彝族), Tujia(土家族), Mongolian(蒙古族), Tibetan(藏族), Bouyei(布依族), Dong(侗族), Yao(瑶族), ...

怀安县13195218666: “土家族”用英语怎么说?
宗圣官达畅: Tujia ethnic minority Tujia Nationality

怀安县13195218666: 土家族和苗族用英语怎么说 -
宗圣官达畅: 土家族 Tujia nationality 苗族 Miao nationality 这是传统的、经典的译法.主要是关于“民族”的英译,学术界存在争议,所以,现在也有译为:土家族 Tujia ethnic group 苗族 Miao ethnic group 苗族,在英语中也被称为Hmong.但是,这不是中国正式文件或考试中被采纳的用法.

怀安县13195218666: 急求:关于土家族的英语介绍.一百字即可!! -
宗圣官达畅: The Tujia , with a total population of over 8 million, is the 6th largest ethnic minority in People's Republic of China. They live in Wuling Range, straddling the common borders of Hunan, Hubei and Guizhou Provinces, and Chongqing Municipality.Their endonym Bizika means "native dwellers" in the Tujia language.

怀安县13195218666: 英语介绍土家族 -
宗圣官达畅: The Tujia (土家族; pinyin:Tǔjiāzú; endonym:Bizika 毕兹卡), with a total population of over 8 million, is the 6th largest ethnic minority in People's Republic of China. They live in Wuling Range, straddling the common borders of Hunan, Hubei and...

怀安县13195218666: 翻译一个论文标题 -
宗圣官达畅: A Marketing Proposal of Local-Made Fabric Xilankapu of the Jinxiufang

怀安县13195218666: 英语翻译坐落在中国湖南省西北部的张家界,是名闻中外的旅游风景区,每年吸引无数的游客到此观光.武陵源的奇山秀水,绿峰飞瀑,让你流连忘返;历史... -
宗圣官达畅:[答案] Zhangjiajie,located northwest of the Hunan province of China,is a world-famous scenic spot.It has drawn countless attraction of tourists all over the world every year.The amazing moutain and beautiful water of Wulingyuan,besides its evergreen peak and ...

怀安县13195218666: 恩施土家族苗族自治州位于湖北省西南部,东襟荆楚,西通黔渝,南极潇湘,北达中原.翻译成英语,谢谢 -
宗圣官达畅: Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in southwest Hubei Province, East lapel Chu, west to Guizhou and Chongqing, the Antarctic Xiaoxiang, in the north central plains.

怀安县13195218666: 急!!英语翻译 -
宗圣官达畅: The Hubei is a city with more flourishing economy, but boon economy in the place been born by me isn't flourishing, what here live has a part is a soil household, have very special romantic feeling, people are all very hot liver docile, is a soil here ...

怀安县13195218666: 土家族民族分布大多在什么地方? -
宗圣官达畅: 族之一主要居住在云贵高原东端余脉的大娄山、武陵山及大巴山方圆10万余平方公里区域x分布于湘、鄂、黔、渝毗连的武陵山区.汉族人大量迁入后,“土家”做为族称开始出现.土家族人自称为“毕兹卡”,意思是“本地人”.1956年10月,国家民委通过民族识别,确定土家族为单一民族.1957年成立了湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州

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