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英语作文我的假期带翻译的范文: Summer holiday is coming . I want to go to Beijing . I go to Beijing with my father , my mother and my brother . We want to go there by plane because it takes less time . We can see many things in it . First we can visit the Great Wall , it is very famous for the world ,so I like it very much . Second we can go to the zoo because I like to see animals . There are many foreigners in this city ,too . I want to talk with them in English . I want to learn English from them . I think we can have a good time then . I hope it is coming soon .  暑假来了,我想要去北京。我和我的爸爸妈妈和哥哥一起去北京。我们想要坐飞机去因为可以节省时间。我们可以在上面看到很多东西。首先我们能去长城参观,长城在世界上都很有名。然后,我们能去动物园游玩我喜欢动物。城里有很多外国人,我想要和他们用英语交谈。我想向他们学习英语。我想我们那时候应该能玩得愉快。我希望暑假快点到来。想要写好关于我的假期带翻译的英语作文的话,你一定要努力学习英语才可以做到了,务必要打好英语基本功,报课在线外教英语培训班也是你不错的选择,跟着教学经验丰富的外教老师学英语,更加有自信心和兴趣,效果还是不错的,课程价格便宜最大才要13.8元一节课。给你分享免费试听课地址:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击即可领取欧美真人外教一对一免费试听课!大家一定要试听一下,了解清楚,外教一对一辅导是很有效的提高学员的英语兴趣,记得一定要试听哦。试听完后还可以免费获得一次英语能力水平测试和一份详细的报告,以及公开课免费看。希望可以帮到你啦!想要找到合适英语培训机构,百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。百度搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全的英语资源。

During the summer holiday of this year,I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home ,watching TV and so on.So I got a job at a restawrant and worked there as a waiter.Every day I went to work early in the morning and got home late in the evening. The job was hard,boring.It made me so tired that I almost quit half way.But I went on doing with my determination.


  Last vacation, I went to Beijing with my family. We went there by train. The train was comfortable. We spent five days visiting Beijing. On the first day, we went to Tian'an Men Square, It is so big. and there were lots of people taking photos. Then we went to the Palace Museum. We saw thousands of houses. Kings lived there before. I felt interesting. The second day was cloudy, so we went to the museums. We saw many old things. On teh third day we went to the Great Wall. It was so great! We were tired. So the next day we stayed at the hotel. The last day we went shopping and bought lots of things.


  Last vacation, I went to Beijing with my family. We went there by train. The train was comfortable. We spent five days visiting Beijing. On the first day, we went to Tian'an Men Square, It is so big. and there were lots of people taking photos. Then we went to the Palace Museum. We saw thousands of houses. Kings lived there before. I felt interesting. The second day was cloudy, so we went to the museums. We saw many old things. On teh third day we went to the Great Wall. It was so great! We were tired. So the next day we stayed at the hotel. The last day we went shopping and bought lots of things.
更多优秀英语作文尽在:分享君英语作文网 原文带翻译:http://www.fenxiangjun.com/fanwen/875.html

t just wasn't meant to be



我的快乐旅行:篇1 那是一个炎热的暑假里,我和爸爸妈妈一起去杭州行。一路上,我唱着歌儿,看看窗外那美丽的风景,心里别提有多高兴啊! 过了三、四个小时,我们终于到了被称为“天堂”的杭州。我们先到了世界闻名的杭州西湖,只见西湖边上人山人海。我迫不及待地想去看三潭印月,便对爸爸说:“爸爸,我们先去...

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【 #日记# 导语】紧张的学习生活已经结束了,我们迎接来了快乐的假期。 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。 【篇一】一次愉快的暑假旅行日记500字 在这个暑假里,我最难忘的一次旅游就是去天波杨府了。 我和妈妈从西门进入天波杨府。哇!天波杨府好漂亮呀!高高的假山下面有一条碧绿的小溪,小溪里的锦鲤似乎...

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