跪求一篇有关介绍篮球的英语对话 要三人说的 有急用!!!谢谢!!!

作者&投稿:詹虏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

For 36 years after basketball entered the Olympic Games as a full medal sport for men, the question was not who would win, but who would finish second. The United States owned the game, and not just because it was invented there.
The Soviet Union took home the gold when they toppled the US team in a controversial 1972 game. After another semi-final victory for the Soviets in 1988, the sport opened to professionals. Once again, the question became who would finish second. In Barcelona in 1992, with a squad featuring some of the world’s best-known athletes - Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and Larry Bird - the gold-medal winning US "Dream Team" gave an exhibition of basketball at its best.
Women’s basketball hasn’t been quite such a one-sided affair. Since it joined the Olympic programme in 1976, the gold medals have been divided between the US, the Soviet Union and, after the break-up of the Soviet Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five active players each try to score points against one another by placing a ball through a 3.048 meter high hoop under organized rules. Basketball is one of the most popular and widely viewed sports in the world.篮球是2个队,每队由5个运动员组成,通过把球投进3.048米高的篮筐和一定的规则,争取比另外一对得分高的运动.Points are scored by throwing the ball through the basket from above; the team with more points at the end of the game wins. The ball can be advanced on the court by dribbling it or passing it between teammates. Disruptive physical contact is penalized and there are restrictions on how the ball can be handled.通过把球投进篮筐来得分,得分高的队获胜.通过场上球员的带球和传球来推进比赛. 走不是违规的,怎么拿球也有规则限制.Through time, basketball has developed to involve common techniques of shooting, passing and dribbling, as well as players' positions, and offensive and defensive structures. Typically, the tallest members of a team will play center or one of two forward positions, while shorter players or those who possess the best ball handling skills and speed, play the guard positions.随着时间的推进,篮球已经发展为一项包含公认射篮,传球,带球技巧和攻守方的运动. 一般来说,队里最高的是中锋,还有2个前锋, 得分球员,和一个拥有最佳的持球技巧和速度的球员来做控球后卫.

Sue: You look hot and tired. Jack, have you been exercising?

Jack: Yes. We just had a basketball match with Class Two.

Sue: Who won?

Jack: They did.

Sue: What was the score?

Jack: Seventy to sixty-seven.


苏: 你看上去又热又累,杰克是去锻炼了吧?

杰克: 是啊。我们刚才跟二班赛了场篮球。

苏: 谁赢了?

杰克: 他们。

苏: 比分多少?

杰克: 70比67。



现代篮球运动已经发展成为一项具有灵活巧妙的技术和变化多端的战术相结合的竞赛活动。从事篮球运动能促使人体的力量、速度、耐久力、灵活性等素质全面发展,并能提高内脏器官、感觉器官和神经中枢的功能;它对培养勇敢、机智、集体主义和组织纪律性等品质都有很大益处。 发展概况:篮球是1891年由美国马萨...

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肇素甘油: Its my pleasure to share my point about basketball. I'm very fond of this game, and the position I appreciate most is point guard. On the court, a point guard is a commander. Controlling the ball, deploying teammates, finding the weakness of ...

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泸州市19823089510: 想要一篇关于篮球的英语两个人的对话最好简单点的 2分钟左右 -
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泸州市19823089510: 我急求一篇关于篮球的英语演讲稿,字数在300多少于400.介绍一下篮球起源,为什么受欢迎和玩篮球的好处.急求啊 -
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