
作者&投稿:滕施 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The flag of the People's Republic of China is a red field charged in the canton (upper left corner) with five golden stars. The design features one large star, with four smaller stars in a semicircle set off towards the fly (right side). The red represents revolution; the five stars and their relationship represent the unity of the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Sometimes, the flag is referred to as the "Five Star Red Flag"

 Today is Sunday. It is sunny. I don't go to school. I want go shopping. I get up at 6:30 in the morning.I have some cereal and an egg for breakfast. I go out at 8:00. The shop is near . I go there on foot. Many people are in the shop. I buy a pencil . At 12:00 I go home for lunch. I have some vegetable and meat for lunch. I read a book in the afternoon. I eat some noodles and fruit for supper. After supper, I do my homework. then I watch TV. Later, I play on the computer. I lie on my bed. I listen to the radio. I have a happy day.

The nation flag of China is the 5-star red flag.It has five stars.The middle is the biggest.The other four face to it.It is designed Zeng LS(曾联松) in 1949.The middle star represent the Communist Party of China .The other four represent the people of china who love their motherland.Every Chinese should love their nation and their nation flag!

The flag of the People's Republic of China is a red field charged in the canton (upper left corner) with five golden stars. The design features one large star, with four smaller stars in a semicircle set off towards the fly (right side). The red represents revolution; the five stars and their relationship represent the unity of the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Sometimes, the flag is referred to as the "Five Star Red Flag"


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1. 给一段材料如何下手写作文 [材料作文怎么写](一) 给材料作文怎么写 给材料作文,指命题者为写作者提供一定的材料(包括文字或其它的语言形式),要求写作者按照材料的内涵来立意作文,材料作文怎么写。 所给的材料主要有以下若干种: 1 叙述一件较为完整的事情; 2 引述一个完整的故事; 3 引用一段新闻报道或消...

在风和日丽的早晨,我来到了鸟语花香的公园里,到处草长莺飞、莺歌燕舞。看看天上,晴空万里,我呼吸着新鲜的空气,感到心旷神怡 1、生生不息:我们伟大的中华民族就在中国这片神奇的土地上生生不息、代代相传。2、水洁冰清:她是如许一个水洁冰清的人,怎么会和那些坏人在一起。3、气冲霄汉:...



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...为我们介绍你熟悉的一个景点。(写一段不少于3句的连贯通顺的话)_百 ...
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灵璧县15286092921: 急求一篇描写中国国旗的英文短文,50个单词左右. -
平曹荷普:[答案] The nation flag of China is the 5-star red flag.It has five stars.The middle is the biggest.The other four face to it.It is designed Zeng LS(曾联松) in 1949.The middle star represent the Communist Party of China .The other four represent the people of ...

灵璧县15286092921: 求关于中国国旗的介绍,要英文的~~大致的讲一下中国国旗的样子和上面图案代表的意思~~~要英文的,简单点的~~谢谢~~ -
平曹荷普:[答案] People's Republic of China national flag. Face as red flags. Rectangle. Long and high as three to two. Wu Jiaoxing the upper left is made up five yellow. A larger star. Circumcircle a diameter of thre...

灵璧县15286092921: 根据一面中国国旗写三句英语, -
平曹荷普:[答案] looking at the five-star red flag ,i think of the revolutionary martyrs.望着五星红旗,我想起了革命烈士. Flag symbol of China.五星红旗是中国的象征. A red flag with five stars l'm proud of you. 五星红旗我为你骄傲.

灵璧县15286092921: 用英语对中国国旗写一段话.不要太长一行半就行 -
平曹荷普: it is the symbol for china. It stands for chinese people union and work together

灵璧县15286092921: 怎么用英语描述中国的红旗请问 怎么用英语描述中国的国旗 急用! -
平曹荷普:[答案] The flag is red with a large golden five-pointed star and four smaller golden five-pointed stars (arranged in a vertical arc ... red symbolizes the spirit of the revolution,and the five stars signify the unity of the people of China under the leadership of the ...

灵璧县15286092921: 关于中国国旗的英文文章 -
平曹荷普: Hello, I'm Li Ming. I'm from China. China flag is beautiful, it is red, there is a big star and foursmall stars, they are yellow. I love my country, also like China flag.Do you like it? Can you tell me your national flag? 大家好,我是李明.我来自中国.中国的国旗很好看,它是红色的,上面有一颗大星星和四颗小的星星,他们是黄色的.我爱我的国家,也喜欢中国的国旗,你喜欢它吗?能告诉我你们国家的国旗吗?

灵璧县15286092921: 谁能用英文解释中国国旗的意义最好是一篇你小作文 -
平曹荷普:[答案] The red color of the flag is the symbol of the revolution,signifying that the political power of the People's Republic of China is achieved through bloodshed and lives laid down by countless revolutio...

灵璧县15286092921: 根据一面中国国旗写三句英语,要六年级的水平 -
平曹荷普: looking at the five-star red flag ,i think of the revolutionary martyrs.望着五星红旗,我想起了革命烈士.Flag symbol of China.五星红旗是中国的象征.A red flag with five stars l'm proud of you. 五星红旗我为你骄傲.

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