
作者&投稿:白仇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我已告知女王的私人秘书,我想向她提交辞呈。 如果女王接受我的辞呈,我将建议她邀请反对党领导人组建政府。我祝未来首相好运,因为他将为未来作出重要的选择。 只有那些曾担任过首相职务的人士才可以理解这一职务的责任是多么地重大,能够做多少好事。我有幸在担任这一职务时最真切地了解人的本性,也很大程度上了解了人的脆弱性,也包括我自己人性的脆弱。 首先,为国民服务是我的荣幸。是的,我爱这份工作,不是因为它所带来的特权、头衔、仪式,我根本不爱这些。不,我爱这份工作是因为它的潜力,使我所爱的国家更为公平、更宽容、更民主、更繁荣、更为正义,使其真的成为一个更为伟大的英国。 最近几年在面临许多挑战,包括全球金融危机在内的挑战时,我总是努力地为国家服务,为了英国的利益、它的价值和它的人民尽我所能。 请让我补充说明一件事。 我将永远仰慕我在英国军人身上所看到的勇气。现在竞选活动已经结束,我想强调的是,在和他们握手,直视他们的眼睛后,我理解我们的士兵代表着这个国家最好的东西。我永远不会忘记所有那些光荣牺牲的士兵和今天仍生活在悲痛中的他们的家人。

你就给5分啊 50分估计都没人给你翻译啊

The rapid development of China's economy to market demand Chinese modern cargo transport showed a hitherto unknown growth, this growth for the railway freight has brought new opportunities for the development of. At the same time, along with the transportation market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, the China railway freight enterprises and international freight transportation enterprise to stand on the same starting line, this for the development of China railway freight is a hitherto unknown challenge. How to deal with the fierce competition in the market and to find a suitable development and reform their own road, has become China's railway freight transport problems.

Modern logistics in the world be just unfolding in China, more and more attention. The development of modern logistics at a time of domestic, as the country's ten road network marshalling station of Ji station yard, the same should keep pace with the times, make progress together, to investigate the conditions and ways of modern logistics development of the freight yard, the railway construction of the new pattern of diversified development of economy, West freight forwarding, and even on the Ji'nan railway freight system reform, has the important meaning. So we must research the under the condition of modern logistics, caused the change of market demand and the change of railway freight station transport state change, ensure that the railway logistics transportation system to promote the role of future freight station.

This paper first analyzes the present situation and development of foreign railway reform process, and analyzes the development trend of railway freight transportation, then provides an overview of the development of domestic railway and railway transport market. And in-depth analysis of the current situation of China's railway freight market, draws the following conclusion: Although the railway transportation is the key role of transportation system in our country has not changed, but the railway freight market share is declining, the railway freight transport in the face of increasingly fierce market competition. Aiming at this problem this paper comprehensive analysis the railway freight transport market share reduced; and the use of SWOT analysis to analyze the railway transportation industry in China, analyzes the railway freight industry in China has the advantage (S) and disadvantages (W), external opportunities and threats (0) (T).

Then, this paper presents the current situation of the development of the station, and analyzes the problems of Ji station now exist, such as city traffic inconvenience hinder development, from other transportation industry competition, the lack of logistics talent. At the same time put forward the corresponding solutions to the problems above, such as the transformation of existing freight yard, fully integrated use of existing transport resources, the rational allocation of resources to carry out a comprehensive equipment, services and training related professional logistics personnel etc..

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