
作者&投稿:拱独 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A:We will have a vacation next month. Why not have a tour?
B:Good idea. Where shall we go?
A:What about going to Xi'an?
B:Don't you think it is too far?
A:So what's your plan?
B:What about going to Beijing?
A:So we'll compromise. We'll hit the Huangshan Anhui.


summer vaction is coming,what are you going to do during the hoilday?I 'd like to travel abroadOh,really?where would you like to go?I want to go to Africa.Africa?It not a good idea.Why?It's too hot there.I'm sure you'll turn black if you go there.Oh,is that true.If it true,I don't want to go there.Can you tell me where should I go?I think it's wise to go to England.England?Let me have a think.........It's great.By the way.How should I get there?You can fly there.It's fast.OK,I'll take your advise.What are you going to do this hoilday?I'll stay at home to practise English.Why?I did badly in my English text.So I had to improve my English.Oh,I'm sorry to hear that.I think so .Don't forget to write to me when you get there.Of course,I won't.Have a good time!Thanks.


A: hey, Jim!


Yeah, Ben


How was your holiday?


Very well, I went to China's ancient civilization of lijiang, yunnan, there is spectacular. I like it very much ,And you?


Oh, my family and I went to hainan island, where the scenery is very beautiful.


What interesting things did you do in hainan island ?

游泳 冲浪 等等 哦 并且那里的水果好吃又便宜

Swimming surfing etc oh and there fruit delicious and cheap


I really envy you


Ha ha

哦 我妈妈叫我回家吃饭了 下次再聊 拜拜

Oh my mother asked me to go home for dinner again next time chat bye-bye

嗯 拜

Well bye !

hello Joe
Hi, Jack. How is your holiday!
great! I went to Guilin and it is so beautiful there!
Yes, I agree. Guilin is famous for its beautiful scenery. By the way, did you take the boat in Lijiang River?
Yes, sure! It feels so great! what about you,where did you go during the holiday?
I went to Xi'an with my family~
Wow, Xi'an, the ancient city. which tourist spot did you visit?
I visited Terra cotta warriors (兵马俑) bell tower(钟楼) and forest of stone tablets(碑林).
your holiday is so great!
yes, I plan to go to Dunhuang next time!

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各院务必将以上放假安排通知到有关任课教师和学生,不得出现教学事故。 三、各单位接到通知后,要对本单位的安全工作进行一次全面彻底的检查,妥善安排好值班和安全、保卫等工作,遇有重大突发事件,要按规定及时报告并妥善处置,确保假期安全。请各单位将20xx年清明节值班表,于20xx年4月3日前,统一通过学校办公自动化...

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