用所给单词的适当形式填空。1、I will go to the shop to buy some new_______________.

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1 excited
2 to go
3 will have
4 to go
5 mail
6 to make
7 wondering


1.The students will go to the People's Square,if it __don't rain__(not rain)tomorrow.2.Please ask the children __not to play__(not piay)in the street.3.I had a difficult time __studying__(study)the subject.4.They say they were _happier___(happy)before they became rich.5.My father likes stamps very much.He is a stmp __collector_(collect)6.Thank you for __sending__(send)me the gifl.7.The teacher ofter teaches us _play__(piay)football.8.The girl got a birthday cake on her __twelfth_(twelve)birthday.9.My hobby is __making_(make)paper boats.

1、I will go to the shop to buy some new ( batteries )
2、The sun ( rises )in the east in the morning.Now it is ( rising ).
3、In autumn ( leaves )fall.Peter ( leaves )home at six every day.

1 batteries
2 rises,rising
3 leaves, leaves

回答:一、用所给单词的适当形式填空: 1.【Congratulations 祝贺】 (congratulation)! Your team plays very 【出色地well】(good). 2.I like 【skating 滑冰】 (skate) and 【骑自行车riding】(ride) bicycles. 3. Kally likes 【running 跑步】 (run) and 【dancing跳舞】 (dance). She ...

hope 翻译是:有生命的地方,就有希望 washing\/to be washed 翻译是:我的头发要洗了 listening 翻译是:一位好的朋友是总在你身边倾听的人 祝你开心 望采纳谢谢

你好,应该是:1 helps 2 studies 3 does do 4 Does help 5 to visit 6 stay 7 goes 8 doesn't like 9 teeth 10 goes .~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~

用所给单词的适当形式填空就是根据语境选用单词的适当时态或者词性填空。1、单词有不同的时态:过去时、现在进行时、过去完成时等。如果给打是动词,那就分析成分,如果是做谓语,就考虑语态,时态,主谓一致。其他填非谓语,三种形式(to do,v-ing,过去分词)。2、单词有不同的词性:动词、名词等。

如:句中有now, look, 这个句子很可能是现在进行时;句中有yesterday则表示一般过去时态;句中有next week, tomorrow则表示一般将来时态;usually, often,sometimes,every day等则表示一般现在时态。在一般现在时态的句子中要注意主语,特别是第三人称单数。用所给单词的适当形式填空题型的解题技巧作为小学...

2、Autumn is the (busiest,最忙碌的) season of the year.3、Tom draws the most (beautiful,最美的) in his class.4、I walk (slower,慢些的) than my sister.5、He writes (more carefully,更认真地) than she.6、He is a little (younger,年轻些) than I.7、He is feeling ...

milk some tomatoes helpful dangerous working to go leave have go ~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~

3.older (首先more后面要用比较级,old的比较级有两种,older泛指新旧、老幼、年龄的大小关系。而elder 主要用来表示兄弟姐妹的长幼关系)4.nearly (adv.意思为将近6点了)5.smoking (be against\/for sth.\/doing sth.意为反对\/支持某事, 故此处用名词或动名词,smoke的名词和动名词形式均为...

1 is talking 2 am doing 3 is reading 4 is putting 5 are watching 6 isn't reading is playing 7 does , work works 注:1-6 都是现在进行时态。加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!

用所给词的适当形式填空主要考查以下词类:一. 对名词的考查 1.考查名词的单数形式转换成复数形式:(1).名词的单数形式转换成复数形式(规则变化)①一般情况下直接在单数名词之后加-s变为复数名词。例如:desk→ desks , key →keys , monkey →monkeys , boy →boys等 ②以-x,-s,-ch ,-sh ,...

资中县18776288589: 七上英语 急用所给词的恰当形式填空1、I have a cat.______(it)ears are white.2、Here________(be)some oranges for you.3、______ - go into - ______ - ... -
祢炕莲芝:[答案] 1.its 2.are 3.we,our 4.She,her 5.Lucy's and lily's 1.son 2.there

资中县18776288589: 英语用所给词适当的形式填空怎么写? -
祢炕莲芝: 1.首先看时态,是过去时就用所给词的过去式,一般现在时就用现在时的形式,现在进行时,等等,再注意一下单复数.ep In many parts of China, it often (rain) a lot in summer.这句话明显有个often,是一般现在时,所以空格填rains. When I ...

资中县18776288589: 用所给词的适当形式填空1. I________(have) a cold yesterday, but I am fine now.2. Whatshould she - ______(do) next?3. Theman - ______(lie) down and went ... -
祢炕莲芝:[答案] 1.had 2.do 3.lay 4.to give 5.death 6.lying 7.have 8.to play 9.talking 10.was walking,lying 11.saying 12.stopped,take 13.to get,wait

资中县18776288589: 用所给的单词的适当形式填空1.I don't konw how - _____(use)a map.2.I want - ____(buy) some stonry books.3.You can - ___(go)by the No.2bus.4.What are you ... -
祢炕莲芝:[答案] 1 to use 2 to buy 3 go 4 do 5 is 除了第五个 其他的我觉得应该对的 学了这么多年英语

资中县18776288589: 小学六年级英语题一、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1.I would like some - __ - (sugar) 2.It's a - __ - (snow) day 3.It's hot today. Let's go - _ - (swim) 4.What colour ... -
祢炕莲芝:[答案] 一、 1 sugar 2 snowy 3 swimming 4 Marry's 5 won't go 二、 1—5:ACBAB 6—10:CCBBA 三、 (2 )-( 3)-(4)-(1)-( 5)

资中县18776288589: 用所给单词的正确形式填空.1.I have an___(America) pen pal.I'm learning English from___(he)2.My father likes folk___(dance). -
祢炕莲芝:[答案] 名词 folk dance : 同义词:folk dancing

资中县18776288589: 用所给词的适当形式填空.1.I have a - (dance) class every week.2.My brother with his friends often - (fiy)kites in the park.3.Kitty is polite and - (help)4.How many ... -
祢炕莲芝:[答案] 1.dance (有名词意思) 2.flies(my brother决定三单形势 with只是状语不管) 3.helpful(v转adj) 4.libraries 5.players(和第二题不同 and连接的就用复数) 6.to buy (want to do/want sth) 7.was 8.is talking(前面又look就用现在进行) 9.had/are having(可...

资中县18776288589: 用所给单词的适当形式填空:1.I want to give__a new jacket.___is toosmall for him.(he).2.The sun__from the east every day .Look,it__(rise)3.What__your ... -
祢炕莲芝:[答案] 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1 I want to give (him) a new jacket.(His)is too small for him.2.The sun (rises) from the east every day .Look,it (is rising)3.What (did) your cousin (have) for ...

资中县18776288589: 用所给的词适当形式填空1.I want - (buy)a new book.2.Let's - (go) together this saturday 3.I'm going to learn how - (swim)4.The man is an - (America)5.Jim is ... -
祢炕莲芝:[答案] to buy go to swimming American be

资中县18776288589: 用所给单词的正确形式填空: 1.I think English is - _______________________ - ( interesting ) than any other subject . 2.A dictionary is much - ___________... -
祢炕莲芝:[答案] 1more interesting 2more expensive 3earlier 4slowly 5well / better6cleaner 7will go 8colder 9to play 10lighter

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