
作者&投稿:包复 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


8 .absorb 9 . fear of failure 10. uncertnty
11-15 ABBCD 16-20 CDBBC 21-25 CABCD 26-30 CCCDA
31-35 BCACD
36 international 37 revolution 38 emphasized 39 poor-paying 40 effectively
41 freelancewriter 42 conditioned 43 reasonably
44 The earthquake left thousands of people in urgent need of medicar care.
45 There is no denying the fact that he has directed the most popular film in ten years.
46 A lighted cigarette thrown out of a car or train window can star a fire.
47-50 FIME 51-56 JHAKDB 57-61 CDABC 62-66 DCCBD
67-71 BBACC 72-76 DACBC 77-81 DBCCC 82-86 AABCD
87 to see her own shortcomings
88 Nevertheless the problem was solved successfully
89 that they can scarcely be distinguished form
90 rather than guess or imagination
91 was accused of cheating customers
2010年12月19日大学英语三级考试 B卷答案(绝密):
8 .absorb 9 . fear of failure 10. uncertainty
11-15 ABBCD 16-20CDBBC 21-25 CABCD 26-30 CCCDA
31-35 BCACD
36 international 37 revolution 38 emphasized 39 poor-paying 40 effectively
41 freelancewriter 42 conditioned 43 reasonably
44 The earthquake left thousands of people in urgent need of medicar care.
45 There is no denying the fact that he has directed the most popular film in ten years.
46 A lighted cigarette thrown out of a car or train window can star a fire.
47—50:FHED 51—56:FLKEMA 57—61:ABDCD
67—71:DBACA 72—76:ACCCA 77—81:CBBDD
87 Nevertheless the problem was solved successfully
88 rather than guess or imagination
89 was accused of cheating customers
90 that they can scarcely be distinguished form
91 to see her own shortcomings

听力自己做,卷子是AB2套 有2个答案的后面的是B套
1 B.how
2 A.in creased
3 A.completes b:completed
4 C.unless
5 D.will have worked D:will have worked for
6 C.on arriving
7 C.did I leam
8 B.working
9 A.followed
10 D.which
1 education
2 comfortable
3 needed
4 was considered
5 harmful
6 carefully
7 best
8 to keep
9 filling
10 interested
一.1 D.Teamwork skills
2 B.Are learned while working in a team
3 B.En couraging employees to co-operate
B; In....to perate
4 A.To come to an agreement
A: A came to agtrrment
5 A.Team building A: team
阅读二.1 C.Provides private car hire service
C:pravides car zhe bire
2 B.The latest computer systems
B thlatest computersys tems
3 C.Telephone
4 B.Do sightseeing at a lower prile
5 A.Wedding service
1John Brown
2human resource management
3 educational background
4 work experience 注意,work可能是wnrle
5 early afternoons
旅行文件 (O) T
急诊医疗手术 (D) E
医疗费用 (F) M
行李损坏 (B) D
租车保险自负额 (K) R
儿童救助 (A) C
第三方责任 (M) TH
行程延误 (N) TR
罢工险 (L) S
战争险 (Q) W
另一卷1()旅行文件 Travel bocuments
2()儿童...Child help
3(D)急诊医疗手术Emergenly medi
4(M)第三方...Third dury insurule
5 (F)医疗费用Medicul exp...
6(N)行程延误 Travel delay
7(B)行李损坏.. Damaytd
8(L)罢工..Strike risle
9(K)租车..保险Rentul vehide
10(Q)战争…War risle

1 It offers a 。。 personal line
2 Up to (美元符号)100,000 cash or twice
your monthly in come
3 You can enjoya 。。? a low interest rate
4 It's flexible repayments
5 Through Online Banking
或者是5 How can …?
Throngh on line banking
1 All of the
不可选 A 你申请
2 If you Can't
不可选 B 如果。。。获得贷款
3 These products
不可选 C 你们。。。来退货
4 A company's
不可选 D 董事会。。。措施
1.All of the…our commercial partner.
2.I you…
不选B 如果你无法预付租金,你的…两种贷款
3.These …cus tomers.
不选C 你们生产的…都是不合格的…顾客要求退换。
4 不选D 董事会决..他有权对重大问题采取措施


2010年12月 英语A级答案,lfs提供.===A卷 16---20 42132 21---25 43122 26 lucking 27 introduction 28 to make 29 informeds 30 rebuilts 31 had lived 32 winning 33 mores 34 heavily 35 lefts 36--40 13323 41--45 12234 46tuiters 47returning 48 pocket money 49educational career 50February 51 DQ 52 LJ 53 AE 54 NP 55 GI 56 14week 57sales support activity 58an online catalog 59business communication 60in interview 61--64 4221
B卷 16--20 ACBCC 21--25 BDACB 36--40 BCDCD 41--45 BBACC 46tuiters 47returning 48 pocket money 49educational career 50February 51DQ 52LJ 53AE 54NP 55GI 56 14week 57sales support activity 58an online catalog 59business communication 60in interview 61--64 DBAD

A卷 16---20 42132 21---25 43122 26 lucking 27 introduction 28 to make 29 informeds 30 rebuilts 31 had lived 32 winning 33 mores 34 heavily 35 lefts 36--40 13323 41--45 12234 46tuiters 47returning 48 pocket money 49educational career 50February 51 DQ 52 LJ 53 AE 54 NP 55 GI 56 14week 57sales support activity 58an online catalog 59business communication 60in interview 61--64 4221
B卷 16--20 ACBCC 21--25 BDACB 36--40 BCDCD 41--45 BBACC 46tuiters 47returning 48 pocket money 49educational career 50February 51DQ 52LJ 53AE 54NP 55GI 56 14week 57sales support activity 58an online catalog 59business communication 60in interview 61--64 DBAD

费尽心思才搞到一半答案连夜发表,实在对不住1~5ADABB 6~10CBDAA 11.last month12reliable 13.friendly 14.too long15.heavily 16~20DBAAC 21~25BDDCC

16---20 42132 21---25 43122 26 lucking 27 introduction 28 to make 29 informeds 30 rebuilts 31 had lived 32 winning 33 mores 34 heavily 35 lefts 36--40 13323 41--45 12234 46tuiters 47returning 48 pocket money 49educational career 50February 51 DQ 52 LJ 53 AE 54 NP 55 GI 56 14week 57sales support activity 58an online catalog 59business communication 60in interview 61--64 4221
B卷 16--20 ACBCC 21--25 BDACB 36--40 BCDCD 41--45 BBACC 46tuiters 47returning 48 pocket money 49educational career 50February 51DQ 52LJ 53AE 54NP 55GI 56 14week 57sales support activity 58an online catalog 59business communication 60in interview 61--64 DBAD

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岑溪市17076219043: 2010年12月全国高校英语应用能力考试试题和答案(A级)
兀有怀马来: A卷 16---20 42132 21---25 43122 26 lucking 27 introduction 28 to make 29 informeds 30 rebuilts 31 had lived 32 winning 33 mores 34 heavily 35 lefts 36--40 13323 41--45 12234 46tuiters 47returning 48 pocket money 49educational career 50...

岑溪市17076219043: 2010年12月全国高等学校英语应用能力考试(口语)
兀有怀马来: 高等学校英语应用能力考试是由教育部高等教育司委托全国高职高专英语课程教学指导委员会和全国高等学校英语应用能力考试委员组织进行的国家级考试. 考试分为A、B级,于每学期期末进行. 考试形式:笔试和听力测试120分钟;口语考...

岑溪市17076219043: 2010年12月高等学校英语应用能力考试A级试卷及答案
兀有怀马来: 一、选择题1,we inrestig ated other...(b\how)2,the human resources...(A\in(reased))3,the tearm is going...(A\competes)4,Don't risk any...(C\unless)5,By the end of...(D\will have worked)6,(C\on arrivig)attlne...7,Not until...(C\Did't i learn)8,Miss sinth's......

岑溪市17076219043: 求2010年12月全国高校英语应用能力A级考试试题和答案
兀有怀马来: 听力自己做,卷子是AB2套 有2个答案的后面的是B套选择1 B.how2 A.in creased3 A.completes b:completed4 C.unless 5 D.will have worked D:will have worked for 6 C.on arriving7 C.did I leam8 B.working 9 A.followed10 D.which填空1 education2 ...

岑溪市17076219043: 跪求2010年12月全国高校英语应用能力考试(PRETCO - A)答案!!!!QQ:315227367.发至我邮箱!可另追加分
兀有怀马来: 1:B.(until) 2:A.(that) 3:C.(another)4:C.(leaves) 5:D.(mature) 6:A.(being discussed) 7:C.(casual) 8:B.(that)9:D(to) 10:B(persist)填空:1:payment 2:were interviewed3:be 4:conducted5:were 6:responsibility7:injured 8:to acceept9:quickly阅读理解:(一...

岑溪市17076219043: 2010年12月大学应用能力考试 大学英语三级 答案 知道的告诉我啊
兀有怀马来: 英语三级答案: C卷 听力:1-5:ADADC 2-10:CBDBB 11-12:CA 填词:S1:Creat S2:conclusion S3:subject S4:beautiful S5:organized S6:values 单选和阅读: 13-20:BABDDCAC 21-30:ACDDBBCDCA 31-40:CBDAACDBCB 41-50:CCBAABADDBCD 翻译:ADBAD

岑溪市17076219043: 高等学校英语应用能力考试(B级)2010年12月 笔试成绩如何查询 什么时间查询
兀有怀马来: 大学英语三级考试没有统一的查询网站, 2010年12月的三级考试的成绩将会在2011年上学期初公布,您所在的学校会负责收集并统一公布考生成绩,到时您关注就可以了!

岑溪市17076219043: 2010年12月英语应用能力考试成绩什么时候出来 -
兀有怀马来: 原则上40天到两个月时间.可以关注当地的教育考试院网站进行查询. 希望能够帮到你.

岑溪市17076219043: 2010年12月湖南省高等学校英语应用能力考试成绩查询
兀有怀马来: http://www.examda.com/cet3/Dynamic/hunan/20100828/115636609.html

岑溪市17076219043: 跪求2010年12月19江西省英语应用能力(三级)A级 A/B卷答案 B级 A/B卷答案
兀有怀马来: A卷 1-5cbccd 6-10dabcd11 damaged 12 of the building 13 carried out 14 1521 15most likely16-20 baaad 21 -25 cdadb 26 soive27 learn 28 believed 29 be included 30 bored 31 abroding 32 effectively33 has being enjoyed 34 bought 35 lost 36-...

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