
作者&投稿:邹瑶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear Mary:
I am writing this letter for offering my appology that caused by cultural difference between Japan and China where we would introduce our guests to host's family members first at the first meet,which is reversed when it comes to Japan.I would like to pologize for my given cold shoulder before as I did not relize it and I hope you can understand that.I will pay more attention to this cultural difference in case another misleading circumstance happens.
I really enjoyed the meal at your home and I wish I could be given another invitation to your home.

First,I want to tell you something about my best friend and me.I have a friend called Dick.In some ways,we are the same.Both Dick and I are good at sports.We always go to library together to read because of the same hobby.So,we also study well all subjects.Reading books is important in our life .In some ways,we are different.Dick is a little taller and a lot stronger than me.I think it is because he does excise every day.For me,I just take excise three times a week.Dick likes going to concert,but I have no interest in it.In my free time,I always watch TV.That is really fun.

friends are very important for me .they make my life more colorful. my friends and i ofen spend time toget-her .we discuss sc-hoolworks as well as pop stars . when i'm in trouble,i tu-rn to my friends for help. they giv-e advice and enco-urage me all the timd.
i like to have frien-ds who are differ-ent from me. my best friend john is taller and more outgoing(外向)th-an me.we both lik-e sports ,but john is more athletic(活力)than me.and i'm a little quieter .with his help ,i kno-w more things an-d and people tha-n before. when i'mupset(伤心).he al-ways makes me laugh . he believes anybody can mak-e if he set his min-d on it .so do i .
how nice it is to have such friends!i like my friends!



Unit 1 可能出一些信息,让你写一篇关于你或谁谁的生活习惯及其影响.

Unit 2 应该是没有什么写作重点= =不会考到什么吧...

Unit 3 写你的假期安排.

Unit 4 很少可能考到吧,如果有可能是..给你一张图或信息,让你写怎样到达某个地方.或写信邀请朋友到你家= =并告诉其路线.

Unit 5 情境:你朋友邀请你去干..事,你有事不能去,写信拒绝并说明理由.

Unit 6 这个我实在想不来= =注意比较级的运用吧.

Unit 7 给你一些配料和步骤,要你写一篇...的制作说明.

Unit 8 介绍你周末的行程和感想.

Unit 9 应该也不会考到,如果有也是 给你某个名人的信息,要你写一篇文章介绍他/她.

Unit 10 想不来啊暗暗暗...=口=

Unit 11 写电子邮件请某人帮你做某事.

Unit 12 对某种东西的评论...- 3-


主要背课本SectionB 3a的文吧.很重要的.里面的句子也可能考到.还可以套用..= =

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求 写的下列形容词的比较级形式,用它们来写一篇关于你和你的朋友比较形式。要有中文。谢谢  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 如何缓解焦虑情绪?匿名用户 2014-09-27 展开全部 更多追问追答 追问 作文。。作文。。 追答 哦哦 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

You comparative degree with classmate

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She becomes cuter than yesterday.

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My most faverate subjects are Cinese and English. But I think,English is batter than Chinese.Because English is more useful than Chinese. I hate Math best.It is too difficult!

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桓垂明目:[答案] friends are very important for me .they make my life more colorful.my friends and i ofen spend time toget-her .we discuss sc-... e advice and enco-urage me all the timd. i like to have frien-ds who are differ-ent from me.my best friend john is taller and more ...

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桓垂明目: friends are very important for me .they make my life more colorful. my friends and i ofen spend time toget-her .we discuss sc-hoolworks as well as pop stars . when i'm in trouble,i tu-rn to my friends for help. they giv-e advice and enco-urage me all the ...

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