
作者&投稿:缑友 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Objective: the preparation and purification N - methyl D - nmda receptor (NMDAR1) monoclonal antibodies. Methods: the NMDAR1 ZaJiaoLiu cell injections into mice yong, ProteinA - antibody preparation Sepharose CL - 4B affinity chromatography purification. In Western blot -- the antibody specificity. Results: the Western blot -- JianDingZheng rats can truly explicitly identify to NMDAR1 organization. Conclusion the purification of antibody, can be used for the NMDAR further study


1、Don't walk along the side. Because you may fall down and hurt yourself.

2、In my eyes, he is the best teacher in the school.

3、The more effect you do , the bigger progress you will make.

4、He is too excited to fall asleep.

5、More and more countries are forbitting smoking in the public places.

1.You can't walk along the edge,because you may get injured by falling off.
2.As far as I know,he is the best teacher in our school.
3The more you study,the more progress you make.
4.He is too excited to fall asleep.
5.More and more countries have banned smoking in public places

1.You mustn't walk along the edge,because you might fall down and hurt yourself.
2.In my opinion,he is the best teacher in our school.
3.The harder you study,the more progress you will make.
4.He is too excited to fall asleep.
5.Smoking is forbidden in public places in more and more countries .

1 You can’t walk along the edge as you might fall down and hurt yourself.
2 In my opinion, he is the best teacher of the school.
3 The more diligently you study, the more progress you will make.
4 He was too excited to fall into sleep.
5 More and more countries are prohibiting smoking in public places.

1,You can not walk along the edge, because you might fall off and get injured.
2,In my opinion, he is the best teacher in school.
3,The more you study hard, the greater your progress will be.
4,He was too excited to fall asleep.
5,More and more countries ban smoking in public places.

英译汉:1.If you have no idea about this phrasal verb,go and look up the handbook.2.He made up his mind to keep silent about the matter.3.He made a apology to the teacher for his lateness.4.Could you make a room for putting down the book?5.They live next to us.6....

一、译文 欧阳修曾经得到一幅古画,画面上是一丛牡丹,牡丹下蹲着一只猫。欧阳修不知道这幅画的优劣。丞相吴育是欧阳修的亲家,他看到这幅古画后说:“这是正午的牡丹。根据什么来判断它(是正午的牡丹)呢?画中的牡丹萎靡无力而且颜色干燥,这恰是花在正午阳光照射下的样子。猫的瞳孔缩成一条线,这...

That house is very eerie.2.明天晚上见。See you tomorrow night.3.看,我有一个新篮球。Look, it is my new basketball.4.我的篮球呢?Where is my basketball?5.这里是我的家。This is my home.

从1990年代起,中国已经总是维修一世界FDI的位置流入高度.外资,中国的一方面发展的很大流入向关于给中国的经济带来隐匿危险的进一步发展也解决另一方面基金,促进技术上进展和经济上的成长的不足.对中国外资资本的有效利用使工业结构最优化,促进最优化和工业结构的提高是极端重要的 ...

翻译 求翻译~~
这个故事发生在第二次世界大战。An old man lived in a small town of Germany.一个老人住在德国的一个小镇。He had three sons and they all worked in the same factory where he had worked.他有三个儿子,他们曾都在相同的工厂工作。After the war had begun , his sons were all made to ...

Those are not monkeys. They're tigers.—这是你的外套吗?—是的,它是。Is that your coat?Yes, it is.—这些是狮子吗?—是的,是狮子。那些是狐狸。Are these lions?Yes, they are. Those are foxes.桌子上有三杯牛奶和六块面包。There are three glasses of milk and six pieces of ...

If you do not understand the phrasal verb look up manual (look up)He was determined to remain silent on the matter. (Make up one's mind)3 for being late to apologize to the teacher. (Apology)4 Can you make room for books (make room for)They live next door to us (next...

翻译:你也懂得射箭吗?我的箭法不是很高明吗?原文:陈康肃公尧咨善射,当世无双 ,公亦以此自矜。尝射于家圃,有卖油翁释担而立,睨之,久而不去。见其发矢十中八九,但微颔之。康肃问曰:”汝亦知射乎?吾射不亦精乎?”翁曰:”无他, 但手熟尔。”康肃忿然曰:”尔安敢轻吾射!”翁...


翻译~~ 中文翻译为英语~ 谢谢~~
the sulfur be separated out the rate is getting more as separating amounts out quickly more right away, reaction time can't exceed short. Therefore in coal pyrolyzation process,the sulfur separates amounts out with the temperature go up but increases by.氧的分压是影响煤热解过程中...

华亭县14769387683: 求翻译~~ -
钭诸五氟: 1.You can't walk along the edge,because you may get injured by falling off.2.As far as I know,he is the best teacher in our school.3The more you study,the more progress you make.4.He is too excited to fall asleep.5.More and more countries have banned smoking in public places

华亭县14769387683: 求翻译,求翻译 -
钭诸五氟: Tell Me Why 总是到失去后才明白 Please don't cry 至少我还存在 Tell Me Why 不情愿又不得不放开 Say Goodbye 等待我再回来 (告诉我为什么) 总是到失去后才明白 (请不要哭泣) 至少我还存在(告诉我为什么) 不情愿又不得不放开(说再见) 等待我再回来

华亭县14769387683: 求翻译~............................... -
钭诸五氟: 你好,翻译如下: 挖土 指甲里塞满了泥土 在坟墓里被划伤(或者:用指甲抓向坟墓) 肮脏的泥土希望能帮到你~

华亭县14769387683: 求翻译英语 -
钭诸五氟: 1, family2, child3, elder4, grandmother5, grandfather6, parent7, father8, mother9, son10, daughter11, brother,12, sister13, uncle14, aunt15, cousin16, couple17, husband18, wife19, friend20,...

华亭县14769387683: 求翻译!!! -
钭诸五氟: 承蒙您写了一千多字的信给我,(信中)语义非常深远美好,言辞又文采华美,这实在是天下的大才,又怎会只是我们乡里的俊才呢?(我感觉这一句恭维的话,可能跟原信里的内容有关)看看我年老衰败见识浅陋,没法当得起你们后生才俊的...

华亭县14769387683: 求翻译~!英译汉!急! -
钭诸五氟: 亲爱的, 给你我最真挚的问候. 我很抱歉闯入你的私生活,尽管我们并不了解对方.亲爱的,请不要生气,请你注意听我的解释,你就会知道我联系你的原因.如果你看到这个信息在你的垃圾邮件信...

华亭县14769387683: 求翻译! -
钭诸五氟: The moon is far away from the earth.It is our responsibility to keep ecological balance.There are some thing wrong with my computer.They left Hangzhou and went to European yesterday.There are...

华亭县14769387683: 英语翻译如题 求翻译 速求 -
钭诸五氟:[答案] 比起电子通讯我更喜欢面对面的交谈 I prefer talking face to face to talking on the phone.【或用electronic communication 】 ——————————————————————————

华亭县14769387683: 求英语翻译啊
钭诸五氟: I am looking forward to meet you in this summer holiday.①我盼望暑假见到你(look forward to' I let my father pick me up at the school gate.②我让我父亲在校门口接我(pick up) I am sorry to tell you that you have to take the exam again, in other words, you failed in the exam. ③很遗憾告诉你你不得不再参加一次考试,换句话说,你考试不及格(in other words)

华亭县14769387683: 求翻译~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
钭诸五氟: Hollywood "Oscar season" began in earnest, one about "the sky" theme recently bec...

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