
作者&投稿:晏师 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


This paper first by 3-methoxy-acetophenone via bromination, and then was re-bromo reacted with thiourea, followed by the resulting aminothiazole with chloropropionyl chloride intermediate compounds synthesized, the synthesis of the intermediate compounds are finally with dimethylamine, N methylpiperazine, morpholine reaction of N-4-phenyl-thiazol-2-amine derivative, and a preliminary identification of its structure by high resolution mass spectrometry.



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Abstract: Tax planning is a fundamental right of the taxpayer, only if the taxpayer is not illegal, the premise of the income gains should be legal. Since the early 1990s the tax planning was introducted into our country, its function and role of continually have been recognized, accepted, and pay attention to. This article selected corporate income taxes as a tax planning, firstly definiting clearly the concept of tax planning, then analyzing the feasibility of the enterprise income tax planning. Secondly, with specific examples, from the nature and use of corporate form of organization, the use of accounting measurement and accounting, the use of tax incentived three aspects of the way corporate income tax planning, and then gave the implementation of the corporate income tax planning steps. Finally, a good recommendation was given about the status of tax planning.

Keywords: tax planning; feasibility analysis; way; implementation steps

Abstract: The tax affairs preparation is a taxpayer's basic right, the taxpayer under not the illegal premise, obtains the income should be the legitimate income. The tax affairs prepare introduced our country after the early-1990s, its function and the function unceasingly by the people were known, accepted, takes seriously. This article chooses the enterprise income tax the categories of taxes which prepares as the tax affairs, first has been clear about the basic concept which the tax affairs prepare, then has analyzed the enterprise income tax preparation feasibility. Next, unifies the concrete example, from using enterprise's nature and the configuration of organization, measured and the calculation using accountant, elaborated using the tax preference policy three aspects the enterprise income tax preparation's way, has then given the implementation enterprise income tax preparation step. Finally, unifies the present situation which our country tax affairs prepare, gave has completed the suggestion which the tax affairs prepared.

The tax affairs preparation is a taxpayer's basic right, the taxpayer under not the illegal premise, obtains the income should be the legitimate income. The tax affairs prepare introduced our country after the early-1990s, its function and the function unceasingly by the people were known, accepted, takes seriously. This article chooses the enterprise income tax the categories of taxes which prepares as the tax affairs, first has been clear about the basic concept which the tax affairs prepare, then has analyzed the enterprise income tax preparation feasibility. Next, unifies the concrete example, from using enterprise's nature and the configuration of organization, measured and the calculation using accountant, elaborated using the tax preference policy three aspects the enterprise income tax preparation's way, has then given the implementation enterprise income tax preparation step.

英语翻译 这只是运气不好,你缴纳关税才能得到这个包裹!你支付海关46...
诺 你参考一下吧 :This is just bad luck, you can get this package to pay customs duties! You pay the customs € 46, I will pay you € 23 .

current goods in stock to you, which may cause the tariff problem as we mentioned before.please be informed that... - 请知悉,请了解 goods in stock - 存货 tariff - 关税 您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮。

以避免交关税 to avoid paying the customs duities.avoid 后跟v-ing形式。

关税 激增\/障碍 tariff-jumping(其实关税激增对人们来说也是一种障碍)tariff ['tærif] n. 关税表;收费表 vt. 定税率;征收关税 Even Indias industry is under the protection of high tariff.即使是印度的工业是在高关税保护。jumping ['dʒʌmpiŋ]基本翻译 n. 障碍 ...

代垫关税 翻译
custom duty prepaid

customs duty(tariffs) 关税. D\/D (Banker's Demand Draft) 票汇 daily interest 日息 daily limit 每日涨(跌)停板. date of delivery 交割期. dealers 批发商. death and gift tax 遗产和赠与税. debt of honour 信用借款. debtor bank 借方银行 decision-making under risk 风险下的决策. deed 契约. ...

问题九:包税渠道什么意思啊 网上找的代购,突然说为了安全走包税渠道,但是就算被税也是买家承担啊。这个渠道对 买保险,有单据,你买的东西超过自由或许奢侈品牌所以有给征关税!问题十:包括关税和清关费用的翻译是:什么意思 包括关税和清关费用 Custom duties and custom clearance expenses are ...

1.你方取走船东提单,但请附上商业发票和装箱单。MBL (Master Bill of Lading) CI(COMMERCIAL INVOICE)2. 客户希望由Globe公司完成中国与美国的清关工作。Globe我猜是美国环捷国际货运公司(Globe Express Services)3.关税以及所有(其他)税合计为167.30美金。MPF: 货物处理费(MERCHANDISE PROCESSING...

英语翻译 DDP价格是什么
(Delivered Duty Paid)完税后交货 简单来讲:DDP(完税后交货)就是你所报的价格已经所有的费用都算在里面了,包括进口国清关,客户只要付款,提货就行了


蓬江区13445882950: 急急急急急!税务筹划文献论文翻译!悬赏100分!!!!要英文译成中文!高手请进
种关正心: 税收筹划涉及的设想和实施各种策略,以尽量减少对一定时期内支付的税款.对于一个小生意,尽量减少税务负担可以提供费用,投资,或增长更多的钱.通过这种方式,可以是税收筹划工作的资金来源.根据小企业的企业家杂志顾问,两个基本规则适用于税务规划.首先,小企业不应该承担的额外开支只获得税收减免.而购买必要的设备之前,在纳税年度结束时可以成为有价值的税务规划战略,使不必要的采购不建议.第二,小企业要始终企图尽可能推迟纳税.推迟税使该公司能够利用这些钱免息,有时甚至是赚取利息税,直到下一次到期.

蓬江区13445882950: 毕业论文摘要,麻烦帮忙翻译成英文.谢谢! -
种关正心: As we all know, the more economic development, the more impo...

蓬江区13445882950: 帮忙翻译论文摘要 <中小企业的税收筹划探讨 >
种关正心: Small and medium-sized enterprises in the process of development of the national economy plays a significant role in small and medium-sized enterprises, and to our country economic prosperity, but because the historical and realistic reason, ...

蓬江区13445882950: 写论文,题目是企业所得税的纳税筹划,求一篇外文文献原文并带中文翻译,外文原文字数3000字左右
种关正心: Tax planning involves conceiving of and implementing various strategies in order to minimize the amount of taxes paid for a given period. For a small business, minimizing the tax liability can provide more money for expenses, investment, or growth....

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种关正心:http://www.worldlingo.com/en/products_services/worldlingo_translator.html 你可以试试这个网站,可以翻译很多外文的.

蓬江区13445882950: 请哪位英文高手帮忙翻译一下论文摘要,不要在线翻译,谢谢啦!!!拜托拜托!!!!! -
种关正心: Corporate tax planning is in the extent permitted by law, through the operation, investment, financial activities of the prior planning and arrangements, as far as possible to obtain the tax revenue benefit, it is the market economy of enterprises to ...

蓬江区13445882950: 关于纳税筹划风险的外文文献,急!! -
种关正心: Tax-Planning: Be smarter this time around For those of you, who believe that it抯 too soon to start thinking about tax-planning - think again! With a little over 6 months left for the close of the financial year, we believe this is the right time to start the ...

蓬江区13445882950: 求助:关于增值税税收筹划方面的英语文献两篇 -
种关正心: 评论 ┆ 举报 最佳答案此答案由提问者自己选择,并不代表知识人的观点 回答:青青 学长8月6日 14:13 所谓税收筹划,又称纳税筹划,是指在国家税收法规、政策允许的范围内,通过对经营、投资、理财活动进行的前期筹划,尽可能...

蓬江区13445882950: 英语翻译税务筹划,言表之意,就是在符合国家税收法规导向的同时,通过对税收制度和法律的研究,减少应交税金的一种合理避税的方式.税务筹划作为一种... -
种关正心:[答案] Tax planning, describe of Italy, is in accord with national tax regulations orientation at the same time, through to the tax system and legal research, reduce the taxes a reasonable way of tax avoidan...

蓬江区13445882950: 税收筹划的相关参考文献
种关正心: 提供一些税收筹划的相关参考文献,供参考. [1] 万志红. 加强税收筹划 促进企业利益[J]. 公用事业财会, 2006,(04) . [2] 晏双彪. 做好税收筹划 实现企业价值最大化[J]. 云南地税, 2006,(06) . [3] 张英馥. 企业税收筹划问题研究[J]. 企业经济, 2007,(...

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