
作者&投稿:温店 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   导语:  海深也有底,人心无底潭。以下 关于心情的谚语 ,供您欣赏。

  A soft answer turns away wrath,回答柔和能消怒。

  An angry man is not fit to pray, 愤怒的人不适合祈祷。

  When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, a hundred.怒时数十 再说话,大怒数百方开口。

  When sorrow is asleep,wake it not.伤心旧事别重提。

  When the heart is afire,some sparks wi I I fly out at the mouth.心中发火,口吐狂言。

  When the laborer is praised, his cut I ass begins to cut more keenly,人受到 称赞时,事情会做得更卖力。(cutlass:刀叉餐具)。

  When the liquor was gone the fun was gone.当酒不剩时,欢乐也就不再。(liquor:酒,烈性酒)

  When you live next to the cemetery you cannot weep for everyone.墓园边住久了,就会变得再也无法为人流泪了。 (cemetery:墓地,公墓)。

  Work will not kill a man but worry will.工作累不倒人,忧愁却可以愁死人。

  Worry kills more men than work,忧愁比劳累更伤人。

  Wrath kills the foolish man.愤怒害死愚要人。

  Anger and haste hinder good counsel,愤怒和急迫足以误大计。(小不忍则乱大谋)。

  Anger can be an expensive luxury.愤怒是昂贵的奢侈品。

  Anger is a short madness.发怒是短暂的疯狂。

  Anger is as a stone cast into a wasp’ s nest.愤怒就像是把石头柄进了马蜂窝。

  Anger is the cause of sin.愤怒乃罪恶之源。

  Anger rests in the bosom of folly.怒火常占据蠢人的胸中。

  Anger without power is folly.怒而无力,愚蠢之举。

  Antagonism is not good for fowls, and it is not good for goats; worse still, it is not good for human beings,敌意对鸟类无益,对山羊无益,对人类也无 益。(antagonism:敌对,对抗)。

  Be a I ways as merry as ever you can, for no one delights in a sorrowful man. 务请心情常欢畅,只因无人喜忧伤。

  In moderating, not satisfying, desires,lies peace,节欲不纵情,心情得安宁。

  In prosperity caution, in adversity patience.处顺境时要小心,处逆境时要耐心。

  Sleeping is the best cure for waking troubles.睡目民是良药,专治醒时愁。

  Sorrow and an evil life makes soon an old wife,愁恨催人老。

  Sorrow is at parting if at meeting there be laughter.离时苦,聚时乐。

  Sorrows remembered sweeten present joy,忧伤的回忆使眼前的欢乐甜美。

  Tears are the silent language of grief.目艮泪是悲伤的无声言语。

  Tears cannot put out a fire,目艮泪救不了火。

  Tell the truth and shame the devil.说出实话,使坏人羞愧。

  Telling your troubles is swelling your troubles.诉说烦恼等于增加烦恼。

  The joy of the heart makes the face merry.人逢喜事精神爽。

  There is nothing worse than , 哀莫大于心死。(apathy:漠然,冷淡;无兴趣;无动于衷)。

  Those who comp lain most are most to be complained of,抱怨最多的人往往最招人怨。

  To have a stomach and lack meat; to have meat and lack a stomach; to lie in bed and cannot rest; are great miseries,最大的痛苦在于:胃口好而无肉食,有佳肴 而无胃口,躺在床上而不能休息。(misery:痛苦,苦恼,苦难)。

  To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labor.怀着希望去旅行比抵达目的地更愉快;真正的成功寓于勤奋。

  What we do willingly is easy.愿意做的事就不难。

  When a man grows angry, his reason rides out.人一发怒,理智全无。

  When anger blinds the mind, truth disappears.当怒火蒙蔽理智时,真理便消失。

  It is a poor heart that never rejoices, 内心毫无快乐的`人最可怜。

  It is not work that kills, but worry,劳动不伤人,忧虑才伤人。

  Joy and sorrow are next-door neighbors,悲喜常相伴。

  Joy put heart into a man.人逢喜事精神爽。

  Joy shared with others are more enjoyed.与人同乐,其乐无穷。

  Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird wi I I come.心中有绿树,或有飞鸟鸣。

  Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep a I one.欢笑时世界与你同欢笑,哭泣时一人独自哭泣。

  Laughter is the best medicine.笑是良药。

  Merry is he that has nought to lose,人无所失,不亦乐乎。(nought:无)

  Nothing dries sooner than a tear.目艮泪干得最快。

  Once bit,twice shy. —朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

  Once bitten by a snake, one is scared all his I ife at the mere sight of a rope. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

  Once burned by milk you wi I I blow on cold water.热牛奶烫过嘴,从此只喝冷水。

  One bean does not make a whole meal, —颗豆子称不上一顿正餐。

  One does not look for good from good,人总不会在好事中寻找美好。

  One has lived too near a wood to be frightened by owls,深知底蕴,不以为怪。(ow丨:猫头鹰)。

  One joy scatters a hundred grieves. —喜去百忧。(grief:悲伤的事)o One, s own meat dishes are not as delicious as other' s vegetarian ones.自家的肉不香,人家的菜有味。

  Our worst misfortunes are those which never befall us.最不幸的事,总是还未发生在自己的身上。

  Quietness is best.宁静最好。

  Remembrance often may start a tear.回忆常带来泪水。

  Rust destroys iron, and grief the heart.铸会侵蚀铁,忧愁会戕害心灵。

  Short folk are soon angry.小人易怒。

  A bad day never has a good night.倒霉的一天不会有安眠的一晚。

  A merry heart goes all the way.生性乐观,事事顺利。

  A merry heart makes a long life.乐观的个性终身受用。

  A smile makes you ten years younger.笑一笑,十年少。

美国 谚语
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.眼不见,心更念;人不在,情更深。All's fair in loveand war.情场如战场,无章亦无法。All's well that ends well.结果好就是好。例:Mandy lost her house in the fire,but it looks like she'll be able to rebuild an even bigger and better ...


2. 美味共品尝,快乐同分享。→Taste delicious together , happiness to share.→Delicious of taste, happy to share with.3. 美味带动,情难自控。→Delicious leads emotion .4. 营养健康好味道,缔造时尚好生活。→ Healthy nutrient tasty food makes life good .全是自己整的,感觉英文谚语压根...

经典英文谚语集锦 (2)8.a candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己。 9.a cat has 9 lives. 猫有九条命。 10.a cat may look at a king. 人人平等。 11.a close mouth catches no flies. 病从口入。 12.a constant guest is never welcome. 常客令人厌。 13.actions...

这种感觉可能比刚刚结婚时还要幸福甜蜜。不管是恋人还是夫妻,天天在一起,会失去激情。这个时候如果分开一小段时间,可能对于两人感情的升级有更大的帮助。“小别胜新婚”是从英文谚语翻译而来:“Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”可翻译为" 小别情更浓"或 "小别胜新婚"。

日久生情 英文怎么说
日久生情英文:Love will come in time 英 [lʌv wɪl kʌm ɪn taɪm] 美 [lʌv wɪl kʌm ɪn taɪm]一、Love will come in time的例句 I don't expect my love will come soon,however, with the hope of meeting ...

还是友谊。在充满感激之情或其他甜蜜神圣的感情时,又会说什么词呢? 朋友。 关于朋友的英语谚语集锦相关 文章 : ★ 关于朋友的英语谚语集锦 ★ 关于朋友的英语谚语 ★ 鼓励朋友励志的英文经典谚语集锦 ★ 关于友谊的英语名言大全 ★ 关于朋友的谚语英语 ★ 2020关于朋友的英语谚语 ★ 关于朋友的英语谚语...

请给我尽可能多的英语谚语!!是中英文对照的最多的追加分喔~~~... 请给我尽可能多的英语谚语!!是中英文对照的最多的追加分喔~~~ 展开  我来答 3个回答 #热议# 职场上受委屈要不要为自己解释?腾飞西华 2006-04-25 · TA获得超过8570个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:1071 采纳率:0% 帮助的...

拥有友情是一件很美好的事,就算是身在地狱。-西班牙谚语 9、A life without a friend is a life without a sun. - German proverb 没有友情的生活就像生活中没有了太阳。-德国谚语 10、Better to tell the truth and comfort their cry, than to create pain when you tell them a lie.去...

生活中关于友谊的英语 句子 你知道几条呢?关于英语 谚语 ,你又了解多少呢?接下来我为大家整理了关于友谊的英语谚语,欢迎大家阅读! 关于友谊的英语谚语 1、真正的友谊地久天长。 True friendship lasts forever. 2、友谊使欢乐倍增,悲痛锐减。 Friendship multiplies joy and reduces grief. 3、松竹梅岁寒三友;桃李...

嘉陵区15051306162: 求几条抒发心情的英文格言或俗语. -
弋制盐酸: 心理见习生初学的办法:1:心情不好的话,可以转移话题,或者做其他事情,就好象是听音乐,看电视,外出活动(跑步、散步、打球)等,这样可以分散自己的注意力,使不好的心情有所缓解2:把你不开心的事告诉朋友,亲人,或者可以大...

嘉陵区15051306162: 求几条抒发心情的英文格言或俗语.
弋制盐酸: 幸福的感慨:There is kindness to be found everywhere.(人间处处有温情)

嘉陵区15051306162: 与心态有关的英语谚语 诗歌 最好是中英文对照 -
弋制盐酸: 1、A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams (J. Barrymore) 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老.直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老.(巴里摩尔)as long as是经常用的连接词...

嘉陵区15051306162: 求振奋人心的英语短句. -
弋制盐酸: 1what would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?2victory belongs to the most persevering(胜利属于最执着的人)

嘉陵区15051306162: 请教一下英语谚语大全?感谢感谢
弋制盐酸: 1、A merry heart goes all the way. 心情愉快,办事痛快. 2、An honest man's word is as good as his bond. 君子一言,驷马难追. 3、All roads lead to Rome. 处处有路通长安. 4、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一个苹果,医生不来...

嘉陵区15051306162: 劝人开心的英语俗语 -
弋制盐酸: A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林. A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己. Actions speak louder than words. 事...

嘉陵区15051306162: 鼓励消极情绪的英文名言 -
弋制盐酸: If you think you can you can! "If you think you can you can"是出自Denis Waitley的名言. 很容易深入人心的一句话,Denis Waitley是全美最杰出的演讲家和激励大师之一.句子表意用词很简单,直接翻译过来就是:如果你认为可以,你就可以.(意思就是说你想你行,你就行! ) 其实这句话和一句谚语"有志者事竟成"有异曲同工的之处.

嘉陵区15051306162: 情感的英文谚语 -
弋制盐酸: 命里有时终需有 命里无时莫强求 You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don't kveth for it if it doesn't appear in your life. 没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁. No one indebted for others,while many people don't know how to cherish others. ...

嘉陵区15051306162: 求一句内容是控制情绪不要发怒的英语 格言 谚语 警句 -
弋制盐酸:[答案] Keep cool.保持冷静 Calm down.冷静下来 Keep quiet .保持安静 注:这几个都是句子.

嘉陵区15051306162: 谁能给我几句英文格言 -
弋制盐酸: 1、To be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds. 既当演说家,又做实干家. 2、Variety is the spice of life. 变化是生活的调味品. 3、Bad times make a good man. 艰难困苦出能人. 4、There is no royal road to learning. 求知无坦途. 5、...

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