getting on with other people什么意思

作者&投稿:樊松 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



getting on with other people 汉语意思:与其他人友好相处(此处是get的动名词形式)
get on with :英 [ɡet ɔn wið] 美 [ɡɛt ɑn wɪð]
同义短语:get along with:进展;与…和睦相处
1. What are your new shool like? Do you get on with other people?
2. I'd better leave you to get on with it, then.


高港区19545664995: 是go on with还是 get on with -
利药力可: 严格来讲,这两个短语都是正确表达,而且含义一致,可以互换.go on with与get on with都表示继续做某事. 一、go on with 读音:英 [ɡəʊ ɒn wɪð] 美 [ɡoʊ ɑːn wɪð]释义:别说了;继续干;一度中止后再继续干 例句:I'm all right here....

高港区19545664995: get along with 和 get on with的区别 -
利药力可: ●1.get on with 一般用在get on with sth 意思是讲到,谈论某人做某任务如何的好,出色 如 I am not getting on very fast this job. 或是表达继续做某事 Be quiet and get on with your homework! 安静些,赶紧做你的作业! ●2.get along with 友善与…和睦相处 He can't get along with his classmates. 他和同学们合不来. I am sure you would get along very well with him. 我相信你一定会跟他相处得很好.

高港区19545664995: getting on with other people什么意思 -
利药力可: getting on with other people 汉语意思:与其他人友好相处(此处是get的动名词形式) get on with :英 [ɡet ɔn wið] 美 [ɡɛt ɑn wɪð] 汉语意思:和…友好相处;继续(干某事) 同义短语:get along with:进展;与…和睦相处 双语例句:1. What are your new shool like? Do you get on with other people? 你的新学校怎么样?你跟其他人相处得好吗?2. I'd better leave you to get on with it, then.那我还是让你一个人接着干吧.

高港区19545664995: get on with是什么意思 -
利药力可: get on with [英][ɡet ɔn wið][美][ɡɛt ɑn wɪð] 继续(干某事); 和…友好相处;相处 例:Get on with getting it on before it's too late. 那就是在一切还不是太晚以前继续繁衍后代.

高港区19545664995: getting on with 翻译语法问题 -
利药力可: 1 get on with sb / get along with sb 这两种用法都通用,是针对“和他人之间的相处” 没错. 美式口语用 get along 居多,并且习惯上都是以进行时来表达; 2 How are you getting on/along with your classmates? 这句话是在问对方【 你和你的同...

高港区19545664995: getting on with和什么同义词 -
利药力可:getting along with为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

高港区19545664995: get on with 在什么时候get要写成 - ing形式
利药力可: 用于进行时的时候:be?getting?on?with,如She?is?getting?on?well?with?her?classmates?these?days.?这些日子,她和同学们相处得很融洽.其实,在实际应用当中,...

高港区19545664995: be动词后 get on 的 get 是否加 ing ?😊😊😊 -
利药力可: be动词后 get on 的 get 加 ing,用进行时表示一种状态.例如:1.It's time to be getting on with the work.该继续干活了.2.His grandfather must now be getting on for eighty.他祖父现在一定快八十岁了.

高港区19545664995: get on 是什么意思 关于它的有什么词组或句型 -
利药力可: get on KK: [ ] DJ: [ ] 1. 进展 Everything was getting on very well. 一切进行得很顺利. 2. 出人头地 He's sure to get on in the world. 他一定会出人头地. 3. 登(车);上(马)

高港区19545664995: 英语中get along/on with的用法 -
利药力可: get along 1.(cause to) go forward; move on 进展;继续前进 *The car could hardly get along on the icy surface.汽车在冰面上难以行驶. *The sailing boat was getting along fast be fore the wind.帆船正在顺风飞速前进. 2.go;depart走;离开 *We ...

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