
作者&投稿:佟杨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语完成句子,1. 2题~


1 With mother's help
2 is made of


tried to calm the angry man down

having a visit

look forward to +doing

paying a visit

having a trip
forward to doing sth.

having a travel
或having a visit


回答:1.this is is 2.is friend 3.sounds have 4.doesn't watch 5. in with

完成句子(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)小题1:With many more trees...
定语从句中缺少宾语用that引导,而且可以省略,因为先行词是被最高级修饰,所以不能用which: (that) I have(ever) read小题6:考查倒装句:never放在and后面的句子开头,这句话用部分倒装,因为是和since then连用,用现在完成时.have we heard from her小题7:考查as…as结构:as+adj+a\/an+名词 ...

1. I know that girl (who\/whom) John is talking to.或:I know that girl to whom John is talking.2. Yesterday I bought a horse which\/that was wooden for my lovely son.注:\/ 表示可以任意选用其一;( )表示可以省略不写。参考资料:英语牛人团 ...

小题1:Would you like to小题2:as well as小题3:are looking forward to小题4:too excited to \/ so excited that they couldn’t小题5:took him only 3 days to finish writing 试题分析:小题1:考查句式Would you like to do sth你想做某事吗?注意本结构中to是不定式符号,后面接动词...

小题1:it rains 小题2:to take part in 小题3:more trees, better environment 小题4:hearing from小题5:impossible, to solve 试题分析:小题1:if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表示一般将来时,故此处用it rains 。小题2:invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人去做某事。参加用短语 take ...

1、这座楼有三百年老。The building is 300 years old.2、这条街15米宽。This street is 15 meters wide.3、这座塔30英尺高。The tower is 30 feet high.4、这湖有40米深。This lake is 40 meters deep.as...as...(not so\/as...as...)1、他和我一样高。He is as tall as me...

Lily’s grandparents.,因此我们应该问他们的身份,疑问词是Who,然后把句中的are提前,变成疑问句。故填Who they 【小题5】根据文中的短语The tape player;on the teacher’s desk在句中作表语;只有is是谓语动词;故答案是The tape player is on the teacher’s desk.考点:完成句子。

小题1:too to小题2:went by小题3:by mistake小题4:deal with小题5:prefers to小题6:aren’t allowed小题7:remind of小题8:Whatever agreement小题9:catch up小题10:won’t unless 试题分析:小题1:考查短语too to,太……而不能……。小题2:考查短语went by,乘…...

The island is a prison where no one can escape.

完成句子(20分)小题1:政府已经把这片地方变成一个公园。The governmen...
小题1:turned into小题2:used to小题3:in use小题4:on小题5:best season小题6:当你得到足够的分数时,一片云就会下来,带你到你以前想要去的地方。小题7:鸟瞰香港真的很奇妙。小题8:自上周末以来会议就已经结束了。小题9:过去,我的母亲带我去学校。但是现在我自己乘公交车自己去学校。小...

闵行区17815084638: 英语完成句子一题我盼望去伦敦旅游I 'm looking forward to ()()() to London -
城保复方:[答案] having a visit look forward to +doing

闵行区17815084638: 英语完成句子中有一句是 ……that is - ______(我喜欢他的地方) 我填的是where英语完成句子中有一句是……that is - ______(我喜欢他的地方)我填的是... -
城保复方:[答案] 你用的是where,明显的是在用中文的思想解英语题.what有这样一个用法是what he said 即what sb. do意为某人所做的事.在这里你可以把这两个联系在一起. 我喜欢他的地方也可以翻译为我所喜欢他的地方.用what 才是对的.英语学习中要避免用中文的...

闵行区17815084638: 一道英语题,会的请帮个忙!一道英语题:根据汉语提示完成句子:令我惊讶的是他竟然死而复生了To my surprise,he_____ - _____ - _____ - _____.会的请... -
城保复方:[答案] came back to life rose from the dead

闵行区17815084638: 英语试题完成句子拜托!1.这个用英语怎么说?_____ - ______ - in english?2.------今天星期几?-----星期五.---____ - ___ - __ - ___ - today?-----____ - friday.3.... -
城保复方:[答案] 为你解答. 1 这个用英语怎么说?(What's this) in English? 2.---今天星期几?-----星期五. ---(What day is it) today? ---(It's) Friday. 3.你最喜欢的体育运动是什么? (What's your favourite) sport? 4.让我们明天去购物吧.Let's (go shopping) tomorrow. ...

闵行区17815084638: 一道英语完成句子练习~我觉得你不需要到这么早I don't think you - ____ - _____ - arrive so early求空中词(主要想知道在这种否定前置的情况下后面应填need... -
城保复方:[答案] 填need to,中文是“需要” must 后面直接加动词,不用“to”

闵行区17815084638: 完成句子(英语题)1.李平的父亲看起来是什么样子? - ___ - ____ - Li Ping's father - ___ - _____?2.这条裙子看上去像Lucy的,请给她. The skirt - ___ - ____... -
城保复方:[答案] 1.what does ,look like 2.looks like ,it to 3.has ,middle figure 4.does ,look like 5.has ,gold wavy hair

闵行区17815084638: 一道英语题(根据汉语提示完成句子)1.他是你的父亲吗?不,不是.是我的叔叔.____ - ____ - your father?No,____ - _____._______My - _____.2.她是我的好... -
城保复方:[答案] Is he he isn't, He's, uncle She's, good friend

闵行区17815084638: 英语完成句子1.我们到底能干什么?What - ______ - ________ - can we do?2.我们应该找一个居住的好地方.We should find - ______ - ________ - ________... -
城保复方:[答案] 1,on earth 2,a good place 3,too much 4,too...to 5,oppsite 肯定对哦

闵行区17815084638: 一道初中英语完成句子的题目这只狗与她同甘共苦The dog - __ - ___ - ___ - ____ - with her.每空限填一词 -
城保复方:[答案] The dog shares joys and sorrows with her.

闵行区17815084638: 英语:根据提示完成句子1、你确定他回来吗?Are you sure - __ - he - __ - come?2、你确定他会赢吗?Are you sure - __ - he - __ - win?3、你认为这项工作半... -
城保复方:[答案] 1.that;will 2.that;will 3.will be finished

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