
作者&投稿:成怕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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there is no tomorrow
1. 没有明天

Dip like there is no tomorrow!
就像没有明天那样狠命地蘸吧! no substitue forrd_有道翻译

英语选择题 -- is no reason for dismissing her。
D错。Being a few minutes late指的是人,跟后面的reason不对称。另外你说的对,Being..可以做动名词,但是指代要清晰.如果要选D,正确地说法是: Being a few minutes late,she should not be dismissed.(就像你在朗文上看到的例子:Being a quiet sort of person, I didn't want to get ...

正:The essay is poorly organized; there is no central idea. The essay is poorly organized: there is no central idea. 五、:冒号 1.冒号用于对后面内容的介绍或解释,如 This is her plan: go shopping. 2.冒号用于名单之前,特别是一个竖排的名单。 We transferred three employees to new branch...

no more than的意思是两者都不,又如:She is no more beautiful than her sister.她和她的姐姐都不漂亮。注意:要与not more than (……不如……)区别开了。She is not more beautiful than her sister.他没有他姐姐漂亮。补充一下:你的第二个句子的意思本来应该是:鲸不是鱼就像马不是鱼...

(新概念英语)()her rudder,there is no doubt she would have won...
您好,很高兴为您解答:___her rudder,there is no doubt she would have won."毫无疑问她本该赢的,如果她没有丢失她的方向。"这里是虚拟语气,对过去事实的虚拟。语法是:主句would\/should\/might have done,从句had done。即:"If she hadn't lost her rudder"=Had she not lost,为表强调...

There is是什么意思
There be 句型的构成形式一般为“There is\/are + 某物\/人 +某地\/时”,表示某地\/时有某物\/人。例句 1、There is one word too many in this sentence.这个句子多了一个字。2、I have said all there is to be said about it.关于这件事,该说的我都说了。3、There is no doubt that ...

And that this is no mere boast thrown out for the occasion, but plain matter of fact, the power of the state acquired by these habits proves. For Athens alone of her contemporaries is found when tested to be greater than her reputation, and alone gives no occasion to her assailants to ...

回答:原句语法错误较多。①作为there be句型,句子中已经有形式主语there,因此不能再有并列的人名主语Mary。②表语名词dress是单数形式,而作为限定词的any是some的对应词,修饰的应该是可数名词复数。这里是自相矛盾。在单复数方面应该改为一致。③ 即使短语中的her很显然指的是Mary's。改错: ...

名词性从句14.___is no reason for dismissing her.
首先,句子不完整,缺的是可以充当主语的名词性的从句。A和B排除,都不是 D如果真的要选的话,应该为:Being a few minutes late is no reason for her being dismissed. 这个叫主语一致吧 C由the fact引导的同位语名词性从句符合要求,主干是:the fact is no reason for dismissing her....

There is no mother but loves her own children 没有不爱自己孩子的...
在英文里有两个动词都表示“有”的意思,第一个动词为have,源于德文的haben和荷兰文的hebben,表示的是“拥有”,“归某人所有”,主语往往是人或事物,比如:I have a computer.An octupus has eight legs.A Gregorian calendar year has twelve months.A solarlunar calendar year has twelve or ...

下面将以最简单的图文形式讲清楚什么是“主从句”、什么是“单复句”、什么是“定语从句、名词从句、状语从句”。单句——拥有一套“主谓结构”(一个时间);复句——拥有两套以上“主谓结构”(两个以上时间);主句——可以独立存在的单句 从句——不可以独立存在的单句(必须寄生在主句身体里)引导...

锦屏县13070778854: - ---the temperther,-------water turns into steam.为什么要填The higher,the faster -
木穆骨刺: 这个是个固定句型 the+比较级+后面的部分,the+比较级+后面的部分.表示越...就越... 后面的部分可以是名词短语,可以使句子. 这道题就是啦,The higher(比较级)+the temperature(名词),the faster(比较级)+句子 表达的意思是温度越高,水变成水蒸气的速度越快.

锦屏县13070778854: There - ---two.slices of turkey on table and there -
木穆骨刺: 选择B,第一个两片是可数的,而且两是复数,所以用are,第二处空,some relish是不可数名词,只有单数形式,所以用is.举个例子,there is some rice in the bowl.一些米饭,听起来是复数,但是因为难以数清楚所以本质上是个不可数名词,不可数只能用单数形式,所以用is.

锦屏县13070778854: 10个ther be 句型 -
木穆骨刺:[答案] 英语中,There be句型常表示某处有某人或某物. 例如:There are always more than one hundred birds in the big tree every ... 其反意疑问句一律用…there挂 例如:There is a cat in the garden,isn't there挂 There used to be no house here,used there / did...

锦屏县13070778854: 英语问题 -
木穆骨刺: 一般情况下to do 是用在主动的地方, 如:I have something to do . to be done 是用在被动地方. 如:The job to be done is easy.(这里用作the job定语)但有特殊情况,如the problem is hard to under...

锦屏县13070778854: there is little milk in the fridge,_____.这里填is ther而不填isn't there是为什么 -
木穆骨刺:[答案] little 几乎没有,是否定词 反意疑问句遵循前否后肯,所以后 is there

锦屏县13070778854: 谁是句中的逻辑主语(不懂的人请不要发表意见)有三个问题:Ther
木穆骨刺: 首先纠正一个错误."逻辑主语"是针对非谓语动词说的,就是说非谓语动词动作的发... 再如:There being no time left, we have to hurry.(相当于Because there is no time ...

锦屏县13070778854: yes,ther are变成单数形式 -
木穆骨刺: 请问您的问题是 Yes,they are 还是 Yes, there are?如果是 Yes, they are 变成单数就是 Yes, it is. 或 Yes, he is. 或 Yes, she is.如果是 Yes, there are 变成单数就是 Yes, there is.

锦屏县13070778854: 电信版发票系统,打印不出来,显示ther is no default printer currently selected,什么问题? -
木穆骨刺: 不明白啊 = =!

锦屏县13070778854: 用 (ther be) (was|were)分别造三个句子 -
木穆骨刺:[答案] There is some money in the purse. 钱包里有些钱.There is no doubt at all about it. 关于这件事是毫无疑问的There are ten students and a teacher in the office. There is a boy, a girl and two women in the ...

锦屏县13070778854: there are后面能加不可数名词么?例如some rubbish? -
木穆骨刺: there be句型其实是一个倒装,状语there提前的倒装. some rubbish __ there.这个句子你填的就一定是is了吧. 所以There is some rubbish是对的. 同理,there are后面只能加可数名词复数

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