
作者&投稿:俞士 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)






parents of的父母;...的家长;...的双亲。

adoptive parents养父母;领养父母;领养的家长。

biological parents亲生父母、生父母;生物学父母;生身父母。

aging parents年迈的父母;父母年迈;年老的父母。

loving parents慈爱的父母;慈爱的双亲;可亲的父母。


1、Once parents establish some rules they have to adhere to them, and cannot change them constantly.


2、If you want we can book your parents in an adjoining room.


3、The boy adjusted the camera's shutter then took a photo for his parents.


4、The administration admitted the rule was introduced following requests from many parents.


2.Please give me reply as soon as possible。

2. are--were 3. 击败;敲打beat--beat 4. 成为\/变成become--became 5. 开始begin--began 6. 吹;刮blow--blew 7. 折断;打破break--broke 8. 带来bring--brought 9. 建设;建造build--built 10. 买buy--bought 11. 能,能够can--could 12. 抓\/捉住;乘车catch-cought 13. 选择;选choose...

I‘m a nineteen years old boy.My name is xxx.I have a warm family.I live with my parents and my grandmother.Live in this way can makes me warm and happy.I'm a open and clear boy.Why do l say that?Because l like making friends.There are always many cheering and laugh...

they did not get their consent. Even though Gail‘s mother didn't care about Mark's skin color, she did care about what other people thought, she urged Gail to wait (中文中间有问题:咋出现:Gail虽然。。。她劝Gail再等一等---应该是Gail的母亲吧)Gail's father suspected and o...

I will help my parents do housework. So that they will be happier and less tired.Finally,I will relax myself during the summer holiday.I will go travelling with my parents.I will enjoy myself.In a word,I am looking forward to the summer holiday.希望对你有所帮助。

灌阳县17289342813: parents的中文是什么意思 -
闫保恒奥: 1、n. 父母;双亲(parent的复数) 2、v. 教养;引起(parent的三单形式) 短语: 1、parents and kids 父母与子女 2、both her parents 她的父母双方 示例: The young parents spoiled their only son. 那对年轻的父母惯坏了他们的独生子. 扩...

灌阳县17289342813: parents是什么意思中文翻译 -
闫保恒奥:[答案] 父母 双语对照 词典结果: parents[英]['peərənts][美]['peərənts] n.双亲( parent的名词复数 ); 易混淆单词:Parents 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. I certainly wondered what my parents would do. 我当然好奇我父母会做什么.

灌阳县17289342813: Parents 的中文是什么呢? -
闫保恒奥: parents ['p r nts] n. 父母;双亲(parent的复数) v. 教养;引起(parent的三单形式)

灌阳县17289342813: parents中文是什么 -
闫保恒奥: 家长、父母

灌阳县17289342813: parents的中文是什么 -
闫保恒奥: 父母

灌阳县17289342813: parents英语翻译 -
闫保恒奥: parents 英 ['peərənts] 美 ['peərənts]n.父母;双亲 名词parent的复数形式.

灌阳县17289342813: 英语在线翻译PARENTS DAY 是什么意思 -
闫保恒奥: parents 双亲,父母亲,家长的意思. day 日子;节日. 所以这里的标准翻译应该是双亲节;家长节;父母节. 有问题尽管问,希望能够帮到你.

灌阳县17289342813: parents,same,age的意思? -
闫保恒奥: 您的问题很简单.呵呵.很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题.1、单词:parents 翻译:n. 父母;双亲(parent的复数);v. 教养;引起(parent的三单形式) 知识补充:my parents我的父母;我的怙恃;我的父母亲;最爱影星 foster ...

灌阳县17289342813: how to get on with parents初二英语作文带翻译 -
闫保恒奥: how to get on with parents_有道翻译 翻译结果: 如何与父母相处 parents 英 ['peərənts] 美 ['pɛrənts]n. 父母;双亲(parent的复数) v. 教养;引起(parent的三单形式) n. (Parents)人名;(法)帕朗 更多释义>>[网络短语]Parents 父母,家长,双亲 les parents 亲戚,父母 Harsh Parents 严厉的父母

灌阳县17289342813: our parents的中文意思 -
闫保恒奥: our parents 父母; 我们的父母; 父母亲; [例句]Our parents chose to come here with the hope of bettering themselves.我们的父母选择来到这里,希望能够改善自己的生活.

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